Ethiopia Cash Working Group
Minutes of the CWG Meeting
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
10:00 a.m., FH Offices
1. Overview of the 28 March meeting
· Due to low attendance on the 28 March meeting, participants discussed how to increase participation, including ensuring the CWG work plan is developed as it is likely to draw people toward specific deliverables; sharing partner experiences at some working group meetings.
2. Updates from CWG members
· World Vision informed CALP trainings would be held in May and were open to participation by CWG members. The 4W response modality mapping currently being developed by WV will be complemented by the cash mapping exercise.
· WV OFDA project cash guidance/manual for transfers is being developed, and the contents page will be shared to the CWG for comments.
· OFDA project wants to provide required support to government – have an independent cash gap need and assessment working with NDRMC to finalize the checklist, methodology needs to be approved first (to be presented to this group first); cash in the development and emergency context.
· Participants raised several questions on the cash manual, including how it would be used, how it would integrate with other manuals? Who will be the owner and what about harmonization, as there is an effort to show continuum of response – how will this link into it.
· WFP assessment in Dollo – cash in drought affected areas assessed; inputs and linkages to external markets (will follow to share information); also expanding cash programming in three new camps) – reducing the cereal ration and top up with cash.
· DRC undertaking cash assessment next week, situation deteriorating, doing more in depth cash assessment; selected those not on the list for food distribution (for IDPs); Dollo Odo woreda, Liban zone; Emergency cash distribution.
Action Point
· WV to share manual contents page with CWG members, and members to provide comments to WV by Friday 28 April.
3. Update on the Regional CWGs and linkages with Addis level
· The regional CWG currently active is primarily the Somali RCWG. The Amhara RCWG is beginning to become active. Other regions are in their initial stages. SNNP initial meetings have taken place. Trying to determine who is responsible for doing what, hosting, etc.
· CWG won’t be responsible for directly managing the entities at this time. We can provide TOR from the national level, we can make linkages, information sharing, etc. The WGs need to ensure efforts are not duplicated and that the regional TORs are well-developed, even if we aren’t supporting directly.
4. Endorsement of 2017 CWG priorities
· After discussion, the 2017 priorities were agreed on consensus and can now be used to begin developing a work plan. The only additional discussion on the priorities are is as follows
· Increased coordination: A few options were discussed to improve coordination. Developing a CWG database was proposed where assessments can be uploaded, people can review and reference (access on thematic issues). Others acknowledged that the CALP website already serves partly for this purpose. Another alternative was to simply track on a monthly basis who has done what assessments and where, collected by the CWG and circulated to all partners.
Action point
· CWG SC to decided and report to the group a single modality for sharing information about assessments, program models, etc. either using CALP or creating a separate database/mechanism.
5. 4W matrix and review of infographic
· Partners were reminded again to submit by May 1st, and that a final graphic would be provided to the group in May.
6. AoB
· Next meeting 30 May, 10am-11:30am at FH Offices (SC TBD due to potential conflicts the second week of May for several members)
Name / Organization/AgencyPraemeenah Poobalan / DRC
Teodros Assefa / WB
Loza Kibret / WB
Yeshi Assefa / DRC
Simret Mamuille / WVI
Alemayehu Girma / CARE
Salome Daniel / WFP
Fragrance Manyala / WFP
Lilian Mutiso / IOM
Abdi Beshir Ahmes / NRC
Zinan Kebede / CST
Sirgut Merhatsidk / DCA
Sofie Naesdorf / WFP
Miraf Kefelegne / SCI
Solomon Bekele / WV
Craig Jaggers / FH
*** The next CWG meeting will be held on Tuesday 30 May in FH Offices ***