
Gaddesby Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meetingheld at Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall

on Monday,8th May2017, commencing at 6.45 pm.

Councillors Present

Mrs Pat Walton - Chair Mr Gary Fox

Mrs Jenny Hurst – Vice-Chair

Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council

Mr John Simon – Gaddesby parishioner




Councillor Mrs Pat Walton was elected as Chair, for a second year, (proposed by Councillor Mrs Jenny Hurst and seconded by Councillor Mr Gary Fox).

Councillor Mrs Jenny Hurst was elected as Vice-Chair, (proposed by Councillor Mrs Pat Walton and seconded by Councillor Mr Gary Fox).

Both Councillors confirmed that they were happy to accept these proposals and to continue with the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair.

Apologies –Apologies were received from Councillors Mr Howard Bakewell and Mr Gordon Bigamand Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson.

Parishioner/Public Time

Gaddesby parishioner, Mr John Simon attended the meeting to enquire what progress had been made with the Housing Needs Survey, the Melton Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan.

Councillor Walton advised Mr Simon that Midlands Rural Housing were currently waiting for Housing Register Information from MBC in order to complete their Survey.

Melton Local Plan - it was thought that a second consultation may be required.

With regard to the Neighbourhood Plan, Councillor Walton advised that the matter would be discussed later on in the meeting. The Clerk gave Mr Simon a list of points which had been clarified with Mr James Beverley at MBC.

Mr Simon informed Councillors that he may attend the June meeting.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2017/2018 1-7, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.

Matters Arising

  1. New Bus Shelter, Barsby –Mr James Walton, the land agent for Brown and Co, informed the Clerk that the proposal for a new bus shelter in Barsby had been raised at the recent Trustees meeting. Mr Walton advised that the feelings of the majority of the trustees were that the siting of a bus shelter would impinge on visibility when using the farm entrance. Although they appreciated that the shelter itself may be positioned to reduce the visibility problem, people will not always stand in the shelter. The farm entrance is also likely to be used by large, slow moving, agricultural vehicles and trailers; therefore visibility is of extreme importance.


Councillor Fox

Matters Arising cont.

1. New Bus Shelter, Barsby, cont. –Mr Walton explained that Mr Alex Stroud was

keen to try and help the Parish Council, however a decision was made by the other

Trustees which went against the view of Mr Stroud. Mr Walton went on to thank

the Parish Council for offering to remove the bus shelter, should the Dairy Farm

be developed. However, the development of the Dairy Farm is not something they

had previously considered due to the existence of a very secure tenant in

Mr Palmer; safety is the Estate’s primary concern.

Following the circulation of the email to Councillors, Councillor Hurst sent an

email of thanks to Mr Stroud for his support in the matter.

As no other suitable site could be found, Councillors asked the Clerk to write to

LCC to advise that GPC have retained the sum of £1,500.00, from a Community

Forum budget, which was to be used towards the provision of a new bus shelter.

However, unfortunately a site could not be found for the installation of a shelter

and it was not possible to achieve the project. Therefore would it be possible for

GPC to use the grant within the community? Councillors suggested either for use

for a childrens play activity/equipment or for the upkeep of the defibrillators in

Barsby and Gaddesby. Councillor Hurst advised that the Barsby defibrillator

required a new battery at a cost of approximately £200.00.

  1. Crime Updates –Councillor Fox circulated to Councillors present two updates; one from PC John Scott and one from Neighbourhood Watch, Leicester. Councillor Fox advised that following the email sent to PC John Scott he had responded and commented that he does ‘not believe that it is a good use of his time to try to find out what is happening in the investigation of crimes in order to update those not directly involved’. Councillors disagreed with this comment as it was felt that, as a representative of the parishioners of the Parish, GPC should receive updates in order to keep parishioners informed of the progress which is being made in relation to crimes, etc.

With this response in mind, Councillor Fox would be writing to the Area Neighbourhood Police and to Lord Willy Bach, the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Additionally, Councillor Fox reported that, after having read through Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabularies (HMIC) report, that one finding was that the Police are ‘out of touch’ with local communities.

Councillors noted that there had been a recent dwelling burglary in Gaddesby, where jewellery was stolen. There had also been an attempted burglary in Gaddesby, although on this occasion a neighbour disturbed the burglars and they fled without taking anything.

  1. Weakened Carriageway from Barsby crossroads to South Croxton crossroads –Nothing to report. It was understood that due to the closure of the Queniborough Road in order to facilitate the replacement of the water main, traffic was being diverted from the A607 through Gaddesby and Barsby, whereas it should be diverted through Barkby, Beeby and South Croxton. A Barsby parishioner had reported the matter and had been assured that the diversion route would be rectified.
  1. Melton Local Plan – Nothing to report. It was thought that a second consultation of the Melton Local Plan may be required.
  1. Gaddesby War Memorial – Nothing to report.



