P Henry 2.10.2005

Mid Atlantic Diamondback Terrapin working group

Research : Information on recently conducted or current research activities. If more than 1 task with different objectives, please submit a listing for each.

1. Objective:

2. Location: (eg. Chesapeake Bay Upper Eastern Shore, or Fishing Bay)

3. Life stage or age class (e.g. embryos, hatchlings, adult females, males, subadult)

4. Brief description of methods (e.g. monitoring shoreline, mark-recapture, annual survey)

5. If animals are tagged and released, a description of the methods used may help if others in the field encounter the animals.

(e.g., The USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center is tagging terrapins with 3 methods:

1. single locational tag which consists of a drill hole in the right or left 10th or 11th marginal scute; 2. small metal (approx 15x3 mm) monel/fish tag with a 3 digit number engraved and 3. PIT inserted in the animal with a 10 alphanumeric code.)

Education: Information on recently conducted or ongoing educational activities.

1. Objective

2. Target audience – age group, grade level, area covered (e.g. Baltimore, Living classrooms)

3. Brief description of educational methods used and outreach activities.

(What is being done, and how. Which stage of terrapin biology is of primary emphasis.)

Other activities recently conducted or ongoing:

(Including but not limited to : land or shoreline development projects – economic resource surveys

– risk assessments and risk analyses, pet trade - breeding programs – rehabilitation - etc)

1. Objective

2. Target audience

3. Brief description of the program methods and what entities are involved, where, etc.

Regulations: What are the State’s wildlife and/or fisheries laws that specifically cover the terrapin?

1. Commercially harvested regulations

Open harvesting season:

Habitat allowable for harvesting:

Methods used for harvesting:

Size and or sex imitations of the harvest

2. Regulations to control bycatch

Size and type requirements for BRD or TED on crab and eel pots or other fishing gear

For commercial:

For recreational:

3. Recreational regulations

Collecting and owning terrapin as pets

4. Official reporting requirements:

From the watermen -

From the processing plants -

5. Landings data – how are they compiled and used?

6. Are there current regulations for collecting or destroying fishing gear post season?

If so, what are they?

7. For those regulations on the books, are these enforced effectively?

If so, how?

Please provide a contact person, office or department, web address where regulatory information is found.


Have you participated with your State in developing their Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation plans?

If so, would you provide a brief update of the activities and progress in your State.

Finally, feel free to add updates and information on activities I may have missed.

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