Dan Corretore, Pastor 587-9544 or
Editor – Connie VanNorstrand Circulation – Johanne West Mailing List – Bertha Alderman Printing – Kathy Barnes
Vol. 35 No. 8 November and December 2009
A Word from the Pastor
We’ve come to the last weeks of the year 2009. For many people in our church family, it has been a rough year. The country’s economic situation has brought financial stress—for individual households and for our church. Many are coping with physical health issues or mental health issues. The H1N1 virus occasions new worries. Our prayers continue for those serving in the military, especially those in deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are concerns for family and friends. We have suffered grief and loss. These are realities.
There is another reality—the reality of God’s constant love and care for each one of us:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.
‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore will I hope in him.’” Lamentations 3:22-24
November and December are filled with opportunities to experience anew God’s blessings in our lives. As you read through the pages of this newsletter, you will see many special worship services which are planned, culminating in the Christmas Eve Services on Thurs. Dec. 24 at 5:30, 8:00, and 11:00 p.m.
There will also be times for Bible study, fellowship with one another, and joy-filled service to our community—from weekly Sunday School to Christmas caroling on Sun. Dec. 20.
In this holy season, you & your family are invited. May your spiritual life be deepened; may you hear God’s voice speaking tidings of comfort and joy. Pastor Dan
* * * * *
Welcome to our new organist, Jan Stevens McDorman! Many of you know Jan—she grew up in our church. Jan filled in at the organ when Lorraine Wilson was incapacitated with a broken wrist several years ago. For 20 years, she played at the Wolcott Episcopal Church and more recently, at Faith UMC. Over the years, she has volunteered at our church in many wonderful ways, such as being our Vacation Bible School Director for four years. She is a great help with the Middle School Youth Group in leading crafts, in playing the piano for the annual musical program at Blossom View, and in being a chaperone for the year-end trips. Jan and her husband, Mike, have been married for 27 years, and have three young adult children (Kelly, a sophomore at SUNY Oswego, majoring in art; Matt, a high school junior; and Laura, an 8th grader). Jan is the secretary to the North Rose-Wolcott District Superintendent of Schools and is the District Clerk for the Board of Education. We are looking forward to Jan sharing her gift of music in worship and pray God’s blessing upon her in her ministry of music.
A special thank you to Lucy Smith, who volunteered at the organ bench throughout the summer and in this interim while we completed the hiring process. Her music has brought great inspiration and joy each week.
And our deepest gratitude to Lorraine Wilson, for over 48 years of enriching our Sunday morning worship services, funerals, weddings, cantatas, and other special services as our church organist. We will miss her at the organ bench; we’re glad she’s available to help out as our new Organist Emerita.
* * * * *
Baptism Sunday, November 29
Several families have chosen November 29 for their child’s baptism. If you know of anyone who would like to have their child baptized that day, please contact Pastor Dan as soon as possible (587-9544, ) Or, if there’s another date on which a family would like to schedule a baptism, Pastor Dan can work with them to plan for this special time in a child’s life and faith journey.
