CONTROL NO. 37-17-006


RFP Issue Date / 9/13/2016
Proposer’s Questions Due (Set 1) / 9/26/2016
Proposer’s Questions Due (Set 2) / 10/5/2016
Proposer’s Questions Due (Set 3) / 10/19/2016
Proposal Due Date / 11/14/2016 / 4:30 PM EDT
Oral Presentations ** / 1/9/2017 – 1/13/2017
Notice to Award** / 1/27/2017
Contract Award Date** / 3/1/2017
Contract Start Date** / 3/1/2017

** Estimated Dates

Purchasing Contact:Dustin Frigy, Category Analyst, Professional Services

Phone: 313-224-1393


Description: The County of Wayne is requesting proposals for an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) for the County to replace the existing Financial and Human Resources (HR) systems.

The proposal must specifically address each of the questions/issues that are requested in the RFP document. Failure to completely answer all questions, submit required documents and forms, may cause your proposal to be deemed as non-responsive and to be disqualified. The quality and detail of your responses will figure significantly in the overall evaluation of your proposal. Proposers are encouraged to give examples and provide additional information to support your compliance on each point. However, Proposers should be appropriately brief and succinct in their response. The County reserves the right to take the answers and add them into the scope of work as a requirement of supplier performance for the resulting contract. To standardize the format of all proposals, Proposers are required to respond to all questions in the provided proposer response boxes unless otherwise noted.

Proposers shall package their proposals in the following order. All items below are required, unless they are identified as optional:

1.Title Page to indicate proposer’s response to the RFP, company name, and contact information

2.Executive Summary

  • Portray your understanding of the purpose and scope of this project.
  • Describe your proposed software solution, architecture and implementation approach.
  • Indicate how the proposed solution meets the needs of the County and drives value for the County.
  • Explain how your experience with ERP software and implementation will be of value to the County.
  • Briefly reference other government implementations that you have done.
  • Summarize your commitment to County success in this project.
  • Portray why your response should be selected by the County.

3.RFP with inline responses

4.Appendix A: Functional Requirements Matrix (Excel Spreadsheet attached)

5.Appendix B: Implementation Methodology Matrix

6.Appendix C: Project Team and Proposed Personnel information

7.Appendix D: Technical Services Additional Information

8.Appendix F: Service Levels (Excel Spreadsheet attached)

9.Appendix G: Interfaces (Excel Spreadsheet attached)

10.Appendix H: Price Sheet (Excel Spreadsheet attached)

11.Exhibit 1: Preliminary Project Timeline

12.Exhibit 2: Personnel Resumes

13.Required Forms from Purchasing Website (See Section 4, items 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8). Note Items 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 will be included in the inline responses of the published RFP.

14.Financial Statements

15.Any optional information the proposer wishes to include




1.1Introduction / Background


1.3Overview of Solicitation (RFP) Document

1.4Contact with Wayne County Personnel

1.5Wayne County Rights & Responsibilities


1.7Minimum Mandatory Requirements

1.8Disqualification of Respondents

1.9Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

1.10Disclosure of Contents

1.11County-Based Enterprise (and other) Advantage Programs

1.12Contract Term

1.13Final Agreement Award Determination

1.14Conflict of Interest



2.1General Scope Information:

A)Current Systems Environment

B)Project Need

C)Project Statement

D)Project Approach

E)Software Functionality

2.2Contracted Scope of Services/Statement of Work:

A)Project Timeline

B)Implementation Services

i.Implementation Management

ii.Implementation Methodology

iii.Implementation Resources

iv.Implementation Execution Platform

C)Technical Services

2.3Cyber Security Specifications:

A)Cyber Security


3.1Wayne County Responsibility

3.2Truth and Accuracy of Representations

3.3Proposer Q&A

3.4Preparation of the Proposal

3.5Bid Submission Deadline

3.6Proposal Submission Requirements

3.7Adherence to Mandatory Minimum Requirements (Pass/Fail)

Proposers (specifically, the business that will be contractually bound under the contract with the County) will be deemed non-responsible and rejected without any further evaluation if they do not meet ALL mandatory minimum qualifications provided in SECTION 4.1.1.

