Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention, and Stormwater (P3S) Committee’s
Facility of the Year (FOTY) Award Guidelines
Since 1971, the Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention, and Stormwater (P3S) Committee of the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) has been recognizing the achievement of high performing industrial users with an annual Facility of the Year (FOTY) Awards program. The FOTY Awards are given to industrial users with significant accomplishments in the areas of industrial process wastewater pretreatment technology, material recycling, waste minimization, pollution prevention practices or stormwater runoff control programs. The FOTY Awards are presented annually at the CWEA P3S FOTY Awards luncheon scheduled during the annual conference onFebruary 24-26,2014. The names of the winners are also announced at the awards luncheon at the CWEA Annual Conference in April 2014.
The purpose of the FOTY Award is to create incentive on the part of industrial users taking proactive steps to meet current environmental pollution control standards. The FOTY Award gives an opportunity for CWEA members to provide positive publicity and recognition of the industrial user’s efforts and successes with protecting the water environment.
The following criteria were approved by the CWEA Board of Directors and may be used for the selection of nominees:
- Must be permitted by a control authority (CA).
- Implementation of anypollution prevention, waste minimization, material recycling or other source reduction measures.
- Implementation of an innovative solution or technical advance to a waste management problem.
- Operation and preventative maintenance practices to improve environmental performance.
- Demonstration of a consistent record of meeting or exceeding industrial wastewater discharge permit requirements (e.g., operating without violations and/or “citation free” for the past 12 months).
- Conduct active community service programs to develop public awareness for industrial wastewater control and environmental protection.
Members of the Northern and Southern California Awards Subcommittees review the nominations and may select the semi-finalists. The Subcommitteesmay conduct a site visit of each of the semi-finalists. The semi-finalists are selected so as to represent a variety of types of industries located in a variety of control authorities throughout the state that best satisfy the FOTY Award’s criteria.
A total of four FOTY Awards may be given each year. The FOTY Award categories are “Large Industry” and “Small Industry” from both Northern and Southern California. An engraved plaque will be presented to the winning industries. Runners-up in each of the categories may be presented with a Certificate of Merit (COM). The FOTY Awards subcommittees will prepare the awards. Nominations of industries for these FOTY Awards will be accepted from sanitation districts, publicly owned treatment works, consultants, trade associations, or industries on the attached FOTY Award Nomination Form (2 pages). Nominations for more than one user will be accepted from any individual or control authority. Nomination forms can also be located at the P3S Committee’s website:
Nominations for this year’s FOTY Award are requested to be submitted byFriday, December 6, 2013in order to be eligible for the selection process. The subcommittee chairs may grant extensions to this deadline; contact the appropriate subcommittee chair to determine if an extension is available. The recommendations of the subcommittees for awards in each category will be submitted to the P3S Committee for final selection.
Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention, and Stormwater (P3S) Committee’s
Facility of the Year (FOTY)Award Nomination Form
The information requested on this form should be filled in as completely as possible. Use additional sheets where necessary. Return the form to the appropriate Awards Subcommittee Chair for either Northern or Southern California no later than December 6, 2013.If no extension is granted, nominations received after the due date may be held for next year’s award cycle. If you have any questions, please contact either:
Northern CaliforniaSouthern California
Mr.Casey FitzgeraldMr.Paul D. Schmidtbauer
CWEA P3S CommitteeCWEA P3S Committee
FOTY Awards Subcommittee-NorthFOTY Awards Subcommittee-South
City of San Jose Environmental Services Dept.South Orange County Wastewater Authority
200 East Santa Clara Street, 7th Floor34156 Del Obispo Street
San Jose, CA 95113Dana Point, CA 92629
408-793-5378 – Office949- 234-5412 – Office
408-209-6116 – Mobile949-489-0130 – Fax
Person Making Nomination:
Phone #: Cell #: E-mail:
Control Authority (CA) Name:
Nominating Person’s Address:
(Note: all contact information is necessary in order to schedule a potential visit date of the nominee’s facility.)
User Name:
Site Address:
Permit #issued from CA:
Type of Industry:
Contact Person:
Phone #: Cell #: E-mail:
Describeproduction processes or unit processes:
Describe the type of endproducts produced:
Criteria to determine if Nominee is in the Large or Small Industry Category:
A.Process Wastewater Flow:Above average of 10,000GPD for past year.
Below average of 10,000GPD for past year.
B.Gross Sales:Above $5million for past year.
Below $5million for past year.
C.Production employees:Above 50 full-time production employees for past year.
Below 50 full-time production employees for past year.
(Please provide answers to the following questions in an attached document.)
A.Describenominee’s pretreatment technology or stormwater control operations and preventative maintenance practices.
B.Describe the nominee’s implementation of an innovative solution or technical advance to solve a waste management problem.
C.Describe nominee’s implementation of pollution prevention practices, material recycling or waste minimization programs.
D.Describe nominee’s community service programs and activities to educate or inform the public (including other businesses) about environmental protection.
F.Describe any additional controls or activities that qualify the nominee for the FOTY Award.
5.Environmental Control Mechanisms
List all environmental regulatory agencies that nominee is required to comply with, along with a brief compliance history during the last 12months.
[ ] POTW
[ ] AQMD
[ ] Stormwater
[ ] CUPA
[ ] Other(s)
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