AP English Language and Composition:The Things They Carried – Argumentation Essay

BACKGROUND: The Things They Carried is described on Amazon.com as “a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling” that “continues to challenge readers in their perceptions of fact and fiction, war and peace, courage and fear and longing.” It “is neither memoir nor novel nor collection of short stories but rather an artful combination of all three.”

PROMPT: Defend,challenge, or qualify Tim O’Brien’s choice of genre. Does the genre best communicate his overall purpose for the novel? KEY: You must identify his overall purpose first.

You must use the text to support your answer. This essay will be graded using the AP rubric.

AP English Language and Composition: The Things They Carried – Argumentation Essay

BACKGROUND: The Things They Carried is described on Amazon.com as “a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling” that “continues to challenge readers in their perceptions of fact and fiction, war and peace, courage and fear and longing.” It “is neither memoir nor novel nor collection of short stories but rather an artful combination of all three.”

PROMPT: Defend, challenge, or qualify Tim O’Brien’s choice of genre. Does the genre best communicate his overall purpose for the novel? KEY: You must identify his overall purpose first.

You must use the text to support your answer. This essay will be graded using the AP rubric.

AP English Language and Composition: The Things They Carried – Argumentation Essay

BACKGROUND: The Things They Carried is described on Amazon.com as “a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling” that “continues to challenge readers in their perceptions of fact and fiction, war and peace, courage and fear and longing.” It “is neither memoir nor novel nor collection of short stories but rather an artful combination of all three.”

PROMPT: Defend, challenge, or qualify Tim O’Brien’s choice of genre. Does the genre best communicate his overall purpose for the novel? KEY: You must identify his overall purpose first.

You must use the text to support your answer. This essay will be graded using the AP rubric.

AP English Language and Composition: The Things They Carried – Argumentation Essay

BACKGROUND: The Things They Carried is described on Amazon.com as “a ground-breaking meditation on war, memory, imagination, and the redemptive power of storytelling” that “continues to challenge readers in their perceptions of fact and fiction, war and peace, courage and fear and longing.” It “is neither memoir nor novel nor collection of short stories but rather an artful combination of all three.”

PROMPT: Defend, challenge, or qualify Tim O’Brien’s choice of genre. Does the genre best communicate his overall purpose for the novel? KEY: You must identify his overall purpose first.

You must use the text to support your answer. This essay will be graded using the AP rubric.

Write an essay in which you consider the extent to which Donne’s idea holds true in view of The Things They Carried. Support your argument with appropriate evidence from the novel.

Meditation XVII - John Donne

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man's deathdiminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee (251).