Greeters Lay Readers Projection Advent Wreath
Nov. 1 Audrey Walker Aaron Petrosino Nolan Anthony
8 Taber Family Donna Guthrie Nate Phillips
15 Kathleen Quereau Sam Ortiz
22 Joe Ortiz Nate Phillips
29 Johanne West Bruce Clingerman Sam Ortiz Sember Family
November Head Usher: Nate Phillips
Dec. 6 Shirley Barnes Gloria Petrosino Nolan Anthony LaClair/Bailey Family
13 Dorothea Ball Jane Milem Noah Barnes Dennis& Sue Caves Family
20 Ann Stevens Renee Stewart Kendra Stewart Don & Rylee Collea Family
27 June Smith Bonna Milem Marcus Burry
December Head Usher: David Fremouw
November Birthday/Anniversary*
1 Jake Welkley
2 Ember Hilkert
3 Cory Stamp
4 Ina Marshall
5 Mary Alice Hackney
9 Cynthia Anthony; Jamie Goossen
10 Emma McKown; Ginny Robinson
11 Heather Oviedo
12 John Lopez; Tammy Richardson; Harold Teeple
13 Jackson Sehm
14 Jeremy Sears
15 Jon Bentley; Erin Dobbin
16 Don Ballagh; Chris Collins; Chase Fremouw
17 Lisa DeFeo; Lois Loveless
19 Leah Stuck
20 Jim Bannerman
21 Sarah Wood
22 Samuel Ortiz
23 Larry & Janet Clingerman*
24 Gilman & Ina Marshall*
25 Ed & Betty Closs*; Susan Cross;
Alice Richardson; Tam Virts
26 Janet Clingerman; Charity VanAcker
27 David Barnes; Tom & Deb Phillips*;
James Raville; Danielle Wunder
28 Matt Carrier; Janet Fremouw
December Birthday/Anniversary*
2 Gale Blackmon; Enrique Oviedo; Kim Sember; Ann Stevens
3 Nick Ferrell
5 Justin Bousquin; Sarah Eisenmenger;
Sandra Wilson
6 Kathy Barnes; Lori Peck; Aidan Rittenhouse
7 Chris Loveless; Chase Stamp
9 Linda Edinger; Zack Luckin; Jen Martin; Shawn Meszko; Ryan Mumby; Linda Teeple
10 Shirley Barnes; Randy & Jill Kise*
11 Hank Felker
14 Matt Collins; Gary & Kathy Marshall*;
Jaelynn Wiltsie
15 John Bousquin; Josef & Kim Collier*; Tim & Terri Cretin*; Cam & Su Lockley*; Jill Virts
16 Christian Barnes; Tim Cretin; Dave VanAcker; Lori Winter
17 Ella Loveless
19 Erin Milem; Jessie Milliman
21 Matt Atkins; Charlie & Dory Castor*;
Carolyn Murphy
22 Brad & Edie Bradley*; Bill & Twana Milem*; Trinity Thomas; Sandie Van Deusen
23 Becka Loveless; Jerel & Kayla Reid*;
Lucy Smith
24 Matt McDorman; Emilia Sedore;
Chuck & Toni Wood*
25 Rob Kessler; Colleen Raville
26 Jared Sherwin; Sally Smith; Noel Wilson
27 Colleen Anthony
28 Donna Collins; Joe Petrosino; Megan Smith
29 John & Vicky Bousquin*; Sean Dobbin;
Avery Galek
30 Cinda Collier; Liam Finch
31 Paul & Kristin DeFeo*
Church Finance Update
This summer, our church finances continue to run in the red, ending in August with a deficit of $18,000. By the end of September, the shortfall decreased by $2,000 due to increased church attendance and the catching up of pledges. However, the shortfall remains significant and of great concern.
Election Night Dinner
The annual Election Night Dinner will be held Tues. Nov. 3, serving from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Featuring turkey and biscuits with gravy, vegetables, cabbage salad, applesauce, corn bread, fruit breads, relishes, beverage, and homemade pie or cake. Delivery service will be available. If you would like dinner delivered to your home between 4:30 – 5:30 pm on Nov. 3, please call the church office – 587-9544 or Lucy Smith – 483-8297, and leave your name and phone number.
Pointes of Faith Offering
A few months ago, at the recommendation of the Worship Team, the Church Council approved a $100 expenditure to help cover the cost of the Pointes Of Faith concert that was held at the high school on October 2nd. Five other Methodist churches in the area also donated money for this concert. It’s important to note that the concert was free to all who attended.
“A Pilgrim’s Progress” was presented in Ballet and Modern Dance. It was choreographed by Rachael Platt. Preceding and following the concert was a strong message of Christian invitation, given by Dick LaValley.
A special offering will be taken on November 1st to cover our portion of this cost. Understand that this is not covered by the basic budget. Specific donations must be given for this specific cause. Donations may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church office in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, contact Ken Dobbin.
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study
We are continuing with our monthly Men’s Breakfast Bible Study on the first Thursday of each month. We always welcome newcomers—so whether you have come before or this is your first time, we hope you will join us. Upcoming Dates: Thurs. Nov. 5 (Genesis 32-33, led by Pastor Dan) & Thurs. Dec. 3 (Genesis 37-47, led by Gary Poole), at 7:30 a.m. at Nick’s Restaurant in Wallington. Everyone orders whatever they’d like off the menu—from a cup of coffee to a farmer’s breakfast—separate checks! Please come, and bring a friend or neighbor, too!
