EHS Student Behavior Expectations
at afterhours events.
- All school district rules will be enforced at dances, fundraising events, or other school-sponsored events at which EHS students will be. Any illegal offenses will be dealtwith by law enforcement officials.
- Any student who engages in fighting, harassment, or other disruptive behavior shall be immediately dealt with accordingly by the administrator on duty.
- Ticket price will not be refunded if a student is asked to leave the event.
- Non-students must have a signed and approved guest pass. Students may only bring one outside guest.
- All guests must have valid picture ID to be admitted to the dance or they must be a current student of Endeavor High School.
- Any student leaving the dance may only re-enter with the permission of the administrator on duty. Once you leave the building, you may not re-enter.
- All students and guests must leave location within 10 minutes of the end of the event. No loitering in the parking lot. Parents/guardians: please pick up your student within this time limit.
- Students are encouraged to dance (in socially appropriate ways), chat with friends, enjoy the music, and enjoy the food. Students should not run, rough house, or dance inappropriately.
- There will be no promiscuous or provocative dancing. All violators will be given one warning. Repeat offenders may be asked to leave or call their parents for a ride home. They may be asked to not attend the next school function or not be allowed to attend any after school events for the rest of the school year. Moshing, or slam dancing is not acceptable.
- Students are expected to comply with directions of teachers and parent chaperones.
- Students are expected to adhere to school dress codes. No exposed midriffs, short shorts or skirts or low-slung tops or bottoms will be allowed. Students who are not following school policy will be asked to leave or call home and arrange a wardrobe change.
- Students who do not adhere to the rules may be asked not to attend the next dance/event may be banned from attending any events at Endeavor High School for the rest of the school year.
- Gang apparel, including clothing or hats with gang messages and rags, is prohibited. Students should not make gang signs while dancing.
- No weapons (look alike or real) are allowed on the property at any time.
- This list is not absolute and can be added to at anytime by the administrator on duty.