Read the Passage and answer the following questions:

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking from dawn until sunset. Ramadan had been the name of the ninth month in Arabian culture long before the arrival of Islam. In the Qur'an it is said that "fasting has been written down (as obligatory) upon you, as it was upon those before you" which is a reference to the Jewish practice of fasting on Yom Kippur. Fasting is meant to teach the Muslim patience, modesty and spirituality. Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the sake of God and to offer more prayer than usual. During Ramadan, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds As compared to the solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan vary, moving backwards about ten days each year as it is a moving hoiday depending on the moon. Ramadan was the month in which the first verses of the Qur'an were said to be revealed to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. That was during a night that Muslims call Laylat al-Qadr (the night of decree or measures.) The night is believed to be one of the 10 last days of the month. Ramadan ends with Eid ul-Fitr on the first of Shawwal, with much celebration and feasting.

1.  Ramadan had been the name of the month of the Arabian culture?

2.  What is said about the Ramadan in Quran?

3.  What is meant by fasting?

4.  During Ramadan what does Muslims ask to Allah?

5.  Which night is believed to be one of the 10 last days of the month?

6.  Ramadan ends with what on the first of shawwal?

7.  Ramadan is the time for Muslims to do what?

8.  The first verses of the Quran were said to be revealed in which month of Islamic calendar?

9.  What was the name of the night when the Quran revealed?

10.  How Ramadan does ends?



Check these pictures and answer the following questions:

1.  What is the name of the place in this picture?

2. Where is it located?

3. Why do Muslims go there?

4. In this two pictures which is the most important place?




1. How much time Zakat mentioned along with Namaz in the Qur’an?

a. 22 times b. 6 times c. 80 times.

2. Makkah was conquest in ……..

a. Ramadan A.H Shawwal 8A.H b. Shawwal 8 A.H Ramadan 8 A.H c. None

of these.

3. The Hijrah calendar was innovated by ……..

a. Abu Bakr b. Umer Farooq c. Ali-Murtaza.

4. What was the relation between Prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon?

a. Prophet Musa father of Prophet Haroon b. Prophet Haroon was father of

Musa c. Brother.

5. Cave Hira is in the mountain?

a. As-Safa b. An-Noor c. Sil.

6. Muhammad (p.b.uh) if anyone last word ____ he will enter paradise.

a. Allah hu Akbar b. La ilaha Il Allah c. Ya Allah.

7. What significant event in Islamic history occurred on the 27th Rajab?

a. Isra Al-Miraj b. Battle of Uhud c. Treaty of Hudaibiyah.

8. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) made his last pilgrimage of Ka’bah and delivered his last sermon at Uranah Vally of Mount Arafat in 10th Hijrah. How many Muslims were present there?

a. 78,000 b. 40,000 c. 50,000.

9. Which Muslim alchemist is generally known as the father of Chemestry?

a. Jabir-bin Hayyan b. Nasir-al-Din c. Yaqub ibn Ishaq.

10. According to hadith what is the first thing a Muslim will have to account for on the Day of Judgment?

a. Prayer b. Modesty c. Bad deeds.

11. Which country was Prophet Nuh sent to bring people there to the straight path?

a. Iraq b. Yemen c. Syria.

12. Dhul-Hijjah , Rajab and Muharram are three of the four sacred months in Islam. What is the mane of the fourth one?

a. Dhul-Qadah b. Ramadan c. Shawwal.

13. On demand from his people, what sign or miracle did Prophet Salih bring as proof of his Prophet Hood?

a. Golden Calf b. She Camel c. Staff changing into Snake.

14. How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Qur’an? 22 years, 5

month and ______?

a. 14 days b. 29 c. 11 times.

15. The Qur’an is known by a number of names in the Qur’an itself. One which is ____?

a. Jameel b. Alaq c. Dhikr.

16. What is Shura?

a. Description b. Consultation c. Meeting.

17. Complete the following hadith the best of you are those that learn the Qur’an___?

a. And the Sunnah b. and teach it c. and act upon it.

18. Muslims celebrate this joyous (eid) occasion they have received from……?

a. People b. Prophets c. Allah.

19. Eid is a time of …….?

a. Togetherness b. separation c. ignorance

20. Eid is also Prayer Muslims gave some amount of money called?

a. Giving b. Taking c. Living.



Critical questions:

1.  Did the earthquake take place at the time of messenger?

2.  When did Islam started?

3.  What is the Islamic view of humanity?

4.  Why is hijab important for Muslims?

5.  What is the punishment for not going to salat-ul-jummah ?

6.  Why did Allah create life and death?

7.  Elaborate are all living things mortal?

8.  What is Khamr?

9.  How does Alcohol affect a person’s behavior?

10. Difference between Halal and Haram?



Fill in the blanks:

1. The greatest part of our life is the ______.

2 .The Prophet Muhammad has said none of you will have faith until I am more beloved to him them his ______and the ______.

3. One important way to follow the Prophet and drew closer to Allah is by performing ______.

4. Another important confirmed Sunnah Prayer is the ______.

5. The way to express our love for the _____ in by learning about his life ______.

6. The ______is a great book of God.

7. The book of Allah, it has the tales of people who ______.

8.______is the most sacred book in the history of ______.

9. Allah mentioned the name of ______Prophets and Messengers.

10. Always _____ in Allah and obey your parents.