3.8Evaluation Process

3.9Evaluations and the Proposal Evaluation Committee

3.10Evaluation Criteria

3.11Optional Tools to Enhance Evaluation Process


3.13Wayne County Option to Reject Proposals




NOTE: In addition to the required forms, proposer must include audited or reviewed financial statements for each proposer or subcontractor entity.4.1 Proposal Qualifications and References

I) - Proposer ERP Implementation Reference

4.2Business Information Questionnaire


Confirmation of review of Terms & Conditions


6.1Pricing Schedule

6.2Pricing Terms

Appendix A - Functional Requirements

Appendix B - Implementation Services Additional Information

Appendix C – Project Team and Proposed Personnel

1)Implementation Project Team

2)Project Organizational Chart

3)Project Personnel

Table C-1: Project Personnel

4)Functional Personnel

Table C-2: Functional Lead Experience

5)Project Facilities Needed

6)Proposed Staff Requirements

Table C-3: Staffing Requirements/Preferences

7)County Resources

Table C-4: County Resources

Appendix D - Technical Services Additional Information


2)Operating platform including hardware, software, database and tools

3)Operations and Production Support



6)Capacity, Availability, and Performance Management

7)System Installation

8)Database Support

9)Disaster Recovery

10)Disaster Recovery Test Planning and Testing

11)Declared Disaster

12)‘Failback’ or Reversion of Processing Back to the Primary Production Site

13)Data backup and restore

14)Major and Minor Upgrades

15)Maintenance and On-Going Support of Infrastructure and Associated Software

16)ERP Application Maintenance

Appendix E - Wayne County Project Scoping Parameters

Appendix F - Service Levels

Appendix G - Wayne County Interfaces

Appendix H - ERP Pricing

Exhibit 1 – Preliminary Project Timeline

Exhibit 2 – Personnel Resume Template

Proposers shall provide the required information below for all Key Personnel identified in Tables C-1 and C-2 in Appendix C and provide a resume for each Key Personnel assigned.

Proposer shall update for each position to include County Staffing Requirements/Preferences in Table C-3 of Appendix C.

Proposer shall update for each position to include County Staffing Requirements/Preferences in Table C-3 of Appendix C.

Proposer shall update for each position to include County Staffing Requirements/Preferences in Table C-3 of Appendix C.





1.1Introduction / Background

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP), the County hereby invites businesses who meet the qualifications and specifications set forth herein to submit proposals to provide software and professional services for the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) for the County to replace the existing Financials and Human Resources (HR) systems. The County requires one all-inclusive proposal including application software solution, implementation services, system integration services, hosting service and any third party software that is being recommended.

The County requires a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)/Cloud solution with supplier-maintained software, infrastructure, interface and platform. In seeking such software and services, the County is open to proposals which include both hosting and application maintenance and support (Managed Services) or to proposals which provide such services via a single instance SaaS or Cloud arrangement. The County desires to have one comprehensive software solution but is open to best-of-breed solution approaches. Note that in a best-of-breed solution, the selected supplier will be fully responsible for the development and support of all interfaces between the software systems. The proposed platform must have the appropriate disaster recovery and cyber security processes as outlined in this RFP.

Required Response Item for this RFP section
Section 2, 1: Proposers shall check the boxes below that best represent their proposed solution:
☐ / Single instance software solution
☐ / Best-of-breed software solution. I understand that a best-of-breed solution includes development and support for interfaces between the software systems.
☐ / SaaS / Cloud Solution
☐ / Managed Services
(Additional description here):

GENERAL INFORMATION: Situated in the heart of the Great Lakes region along the beautiful Detroit River, Wayne County is the 19th most populous county in the United States. With 43 distinct communities including the automotive capital of the world - Detroit, Wayne County is rich in history, culture, arts, and world-class amenities. We take pride in being one of the most diverse counties in the United States; a place where different cultures come together to offer a truly cosmopolitan experience.
Wayne County offers a first-class business environment, a top-rated international airport, diverse residential areas, expansive parks, and a multitude of recreational and cultural activities. We are home to several major universities including Wayne State, the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and the University of Detroit. We have several award-winning secondary and primary schools, as well as numerous community colleges and vocational schools. We are also home to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Michigan Opera Theater, Detroit Institute of Arts, the Henry Ford, and dozens of theaters, art galleries and concert halls. With hundreds of musical and cultural events every year, Wayne County is Michigan's cultural epicenter.

