First level degree Name: MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING
First level degree Internet Address:
GISS Codex: 27000145
Sharing: None
Composition in modules: NONE
Scientific Discipline Sector: ING-IND/35
Professor/Research in charge: / ENG.VINCENZO CORVELLO
Teaching Position / RESEARCHER
Teaching Hours: N° 55 / Lectures Hours: 45
Exercises Hours: 5
Laboratory Hours: 5
Self study hours: N° 100
Tipology: Elective Course
Teaching Language: Italian
Schedule: 3rdYear, 2ndSemester
Prerequirement: NONE
Objectives of the course:
The aim of this course is to provide the student with knowledge of the main methods to organize, plan, manage and control a project. This course also shows the functionality of a widely used projects management software. At the end of this course, the student should be able to identify, analyse and solve the main problems related to the organization, planning, management and control of a project and to properly use the main project management methods,techniques and tools.
Lecture contents:
Introduction to Project Management (4h)
  1. Definition of “Project”
  2. Characteristics of Projects
  3. Definition of Project Management
  4. Project lifecycle
Project ManagementSoftware (4h)
  1. Computer supported Project Planning
  2. Computer supported Project Control
Project Organization (6h)
  1. Organizing Projects in traditional organizations
  2. Project based organizations
  3. TheProject Manager
  4. The Project Team
  5. The Project Office
  6. Program Management and Portfolio Management
  7. Standards for Project Management: PMI, IPMA, PRINCE 2
Project acquisition and start-up (3h)
  1. Project supply-chain
  2. Project start-up
Project Planning (12h)
  1. Master planning and detailed planning
  2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  3. Time Management
  4. Resource management
  5. Cost management
Project Control (10h)
  1. Earned Value method
  2. Project progress indicators: BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, Schedule Variance; Cost Variance; Schedule Performance Index; Cost Performance Index;
  3. Cash flow analysis
Risk management (6h)
  1. Definition of Risk
  2. Techniques for risk management

Exercises contents (5h):
Quantitative exercises related to Project Management methods and tools.
Laboratory contents (5h):
Use of a project management software for project planning and control.
Attendance in class: Required
Teaching performance: In the lecture hall or in the PC-laboratory, with the support of traditional methods and a projector connected to computer. Practice on project management software.
Evaluation Assessement: Written and oral exam.
1)Nepi A. Introduzione al Project Management, 3° Ediz., Guerini e Associati, 2006
2)Handouts prepared by professor.
Recommended reading:
1)Kerzner, H., Project Management, 2005.
2)Archibald, R.D., Project Management, 2008.
3)Project Management Institute, A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Fourth Edition (PMBOK Guide), Newton Square, PMI, 2009.
Time table and Lesson Rooms: /
Exams calendar: