Jacksonville Athletic Club
Registration Form
Athlete Name: ______High School: ______
□ Elite ($350 for 3 months/$1050 summer) □ Emerging Elite ($200 for 2 months/$400 summer)
Event(s): ______PR: ______Event(s): ______PR: ______
Event(s): ______PR: ______Event(s): ______PR: ______
Event(s): ______PR: ______Event(s): ______PR: ______
Jersey Size: ______T Shirt Size: ______
Athlete Cell: ______Athlete Email: ______
Parent(s) Name: ______Contact #: ______
Parent(s) Email: ______Preferred method of communication: ______
Home Address: ______
For Elite Summer Track Club Members only:
Please select 5 meets included in your club membership. Additional meets may be attended but you will be responsible for cost, please circle any additional meets you would like to attend.
□ May 17th JTC Summer track meet #1, Jacksonville, FL
□ May 18thGolden South Classic, Orlando, FL
□ June 8thAAU FL District Qualifier, Jacksonville, FL (pole vault not offered)
□ June 14-16thUSATF Association Championships, Altamonte Springs, FL
□ June 25-30thUSATF Youth Championships, Edwardsville, IL
□ July 4-7th USATF Regional Championships, Jacksonville, FL (must qualify, top 4 at USATF Assoc. Champ.)
□ July8-14thAAU Club Championships, Altamonte Springs, FL
□ July 22-28thUSATF JO Champs, Greensboro, NC (must qualify, top 4 at USATF Regional Championships)
□ July 28-Aug 3rd AAU National Championships, Detroit, MI (must qualify, top 8 at AAU Club Championships)
Code of Conduct
All individuals (athletes, parents, coaches) involved in the Jacksonville Athletic Club (JAC) represent not only him/herself, but also the club at all practices and competitions. Participation in this club carries with it a great deal of personal responsibility. Please read the following personal responsibilities you will adhere to as a member of the Jacksonville Athletic Club. Failure to abide by this code of conduct could result in dismissal from the club. Illegal actions will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal from the club without refund.
-Arrive on time to practice, time missed will not be made up
-Be respectful to all officials, teammates, and competitors
-Keep all practice facilities and competition sites clean and in good condition
-Good sportsmanship is expected from all athletes and parents
-Adhere to all facility rules at The Bolles School and competition sites
-Parents will parent, coaches will coach, and athletes will compete
- If you have a question for a coach please wait until after the event (practice or competition) has concluded and speak with them privately
- Athletes are invited to ask questions of coaches but all instruction should be followed
I have read and understand the Jacksonville Athletic Club’s code of conduct and will abide by the above expectations.
Athlete Name: ______Signature:______Date:______
Parent’s Name: ______Signature:______Date:______
Parent’s Name: ______Signature:______Date:______