5432 1


Side 1Side 2

Cut as one Cut as one piece

PieceIgnore this line-->

For pieces 1-7, place a small hole in the lower left hand corner of each dotted square. This will be where your steerable gear wire will protrude through, and will help to make a nice perpendicular hole. It should be ½ inch from the front and side.

Former 3 is intentionally different to allow a space for the servo wire to pass through.

In Side 1, the hole is also for the servo wire to pass through

Side view front view

Wire bends, swept


  1. Parts list:
  2. 1x 9-10g servo. (HK15178)
  3. Dollar tree foam board cut as above
  4. 3 gift cards
  5. or: Large popsicle sticks/tongue depressors
  6. 3/32 inch high tensile wire (piano wire) 6 to 8 inches
  7. Pen spring
  8. 1-2 wheels collars, 1 may be substituted by servo mounting grommet and brass sleeve
  9. Standard size servo arm for steering arm
  10. Or a long servo arm/control horn/popsicle stick
  11. Tube/pipe/sleeve with 3/32 inch inside diameter(optional)
  12. Epoxy, super glue
  13. Various tools/creativity

Total price: $3 plus random scraps, spare parts, and your wheel of choice

(nearly free pop can wheel build video


1. Cut out all pieces above

2. Remove all paper from pieces and stack/glue with piece number one starting on the bottom and ending with 7 on top.

3. Glue side pieces on making sure to place the servo wire hole on the proper side.

4. Glue two gift cards together with your glue of choice and glue these (or your solid mounting piece of choice) to the bottom of piece #1. This offset allows the gear to protrude through your fuselage in the center.

5. drill a hole through these gift cards from the top that matches the outside diameter of your shaft tube if you are using one, otherwise drill it to the size of your shaft.

6. Glue 1 gift card (cut to the size of piece #7) to the top of piece #7.

7. Drill a hole of the same diameter in this piece as you did in step 5.

8. Install your shaft tube if you are using one now. Be sure to glue it in solid to the gift cards and foam.

9. Bend your landing gear wire as show above. (for different size wheels/planes simply resize this document to make a smaller bending pattern. It is important that the wire rotates (rotation axis is) through the center of your wheel to avoid unnecessary torque on the servo while landing and taxiing.)

10. Install a wheel collar or servo mounting grommet and brass sleeve where indicated by the arrow, and install your spring above this. Slide the gear into the base from the bottom and set aside

11. Roughen up the top and sides of one wheel collar and epoxy your 1.0- 1.25 inch control arm, being careful to not epoxy the set screw into position. Set aside and let it cure.

12. Install your servo into the base assembly and secure with a small amount of hot glue

13. Install your cured control arm onto the landing gear shaft

14. Make a pushrod to fit the assembly using the first or second hole on your servo and the farthest hole on the control arm. (if you us equal holes the force from the wheel may strip the gears in your servo)

15. To install in your plane, simply remove the set screw holding the control arm in position and slide the gear out of the assembly. Place the assembly inside of you fuselage tube where you would like it and secure with one dowel rod in front and in back of the assembly then secure the dowl rods down with rubber bands around the outside of the fuselage.

16. Using a small wire, locate the position of the landing gear hole on the outside of your fuselage. Then insert your landing gear back into the assembly from the bottom. Secure it in place with the set screw on the control arm and install your pushrod.