Dear Parents
I hope everyone had fantastic summer and it has been lovely to see the students back in school this week and ready for another busy year! I am looking forward to working with your young people again and we now have a slightly smaller class of five students.
This term we have an exciting new topic of “The Ancient World” and we will be visiting ancient Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire. We have started our work on Egypt by designing “mummy” pastries and creating our names in hieroglyphics in art. As part of our massage session we will have opportunities to perfume our feet and in music we will investigate different styles of ancient music. We are fortunate to continue to have Kelly Sheridan and Pamela McGahon leading our art and music sessions with their brilliant creativity.
We have some changes to our timetable this year but all physical sessions will continue as they did last year, just at a slightly different time! We have also introduced a new social games and body awareness session where we will be developing work between the students and building on gross and fine motor skills.
We continue to receive support from Asia Koszuta (class occupational therapist) and Carra-Lynn Lindsay (class speech therapist). This year Mary Kay has handed over to another colleague, Frances Slowie for all physiotherapy needs.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support with my Masters work over the last year. I am now about to start on the second year of my course and I’ll let you know more about my next projects over the year. Last term I focused some work on the use of objects of reference and following this we are going to update some of the objects we use and consider how we can make this process more individualised.
As always, please do get in touch if you have any queries or questions via the home/school diary, phone or by popping into school. I am looking forward to another fantastic year working with your young people!
Best wishes,
Ros and the team