Health Spot!
We have a wide variety of activities ongoing this term in addition to the curricular sessions led by Miss Carey (PE teacher) and class teachers.
Rights Respecting schoolS
We are still continuing with our work on Rights Respecting Schools. February’s focus through our work on Health & Wellbeing is :-
Article 26
You have the right to help from the government if you are poor or in need.
Article 27
You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met. You should not be disadvantaged so that you can’t do many of things that other kids can do.
If you want to find out more about the UNCRC –United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child visit.
After School Clubs
This term the After School Clubs are as follows:-
Mondays – Netball P6 & P7
Tuesdays – Fun & Fitness - P2.
Wednesdays – Dance P4 & P5.
Thursdays – Athletics – P7.
In order to ensure the safety of your child on days when After School Clubs are operating, please ensure you have completed the slip indicating pick up arrangements for your child on these days.
Auld Firm Alliance
P4 and P3/4 are receiving coaching sessions as part of a new project called the ‘Old Firm Alliance’. It involves Rangers and Celtic coaches taking a 50 minute coaching session followed 10 minute health chat.
P4 pupils will be receiving a block of football coaching delivered by SFA.
Clyde College Students will be leading Football coaching sessions for P3 staring 25 February.
Eco Spot!
We are still recycling textiles, in return for money through ‘Rag Bag Recycling’. We accept (in bags):
· All clothing
· Household textiles such as sheets, blankets, towels and curtains (no pillows or duvets)
· Handbags and belts
· Paired footwear
Recycling is an on-going facility in our school, so we welcome the following items any time!
· old mobile phones
· printer ink cartridges
· old spectacles
· old electronic games
· old greetings cards
· the above textiles
This year Fairtrade Fortnight is 29 February - 13 March 2016 Our Fairtrade Steering Group are presently organising activities for this fortnight and will distribute details of activities in February.
Countryside Rangers P4 have been visiting Rosshall Park on Wednesdays to participate Forest Schools led by the Countryside Rangers.
P1 are presently receiving dance lessons from one of the Council’s Determined to Dance Coaches.
February Holiday
School Closed for children :
· Monday 15th February
· Tuesday 16th February
· Wednesday 17th February
*Please note Wednesday 17th February is an inservice day for teachers.
Emergency Contacts
Please ensure the information we have is correct and up-to-date, and advise immediately of any change.
Lost property
We have a huge amount of Lost Property. Please come and check for your child’s clothing if they have lost anything. Any items that are labelled have been returned. Can you check that names written in pen have not washed out.
Our Parent Council is helping us manage the Lost Property and all named items will be returned to their owners. Any unidentifiable clothing will be donated to the Rag Bag at the end of each month.
Sandwood Stars
Congratulations to:
Bailey McMillan – passed a ballet test.
Aimee Murphy – started ballet lessons.
Isla Wallace – moved up a class in dancing.
Alana Ray – moved up a class in dancing.
Bailey Bryce – started dance lessons.
Kayla McCrindle – moved up a class in dancing.
Angel Paterson – moved up a class in swimming.
Ace Brown – won a football medal.
Carson Hosie – won a football medal.
Lewis O’Brien – won a football medal and represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Jack Kimmet – won a football medal.
Baylee Jackson – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Grace Wright – started swimming lessons and is doing really well.
Lachlan McIntosh – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Kayla McDonald – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Nevin Watson – moved up a group in swimming.
Matthew Bennett – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and moved up a group in swimming.
Eva McKay – won a race in swimming.
Lloyd Conway – moved up a group in football.
Paul Young – won a medal at football.
Adam Parker – moved up a grading at Taekwondo.
James McCrae – moved up a level at karate.
Harry Naismith – joined a new football club.
Nicole Weir – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Max Kearney– worked hard to get more badges at Beavers.
Brooke Neeson – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Alfie Hutchison – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Kiera Brennan– represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and won the trophy for P1-P3. Also learned how to walk in a handstand.
Emily Brown – learned how to do a ‘no-handed’ walkover at gymnastics
Max Fraser – learned how to throw people in Judo.
Sophie O’Donnell – won a white and yellow belt at judo.
Adam Shanks – won a white and orange belt at judo.
Mason Tierney – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Kaycie Clark – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and sang a duet in a competition with her sister.
Marie McKenna – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
John Swan – joined Bellahouston Swimming Club.
Aimee Campbell – joined Penilee Brownies and got her first badge.
Keris Richards – started Goldstars dancing and won a trophy for learning all of her dances.
Daniel Paterson – got 2 new tabs on his green karate belt.
Robbie O’Hara – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and won the trophy for P4-P7.
Suman Khan – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Alex Murphy – was the P4 class winner of the Thumble Tumble character design competition.
P4 – can 39th place in the Glasgow Sumdog competition out of 250 entries..
P4 – for running every morning for 10 minutes.
Maia Watson – participated in the ‘Descendants’ Show with Pace Drama Group.
Skye Gaffney – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and attended a cheerleading competition in Edinburgh with Goldstars.
Mirrin Walker – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and learned how to do a backflip from a standing position with a dance tutor.
Bobbi Gordon – joined MDA Dance Classes.
Ellie McEwan – joined MDA Dance Classes.
Sophie Adamson – joined MDA Dance Classes.
Bobbi Gordon – joined MDA Dance Classes.
Summer Wilson – joined the after school group.
Stephen Brennan – is learning to play the guitar.
Taylor Walker – moved from Brownies to Guides.
Keiran Todd – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Rahimah Baig- represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Lewis Gunn – met Dean Ambrose a WWE wrestler and arm wrestled him!
Bethany Alsop- joined a new dance club.
Owen Gibson – received an achievement badge in Boys’ Brigade.
Rachel Brodie – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Hayley Glen – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition.
Lola Carroll – took part in a dance competition.
Kaitlyn Kendall - came 4th in a gymnastics competition.
Keegan Gillespie - advanced into 11 a –side in football and beat Palace Park 7-4.
Abbie McLeod – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and competed at advance level in a dance competition.
Neve Allan – represented the class at the Scottish Poetry Competition and started back at Voice Factory.
Abbi Watson–competed at advance level in a dance competition.
Nicole Kennedy–competed at advance level in a dance competition.
Reda Balhass–came 2nd in Qu’ran competition.
Parental involvement
We will continue to involve families in our developments this session. As ever we value you your opinion. Please add any suggestions below:-
My suggestion is: