Name Date Class

Practice C

Volume of Prisms and Cylinders

Find the volume of each figure to the nearest tenth. Use 3.14 p.

1. 2. 3.

Find the missing measure to the nearest tenth. Use 3.14 p.

4. volume is 1152 ft3 5. volume is 1132.8 cm3 6. volume is 39,193.48 in3

7. Atmo’s Theater’s large-sized popcorn container is a cylinder with
a diameter of 9 in. and is 6 in. tall. The medium-sized container
has a diameter of 6 in. and is 8 in. tall. Find the difference in
the volumes. ______

8. The Blackmans have a new 10-ft by 20-ft rectangular swimming
pool in their backyard. It has a uniform depth of 5 ft. What is the
volume of water needed to fill the pool? ______

9. Donna decorated a three-tiered cake for her parent’s
anniversary party. The bottom tier had a 12-in. diameter, the
middle tier, a 9-in. diameter, and the top tier, a 6-in. diameter.
Each tier was 4 in. tall. What was the total volume of the cake to
the nearest tenth of a unit? ______

10. A company produces 100,000 boxes of cereal with dimensions
of 12 in. (height) by 8 in. by 1.5 in. The manufacturer is trying to
cut production cost per box so the height of the box is decreased
by one inch. Approximately how many more boxes of cereal can
be produced in a month with the new dimensions using the same
amount of cereal? Round the answer to the nearest integer. ______

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46 Holt McDougal Mathematics

Problem Solving

1. triangles; rectangles; triangular prism


3. B 4. J

Reading Strategies

1. a 2. d

3. c 4. b

Puzzles, Twisters & Teasers



Practice A

1. 180 ft3 2. 452.2 in3

3. 216 in3 4. 120 m3

5. 112 in3 6. 435.6 ft3

7. 120 m3 8. 187.5 cm3

9. 27 ft3

10. The original box has a volume of
96 ft3. You could double the volume
to 192 ft3 by doubling any one of the dimensions.

11. 31.8 in3 12. 23.6 in3

Practice B

1. 10,164 in3 2. 2122.6 cm3

3. 2197 m3 4. 3240 cm3

5. 2520 m3 6. 22,608 cm3

7. 5797 in3 8. 2646 m3

9. 2924.2 ft3

Possible answer:

10. The original cylinder has a volume of 2826 ft3. If you triple the height the volume is 8478 ft3, which is triple the original volume.

11. 1099.2 cm3 12. 51 ft3

Practice C

1. 21,362.4 cm3 2. 7634.1 ft3

3. 15,843.4 in3 4. 12 ft

5. 23.6 cm 6. 15.8 in.

7. 155.43 in3 8. 1000 ft3

9. 819.5 in3 10. 9091 boxes

Review for Mastery

1. 4; 2; 8; 2. 3 ´ 5; 15;
2; 4;
16 60

3. 5 ´ 6; 30; 4. 8; 6; 4;
4; 192

5. square; 6. right D;
3; 3; 3; 3; 4;
27 6; 36

7. 52; 3;
75p; 235.5


1. Areas of bases are equal; heights are equal.

2. 9 units

3. 4 units; Pythagorean Theorem

4. 9 ´ 4 = 36 units2

5. 12 units; Pythagorean Theorem

6. 36 ´ 12 = 432 units3

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102 Holt McDougal Mathematics