Program for Parents and Those Working with Children & Youth
Robin Canne from the Victim’s Resource Center in Newark will be presenting a program on recognizing abuse. It will be held at Rose United Methodist Church on Mon. Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. All adults from our church and neighboring churches are invited to join in this program sponsored by Rose UMC.
Pecan Sale
We are selling pecans again this Fall. We are offering two types of pecans – Extra Large Pecan Halves (16 oz) and Chocolate Covered Pecans (12 oz). The pecans come in gift bags ready to be given as Christmas gifts. The Extra Large Pecan Halves are ready to be used for your holiday baking. Proceeds will help support the church’s basic budget. Order blanks are on the table at the bottom of the stairs in the Fellowship Hall; the deadline for orders is Sun. Nov. 8. The pecans will arrive around the week of Nov. 16. For more info, contact Linda Tompkins (587-9061, ).
Veterans of the Cross Offering
Veterans of the Cross Offering will be received on Sunday, November 22. This offering will be used to purchase Christmas gifts for retired pastors and spouses who have served our church in North Rose through the years.
December Office Schedule
Our church secretary, Bertha Alderman, will be on vacation (and the food pantry will be closed), from Sat. Dec. 12, through Sun. Jan. 3. Linda Tompkins (our pastor’s office assistant) will be glad to answer your office questions. She will be in the church office, 10 a.m. to noon:
Tues. Dec. 15 Mon. Dec. 21 Mon. Dec. 28
Thurs. Dec. 17 Tues. Dec. 22 Tues. Dec. 29
Fri. Dec. 18 Wed. Dec. 30
Linda will also check e-mail messages, but only on these days.
Pastor Dan Will Be Away
Pastor Dan will be on vacation, beginning Fri. Dec. 25, and continuing through Sat. Jan. 2. If you need a pastor when Dan is away, please contact our Visiting Ministry Team Leader: Carol Agnew (946-4093).
Food Pantry Hours in December
We are grateful to Bertha Alderman for assisting our neighbors in need through our Food Pantry. In December, the Food Pantry will be open the following dates, 10 a.m. to noon: Monday, Nov. 30, through Friday, Dec. 4
Monday, Dec. 7, through Friday, Dec. 11
The Food Pantry will then re-open on Mon. Jan. 4
Please call ahead (587-9544) so that food orders can be prepared for pick up.
At all other times, please call Diane and ask for the Rose Food Pantry (587-2766).
Holiday Celebrations at the Church
Sunday, December 13, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Christmas Program during worship. (No Bible Friends.)
Sunday, December 20, 10:30 a.m. Christmas Sunday Worship Service. Pastor Dan Corretore’s message will be “GIFT of Transformation”
Sunday, December 20, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Christmas Caroling. Do you like to sing Christmas carols & holiday songs?—then this is for you! Adults and kids of all ages are welcome, as we walk through the village singing at homes and then return to the church for cookies & hot chocolate.
Thursday, December 24, 5:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m., and 11:00 p.m.
Candlelight Christmas Eve Services. At each service, the story of Jesus’ birth will be told through scripture, anthems, drama, and favorite carols. Pastor Dan will preach on “What Shall We Sing for the Child?” Each service will end with candle lighting and the singing of “Silent Night.”
5:30 p.m. will be a family service featuring the Junior Choir & Bellringers, with our children & youth presenting the nativity drama. (Child care provided.)
8:00 p.m. will feature the Chancel Choir and the Adult Bellringers. (Child care provided.)
11:00 p.m. will include the opportunity to light candles in memory of a loved one/friend, as well as soloists and adult handbell choir, dance, and drama.
Sunday, December 27, 10:30 a.m. Worship led by our College Students. There will be a fellowship time with Christmas cookies after the service, so everyone can catch up with our college students. (No Sunday School or Bible Friends on this vacation Sunday.)
Community Thanksgiving Service
Each year the Rose Council of Churches sponsors a Thanksgiving Community Service when all the peoples of our community can come together to bring our praises to the Lord. This year the service will be held on Sunday, November 22, at 4:00 p.m. at Rose United Methodist Church, 10695 School St., Rose. The preacher will be Pastor Jim Howes from New Hope Assembly of God Church. Please invite your family, friends, and neighbors!