The County government operations consist of approximately 3,500 persons across the Executive, Legislative branches and Elected Offices. The County government operates at 42 different sites within the County’s boundary.

A detailed outline of various sizing, organization, transaction, structure, and throughput information is provided in Appendix E.


See SECTION 2.0 – SCOPE OF WORK for a detailed description of the Contract Scope.

1.3Overview of Solicitation (RFP) Document

The solicitation is composed of the following 2 parts as well as the Appendices and Exhibits:


Section 1.0:INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW: Specifies the information regarding the requirements of the solicitation process.

Section 2.0:SCOPE OF WORK: Sets forth a description of the solicitation requirements. Proposer responses are required within the provided response boxes.

Section 3.0:PROPOSAL EVALUATION, SELECTION & AWARD PROCESS: Includes information on how proposals will be evaluated, selected and awarded.

PART 2: PROPOSAL RESPONSE (Proposer’s Response to RFP Requirements)

Section 4.0:PROPOSER/COMPANY INFORMATION (FORMS): Proposer will fill out the requisite forms that will be utilized in determining whether the Proposer is a responsible proposer that has the capacity and capability to deliver and provide products under this agreement. Proposer must include, in addition to the required forms, audited or reviewed financial statements of all proposer or subcontractor entities.

Section 5.0:TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Terms and conditions will be incorporated into the Contract. Any exceptions to terms and conditions need to be stated. Terms and Conditions can be found in the attachment. Note exceptions.

Section 6.0:PRICING SCHEDULE: Proposer will provide pricing information that will be utilized when evaluating price competitiveness. Please see Excel Spreadsheet Appendix H.

1.4Contact with Wayne County Personnel

In order to create a more competitive and unbiased procurement process, the County hasdesignated a single point of contact for the duration of this solicitation. From the issue date of this proposal, until a Successful Proposer is selected, all requests for clarification or additional information regarding this RFP, or contact with County personnel concerning this RFP or the evaluation process must be solely to the contact person listed on the cover page of this RFP.

If it is discovered that a Proposer contacted and received information regarding this Solicitation from any Wayne County personnel other than the person specified above, the Wayne County Purchasing Director, in his / her sole discretion may disqualify its proposal from further consideration. Only those communications made by the Purchasing department in writing will be binding with respect to this RFP.

If it is later discovered that a violation in regard to this section has occurred, the County may reject any proposal or terminate any contract awarded pursuant to this RFP. For the purpose of clarity, no contact regarding this solicitation with other County employees is permitted.

1.5Wayne County Rights & Responsibilities

Wayne County has the right to amend this RFP by one or more written addenda. Wayne County is responsible only for that which is expressly stated in the solicitation document and any authorized written addenda thereto.

Should any such addenda require additional information not previously requested, failure to address the requirements of such addenda may result in the Proposal not being considered, as determined in the sole discretion of Wayne County. Wayne County is not responsible for and shall not be bound by any representations otherwise made by any individual acting or purporting to act on its behalf, other than the Purchasing Director, Purchasing Director’s designee, and/or statedcontact for the solicitation.

Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to the RFP at any time prior to the Proposal Deadline at the discretion of the County. It is the Proposer’s responsibility to periodically check the source of the RFP until the posted Proposal Deadline to obtain any issued addenda, however Wayne County will make reasonable efforts to inform all Proposers of any clarifications, modifications, or amendments via email.


In an effort to promote supplier diversity, Wayne County encourages Proposers to identify and includequalified disadvantaged businesses as subcontractors when proposing to provide products and services tothe County.