Matters Arising cont.

  1. Councillor Vacancy – The Clerk advised that there were vacancy notices on all the village notice boards and that a notice had been included in the May 2017 church newsletter.
  1. Housing Needs Survey –Mr Richard Mugglestone of the Midlands Rural Housing informed the Clerk that they were still waiting for Housing Register information from MBC in order to obtain a full picture of the local housing needs. Therefore, with the Clerk’s agreement, Mr Mugglestone had postponed his visit to a GPC meeting until June, at which time it was hoped that he would have received all the required information from MBC.
  1. Neighbourhood Plan – The Clerk had spoken with Mr James Beverly, the Planning Policy Officer at MBC regarding the points raised by Councillors at the April meeting. Following the telephone conversation the points below were confirmed:
  • A Neighbourhood Plan is village led.
  • A Parish Council can have as much or as little involvement as they wish.
  • A Neighbourhood Plan group can be formed – this could be a sub- committee of GPC.
  • A Parish Council does not have to provide funding for a Plan.
  • Up to £9,000.00 is available, but the group would have to apply for this.
  • The Clerk does not have to be involved if they do not wish to be. When a Parish Council is required to register or sign off documents then the Clerk would be required to do this.
  • Current regulations state that all the three villages would be part of the Neighbourhood Plan because they comprise one Parish. A Neighbourhood Plan has to be at least one Parish but several Parishes could join together.
  • GPC could meet with MBC officers, or members of a group could meet with MBC officers. An open meeting could be held.

The Clerk circulated to all Councillors a list of these points. Following discussion, it was agreed to hold an open meeting for all the three villages. Councillors asked the Clerk to telephone Mr James Beverley to ask if either he or one of his colleagues would be able to come and address an open meeting. Once a date had been agreed the Clerk would book a Village Hall and was asked to then email all parishioners who expressed an interest in becoming part of a working advisory committee. The meeting could then be advertised, ie, notices on all the Village notice boards. Councillor Hurst volunteered to be a committee representative from GPC in addition to a Barsby parishioner representative.

  1. Worn Road Marking ‘SLOW’, Barsby – Nothing to report.
  1. MBC, Parish Council Liaison Meeting; Monday, 22nd May 2017 – Notification had been received from Ms Carolyn Appleby, an administration assistant at MBC, to advise that following careful consideration of the relevant guidance the Parish Council Liaison Meeting had been postponed. This is due to the pre-election period for Local Authorities in respect of the General Election on Thursday, 8th May 2017. Ms Appleby would inform Parish Councils once a new date had been arranged.


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Matters Arising cont.

  1. Leicestershire Running Club, Team Anstey Amblers and Runners – Road Race, Sunday, 21st May 2017 – It had been noted that, in preparation for the road race in just under two weeks’ time, notices had been put in place to inform parishioners of the road closures.
  1. Footway from The Lodge, Ashby Folville to Barsby village – It had been noted that the grass verges in and around Barsby village had been mown by LCC. However, the grass verge on the footway from The Lodge, Ashby Folville to Barsby had not been cut. The Clerk was asked to report the matter to LCC, Highways Department again.
  1. New Village Notice Boards – The Clerk had confirmed an order with Mr Richard Toon of George Walker Ltd, for the replacement of the village notice boards in Ashby Folville, Barsby and Ashby Road/Nether End, Gaddesby.
  1. Clerks’ Remuneration – The Clerk had downloaded and printed off a copy of the Clerks and Councils Direct Online Yearbook 2017. The Clerk advised that her current rate of pay is £12.32 per hour; this being at the top of the salary scale – spinal column point (SCP) 27. After referring to the Yearbook the Clerk confirmed that a new rate of £12.44 came into effect from 1st April 2016. Councillors agreed that the Clerk should receive this increase and should include back pay from the 1st April 2016 in the next salary remuneration.


1. Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils – An invitation had been received from the Chief Officer of the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils (LRALC), Mr Jake Atkinson, asking if GPC would like to rejoin the Association. The current membership fee being £261.64.

As Councillor Fox read through the renewal documents in 2016, Councillors present resolved not to renew the membership once again.

Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary.

Planning Matters

a. 10 Pasture Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs J Warner for a proposed rear extension to the existing dwelling. Councillors resolved to support the application.

b. ‘Ridgemere’, 7 Park Hill, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr M Jones for a proposed open plan barn capable of storing farm machinery, feed and straw. Following consideration of the details received, Councillors resolved not to support the application, primarily due to the access to the barn, via Chapel Lane, Gaddesby.

Councillors were of the opinion that the access is unsuitable for use by farm machinery. Chapel Lane is a narrow, residential, ‘no through’, Lane within the heart of the village, with the access directly adjacent to the entrance of a popular public footpath.

