We address you as diverse New Mexico faith leaders who stand with Pope Francis.

We are answering the call of Pope Francis to care and act for the common good of all creation and the future generations.

The call was issued even before Laudato Si, the encyclical that has now lit up the world stage. It is a single sentence in the April 28, 2015 Declaration of the Religious Leaders, Political Leaders led by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Business Leaders, Scientists and Development Practitioners called to the Vatican in anticipation of the December climate negotiations in Paris. Facing the essential economic and cultural revolution that climate change requires, the Declaration says: “In this core moral space, the world’s religions play a very vital role.”

The encyclical itself opens with St. Francis’s Canticle of Creation: “Laudato si’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you my Lord.” The pope took “Francis” as his papal name because St. Francis stood with and for the poor, loved all creation as kin, and embodied peace. “In this moment we don’t have such a great relationship with the creator,” he added.

The encyclical, a document for “all people” no matter religion or politics, urges a fundamentally changed relationship to the planet. The pope’s argument is a moral one above all, grounded in the dignity of the human person and the primacy of the common good, a good that now includes the goods of the planetary commons itself, creation. “Earth herself, burdened and laid waste, is among the most abandoned and maltreated of our poor,” Francis laments. “A true ecological approach,” he says later, integrates “questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

The Pope does not write as an environmentalist, or business leader or politician. He listens carefully to the scientists but he does not write as one. Pope Francis’ appeal is as a world religious leader embodying courage and hope at a time of civilizational emergency.

It is safe to say that rarely has there been so powerful a catalyst, and rallying call, for people of faith and conscience as this encyclical. Or so timely. In this “core moral space,” at this moment, ours is a “very vital role.”

As the undersigned faith leaders we work with our religious communities and our civic leaders to understand the meaning of Laudato Si / Praised Be! and to join the swelling support for a global climate treaty in December. Some of us have signed the Paris Pledge to reduce our consumption of energy by 50% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. Interfaith Power and Light will deliver the Pledges in person in Paris. As faith leaders we support the Clean Power Plan and initiatives like the Green Climate Fund, which will assist brothers and sisters suffering most from the effects of climate change.

We invite you to consider Pope Francis’ words, “Today in view of the common good, there is urgent need for politics and economics to enter into a frank dialogue in the service of life, especially human life.” (Laudate Si 229)

Peace to the Earth and peace on Earth,


The Right Rev'd Michael L. Vono, D.D.

IX Bishop, Diocese of the Rio Grande

The Rev. Jim Gonia, Bishop

Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Rt. Rev.Dave Bailey

Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Navajoland Area Mission

Allen Sanchez

Executive Director, NM Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Rev. Dr. Sallie M. Watson

Missional Presbyter, Presbytery of Santa Fe, Presbyterian Church (USA)

The Rev. Dr. Donna L. McNiel
Executive Director, New Mexico Conference of Churches

Sister Joan Brown,osf

Executive Director, NM Interfaith Power and Light

Sr. Rose Marie Cecchini, mm

Director of the Office of Life, Justice, Peace and Creation Stewardship, Gallup

Jim Gannon

CEO Catholic Charities, Albuquerque

Very Rev. Bennett J. Voorhies

Ecumenical Ministries

Necip Orhan

New Mexico Representative, Dialogue Institute of the Southwest

Anne Avellone, M. Div, LMSW

Director, Office of Social Justice and Respect Life, Santa Fe Archdiocese

Norbertine Community of New Mexico

Abbot Joel Garner

Fr. Gene Gries, Major Superior

Ruth Hoffman
Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM

The Rev. Holly Beaumont, D. Min.

Organizing Director Interfaith Worker Justice, New Mexico

Michael E. (Eddie) Gallegos

Chairman of the Board, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Santa Fe

The Rev. Cynthia Hizer,

Vicar, Good Shepherd Mission and The Southeast Region of the Episcopal Church in Navajoland Area Mission

Kathy Freeze

Parish Liaison Catholic Charities, Albuquerque

Larry Rasmussen

Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary, United Church of Santa Fe

Fr.Richard Rohr,O.F.M.
Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque

The Rev. Dr. Robert Craig

Presbyterian Church U.S.A.

The Rev'd Canon Daniel GP Gutierrez

Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of the Rio Grande

Sister Marlene Perrotte, rsm

Immigration Law Practitioner, Albuquerque

Donna Illerbrun

Principal, St. Therese Catholic School, Albuquerque

Fr. Vincent Chavez

Pastor, St. Therese Parish, Albuquerque

Barb O'Connor, ofs

Santa Fe Pax Christi

Jennifer Murphy-Dye

Board President, New Mexico Conference of Churches

Tom Stark,

Board President, New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light

Rev. Wally Ford

NM Elder Mediation Network, former Executive Director NM Conference of Churches

The Rev. Elizabeth McMaster

(ret.) Unitarian Universalist Minister, Albuquerque

Rev. Talitha Arnold

United Church of Santa Fe, United Church of Christ, Santa Fe

Rabbi Neil Amswych

Rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom, Santa Fe

The Rev. Canon Raymond Raney

Rector, Church of the Holy Cross, Episcopal, Edgewood

Rev. Brendalyn Batchelor

Senior Minister, Unity Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM

Rev. Harry W. Eberts

Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Santa Fe, NM

Rev. Dr. Bobbie McGarey


Rev. Dr. Stephen J. Miller

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Albuquerque

Sr. Maria Teresa Tellez r.a.

Pastoral worker, Chaparral, NM.