If the Proposer’s team is composed of a prime Supplierwith Subcontractors, the Subcontractors mustremain exclusive to the prime described in the proposal until the end of the specific proposal period and maynot partner with more than one prime for the purposes of the responsive proposal. The total exclusive timewill be 180 days from the proposal due date.

Subcontractors (or their assignments) may not be changed without prior written approval by the County. The Contract will not be assignable to any other business entity without the County’s approval. Proposers are encouraged to consider a joint venture. Please refer Subcontractors Forms in Section 4.0.

1.7Minimum Mandatory Requirements

Interested and qualified Proposers that can demonstrate their ability to successfully provide the ERP solutionrequested under this RFP are invited to submit a proposal, provided they meet the outlined minimum requirements in Section 3.7 and responded to in Section 4.1.

1.8Disqualification of Respondents

Any one or more of the following causes may be considered sufficient for the disqualification of a Proposer and the rejection of the Proposal:

  1. Evidence of collusion among Proposers
  2. Lack of competency as revealed by either financial, experience, or equipment statements
  3. Lack of responsibility as shown by past work
  4. Uncompleted work under other contracts which, in the judgment of the County, might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of additional work if awarded

1.9Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Proposal responses, resultant contract(s) and all information submitted to Wayne County by Proposers andSuppliers is subject to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231, et seq.

1.10Disclosure of Contents

All information provided in the proposal shall be held in confidence and shall not be revealed or discussed with competitors, until after award of the contract except as provided by law or court decision. All material submitted with the proposal becomes the property of the County and may be returned only at the County’s option.

Proposers must make no other distribution of their proposals other than authorized by this RFP. A Proposer who shares cost information contained in its proposal with other County personnel or competing Proposer personnel shall be subject to disqualification.

1.11County-Based Enterprise (and other) Advantage Programs

Wayne County administers a procurement program that gives pricing advantages (equalization credits) to businesses located within Wayne County and to businesses located within the 10 Targeted Growth Communities within Wayne County (Detroit, Ecorse, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Inkster, Melvindale, River Rouge, Romulus, Sumpter Township, and Taylor). This program also includes five additional certifications that provide businesses with equalization credits. The County shall apply equalization credits up to 7% to the price points for proposals submitted by certified County Based Enterprises (CBE) and 2% for Targeted Grow Community Enterprise. ). This program also includes five additional certifications that provide businesses with equalization credits.

County Based Enterprise / Targeted Growth Community Enterprise Equalization Allowance Table

Contract Amount / Equalization
Up to $50,000 / 7%
$50,000 to $200,00 / 5%
$200,000.01 and over / 2%
Targeted Growth Community Enterprise (TGCE) / 2%

The five additional certifications that provide businesses with equalization credits are the Small Business Enterprise (SBE), Expanding Business Enterprise (EBE), Joint Venture (JV), Mentor Venture (MV) and the Veteran Enterprise (VE). This program also includes five additional certifications that provide businesses with equalization credits. These equalization credits for qualifying certified suppliers have maximum allowable credits that cannot exceed 10%. ALL suppliers and their first tier subcontractors, who wish to receive credits for their proposals, must be certified by the Human Relations Division at the time of Bid and must submit a copy of their current certification in the bid.

Certification Eligible for Equalization Credits / Equalization Percentage
Small Business Enterprise (SBE) / 2%
Expanding Business Enterprise (EBE) / 2%
Joint Venture (JV) / 2%
Mentor Venture (MV) / 2%
Veteran Enterprise (VE) / 2%

Equalization Allowance table for SBE, EBE, JV, MV, VE

For purposes of supplier certification, communication with the Human Relations Division is acceptable, as an exception to Section 1.4.

If you have questions regarding certification or to apply for certification please visit Human Relations website at or call the office (313) 224-5021.

1.12Contract Term

The contract is for a term of five (5) years, with two (2) two-year renewal options at the sole discretion of Wayne County. It is anticipated that this contract will commence on March1, 2017.