Additionally, Councillors had concerns regarding the security of an open plan barn.

The Clerk would write to MBC with these points.

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Planning Matters cont.

c. Land to the rear of Gaddesby Village Hall/Gaddesby Primary School – The Clerk had received a copy of an email which had been sent to Councillor Bakewell from landowner Mr Barry Draycott. The Clerk circulated the email to all Councillors.

Following discussion, Councillors resolved not to respond to the email from Mr Draycott as it had been received by an interested party – Councillor Bakewell as a member of the Gaddesby Village Hall committee.

However, further information received following the April meeting clarified, that access would be denied for use in the layout plan, via the Gaddesby Village Hall car park, rather thanthe car park being sold for use in the layout plan – Planning Matters, paragraph g, minute reference 2017/2018 5, refers.

GPC would wait for formal plans to be submitted to MBC before discussing the matterfurther.

Planning Decisions

a. 12 Pasture Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Kev Taylor for the variation of condition 2, including the addition of the depth of the approved rear extension and the addition of a pitched roof dormer to the front elevation, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

b. 12 Pasture Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Kev Taylor for the proposed erection of a garage, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

c. ‘Harringay’, 2 Church Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Richard Wesson, for a proposed two storey and single storey extension and porch, has been granted planning permission by MBC.

d. The Bushes, 21 Main Street, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr S Godsiff, for the proposed removal of two evergreen trees, one sweet chestnut tree, one ornamental pear tree, one flowering cherry tree and the crown reduction of one Ash tree, has been granted consent to work on trees by MBC.

Representative Reports

1. Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall – Nothing to report.

2. Barsby Village Hall Green – Councillor Hurst reported that at a recent Barsby Village Hall Green committee meeting, the following matters were discussed:

  • The committee were changing the bank account from HSBC to Santander.
  • The committee would be approaching the Richard Woollaston Charity to ask for their support to finance a new battery for the defibrillator.
  • The committee discussed the arrangements for ‘Music at the Mill’, which would take place on Saturday, 1st July 2017.

3. Gaddesby Village Hall – Nothing to report, in the absence of Councillor Bakewell.

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Review of Policies

The policies held by GPC, as listed below, were reviewed with the necessary amendments discussed. The Clerk would amend the policies and would circulate the revised documents to Councillors.

  • Clerks Job Description.
  • Financial Regulations.
  • Standing Orders.
  • Risk Management.
  • Risk Assessment/Risk Register – completed by the Clerk.
  • Statement of Internal Control and Annual Review of Effectiveness of Internal Control.


Accounts paid since the last meeting:

Barsby Village Hall Green – Green maintenance grant, total £300.00.

E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd – Street light maintenance, ¼ ending 31.03.2017, £182.65 plus 20% VAT £36.53, total £219.18.

E.ON UK Plc – Street light energy, ¼ ending 31.03.2017, £365.17 plus 20% VAT £18.26, total £383.43.

Trudy.M.Toon – Clerks salary and expenses from 01.01.2017 to 31.03.2017, salary £1,281.28, expenses £90.50, total £1,371.78.

Accounts for payment:

South Croxton Benefice – 1st ¼ payment towards the church newsletter, total £62.50.

Aon UK Ltd – Annual renewal of insurance policy 2017/2018, total £1,398.78.

Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association – Annual subscription, total £30.00.

As Councillor Hurst was the only GPC bank signatory in attendance, the Clerk would ask Councillor Bakewell to countersign the three cheques.

Payments Received:

24.04.2017 – MBC, 1st precept payment for 2017/2018, total £6,681.20.

(Precept £6,600.00 plus Council Tax Support Grant £81.20)

Estimated Balances:

Barclays Bank Business Premium Account £12,513.08.

Barclays Bank Community Account £8,066.08.

The latest bank statements were made available for Councillors.

Bank Reconciliation : 31 March 2017:

A copy of the latest bank reconciliation was circulated to all Councillors.

Transfer of Funds:

Councillors agreed that £4,000.00 should be transferred from the Community Account into the Business Reserve Account; the Clerk was asked to carry out this transaction.

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Finance cont.

Barclays Bank Business Premium Account:

Notification had been received from Barclays Bank Plc that from 5th December 2016, interest would only be paid on balances of £1million and above.

Internal Audit 2016/2017:

The Clerk reported to Councillors that the meeting arranged with Mr Richard Willcocks, the Internal Auditor, for Thursday, 20th April 2017 had been postponed, due to bank statements being supplied by Barclays Bank incorrectly. The Clerk, therefore, arranged to meet with Mr Willcocks on Tuesday, 9th May 2017 to proceed with the Internal Audit for GPC.

Other Business

Councillors present did not wish to raise any further items of business.

Arrangements for the next meeting :

Monday, 12th June 2017 at Gaddesby VillageHall, commencing at 6.45 pm.

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.