Fr Larry Bernard OFM

Pastor, San Diego Mission, Jemez Pueblo

Bill Bright

Baha'i Faith, Gallup, NM

Rev. Robert Aubrey

Associate Minister, Monte Vista Christian Church (DOC), Albuquerque

Pamela Gilchrist

Clerk, Peace and Social Concerns, Santa Fe Friends (Quaker)

Donald Conklin

Pastoral Associate for Administration & Ministry

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Community, Albuquerque

Anne Morawski
Lutheran Campus Pastor at UNM & CNM, ELCA, Albuquerque

The Rev. M. Catherine Volland

Rector, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, Santa Fe

Rev. James D. Brown

Minister (retired) Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Santa Fe

Mary Jo Lundy,

Retired Lay Pastor, Presbyterian, Santa Fe

Rev. Angela Herrera

Associate Pastor, First Unitarian Church, Albuquerque

Rev. Dr. Bert Scott

United Methodist Minister, retired, Albuquerque

Revs. William G. and Karen D. Thompson

Pastors, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Santa Fe

Bud Ryan

Coordinator, Pax Christi Santa Fe

Rev. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz

Pastor, Cristo Rey Parish, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe

Janet F McCormack

M.Ed., Trustee, Zia United Methodist Church, Santa Fe

Rev Sue Joiner

Senior Minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Albuquerque

Rev. Bobbie Mcgarey

Pastor, New Life PCUSA, Albuquerque

Pastor Joene

Christ Lutheran Church, Santa Fe

Clayton Roberts
Mission Elder, Albuquerque Mennonite Church

Ellen Buelow

Roman Catholic social justice ministry, Albuquerque

Lynn R. Anner-Bolieu, Deacon

Good Shepherd Mission & St. Mark's Mission, Fort Defiance, AZ; Episcopal Church of Navajoland

Sister Mary Frate
Daughter of Charity, Catholic, Tuba City, AZ

Sr. Mary Hottenroth

Sister of the Blessed Sacrament, Fort Defiance, AZ

Rev. Betsy Bueschel

Retired UCC Minister, United Church of Santa Fe

Pam Frasier-Walters

NM Interfaith Dialogue

Sharon Gross

Quaker, Albuquerque

Fr. William Woytavich

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Rio Rancho

Rex Owen Stockwell

Vestry of San Gabriel Episcopal, Corrales

Deani Travnicek

Elder Community of Christ, Albquerque

Mary E. Donato

Lay leader, Immaculate Conception Parish, Albuquerque

Terese Rand Bridges

Lay leader, St. Michael & All Angel’s Episcopal, Albuquerque

Rev. Anita Amstutz

Mennonite Church USA, Albuquerque

Rev. Seth Finch

Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church

Fr. Frank Quintana

Blessed Oscar Romero Catholic Community

Sister Maryann Agnes Mueller

Felician Sisters, Roman Catholic,Rio Rancho

Fr. Eric Ramirez, SJ
Associate Pastor, Immaculate Conception Church, Albuquerque

The Rev. Anne Ritchings

Pastoral Associate, St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Albuquerque

Carol Morrison, Board Chair

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Silver City

Rev. Lorelei Kay

Presbytery of Santa Fe, Gallup

Rabbi Arthur Flicker

Bnai Israel, Albquerque

Lizabeth Rutherford, osf

Sisters of St. Francis of Colorado Springs, Los Alamos

Geneal Kramer OP, D.Min.

Order of Preachers, Spiritual Director, Albuquerque

Fr. Warren Broussard, SJ

Immaculate Conception Parish, Albuquerque

Rabbi Min Kantrowitz


Rev. Charlotte J. Hoppe
Lead Minister, Mission West, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Carolyn Good
Board Member, Church Women United & New Mexico Conference of Churches

The Rev. F. Allan Bash

United Church of Christ, Albuquerque

The Rev. Karen C. Bash

Past moderator of Church of the Good Shepherd, UCC, Albuquerque

Deacon Jan Bales

St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Albuquerque

The Rev. Christopher McLaren

Rector, St. Mark¹s Episcopal Church, Albuquerque

Rabbi Deborah Brin,

Nahalat Shalom, Albuquerque

Mia L. Noren

Director of Religious Education, First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque

Rev. David M. Cameron

Immanuel PC (USA), Albuquerque

Sara Keeney

Friends Meeting, Albuquerque

Carol Merrill

New Mexico Quaker, Corrales

Nicholas King

Pastor, Carlsbad Mennonite Church

The Rev. Dr. Richard W. K. Murphy

Episcopal, Santa Fe

The Rev. Tyler Connoley
Pastor, Silver City United Church of Christ

Sr. Liz Chambers, FdCC

Canossian Sisters, Albuquerque

Renee Wolters

NM Faith Coalition for Immigrant Justice

Rev. Christopher McLaren

St. Mark’s on the Mesa Episcopal, Albuquerque

The Rev. Christine Robinson, senior minister

First Unitarian, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Rev. Sarah Tevis-Townes

Church of the Good Sheperd, Albuquerque

Rev. Dr. Ute Molitor

Southwest Conference United Church of Christ

Rev Sandra Wisco, Pastor
St. Mark Lutheran Church (ELCA), Charlottesville, Virginia

Rev. James D. Brown

Minister (retired) Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Santa Fe

Olivia Newfield

Treasures of Wisdom Ministry, CBSFA &Cristo Rey

Rev. Paul Moore

Pastor, Good Shepherd Episcopal, Silver City

Pastor James Knight, Jr.

Eclessia Pentecostal Church, Silver City

Pastor E B Ross

Brewerhill Missionary Baptist Church, Silver City