
Genetic Disease Doctor’s Office Brochure Project Worksheet

Before you begin your project of creating a Genetic Disease Doctor’s Office Brochure I’d like you to have a web site resource with literature and activities to help you in accessing pertinent information about your disease and how it originates. Please go to There is a wealth of information on this web site but today we are concerned with the topic of GENOME. Click on this and various options will appear. Click on TOUR. The first part is called Flyover. Please explore watch and read all the parts of this section and then write a summary of what you have learned. Do this for the next sections as well. You will be accessing this web site along with others to help you with gathering the pertinent information needed on your brochure.


Chromosome intro and globin cluster:______




Intergenic region and transposons:______




Ubiquilins and olfactory receptors:______




TRIM and olfactory clusters:______




Chromosome Close up:

Chromosome coiling:______




Chromosome tour:______




X chromosome:______



Genome FISHing:

Identify at least 2 gene encoding proteins that are produced on various chromosomes of your choosing. Pick any 3 chromosomes you find interesting and write down 2 proteins that are produced from these chromosomes. Look for something you could possibly recognize. Identify the protein and then look up info to determine what this protein does for you in your body and describe this. Up to 3 more for extra credit. Example:

Chromosome 1

Proteins produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. Tumor protein P73--- Is thought to be a tumor suppressor gene, plays a role in susceptibility to lung cancer. Related to tumorgenesis, and functions of the cell cycle.

B. Interleukin 10--- Is thought to function to inhibit functions of T-cells, is a cytokine that functions to be an important regulator of the immune system.

Chromosome ____

Proteins Produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. ______: ______


B. ______:______


Chromosome ____

Proteins Produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. ______: ______


B. ______:______


Chromosome ____

Proteins Produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. ______: ______


B. ______:______


Chromosome ____

Proteins Produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. ______: ______


B. ______:______


Chromosome ____

Proteins Produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. ______: ______


B. ______:______


Chromosome ____

Proteins Produced: What does this protein do in my body?

A. ______: ______


B. ______:______


Centromere function:______



Telomere facts:______






GENOME SPOTS: view all the various spots on the different chromosomes. These “spots” will be your choices for the Genetic disorder brochure project. Choose at least 6 spots that interest you and click for further information and write that information down here:

Chromosome #______Location______Protein______

Chromosome #______Location______Protein______

Chromosome #______Location______Protein______

Chromosome #______Location______Protein______

Chromosome #______Location______Protein______

Chromosome #______Location______Protein______

You will each get a random number and will use this as your Turn to pick a genetic disease to research and create a doctor’s office Brochure for.

My disease I will research and create a doctor’s office concerning is:______

Here is work space for you to use about information you will be asked to put onto your brochure. You should be very detailed here on this page and then you can make it less “wordie” on your brochure.

Side 1: : Basic Information

1. Name of the Disorder (Scientific and general)-

2. Symptoms of people who think they might have the disorder:

3. Services your office provides to patients and families:

4. Illustration of some sort, tell me what kind of picture you will use here on your brochure.

References for this information:

Side 2: Science behind the Disease

1. Picture and/or illustration of the chromosome and where the gene in question is located. If a

Chromosomal disorder, show the chromosome organization. Sketch here

2. Identify the exact gene involvedand describe how it works and/or doesn’t. Name the proteinthe gene

codes for or what the defective gene isn’t producing. Basically describe the biochemistry of the


3. How is this disease transmitted? Show punnet or pedigree possibilitiesor is it a product of defective meiosis?

4. Other than identifying symptoms, how is the disorder detected or confirmed? What types of tests

are used to diagnose this?. How are they carried out.?Be specific.

References for this information:

Side 3: Treatment and Outlook for people affected with this Disease.

1. What are current cures, preventions?

2. What are the treatments for persons with this disease? What can your office offer for them?

3. Are there facilities and people currently working on research of this disease, if so are they working on

detection, prevention, or treatment possibilities. Name the scientists and describe their work.

You must name at least one scientist or group and detail their location and their work and how it will aid in improving the knowledge about your disease.

Side4: About our Staff and How We can Help.

Describe the professionals associated with your office and what they offer to these patients and their families.

For each professional (there should be at least three) pls. research what type of degree they must have, where a good university is for this type of degree,(preferably in California) any extra years of schooling needed, what type of internship or “practice” work they needed before working at this office.

Doctor’s name: (more than one if in group practice with others) and Doctor’s Professions

Nurses, Physical Therapists, Counselors, psychological and /or genetic ,Office workers, Speech Pathologists,

Please research at least 3 professions employed at your office and detail: years of schooling, appropriate college or University where one can get a degree in this field, extra years of schooling, internship or types of work history they needed to get full time employment at your facility.

Profession 1:

Profession 2:

Profession 3:

You may OF COURSE add pages or write more to go with this outline. Use this detailed information to

create your doctor’s office brochure.

Genetic Disease

Doctor’s Office Brochure Project:

Mrs.Thacker Biology/Genetics Unit

You are going to pick a genetic disease to research and you will create a doctor’s office

brochure that will give potential patients information on a certain genetic disease. You

may use any resources you can find to help you identify information you will need for this


Please start with going to the Genome section, Flyover, chromosome close up, genome fishing, genome spots, pick chromosomes and do a “close up”. Within these fields there is a wealth of information!!!

Assume that most of the patients of your audience are adults with a typical high school science background. The brochure should be creative as well as informative. You want your patients and their families to pick it up and read through it. Be sure to include accurate, up-to-date information and graphics that illustrate important ideas.

Remember your office is very friendly and wants to help patients and their families get the best possible care and attention. As health care workers dealing with patients who are struggling with fragile health and mental issues, you want to assure them through your knowledge and attitude that you can take excellent care of them and their families.

Criteria for the brochure: should be a whole paper folded in half

to give 4 sides.

Side 1: Basic Information

1. Name of the Disorder (Scientific and general)

2. Symptoms of people who think they might have the disorder

3. Services your office provides to patients and families

4. Illustration of some sort

Side 2: Science behind the Disease

1. Picture and/or illustration of the chromosome and where the gene in question is located. If a

Chromosomal disorder, show the chromosome organization

2. Identify the exact gene involved and describe how it works or doesn’t. Name the protein the gene

codes for or what the defective gene isn’t producing. Basically describe the biochemistry of the


3. How is this disease transmitted? Show punnet or pedigree possibilities

4. Other than identifying symptoms, how is the disorder detected or confirmed?

What types of tests are used to diagnose this?. How are they carried out.?

Side 3: Treatment and Outlook for people affected with this Disease.

1. What are current cures, preventions?

2. What are the treatments and outlook possibilities for persons with this disease?

3. Are there facilities and people currently working on research of this disease, if so are they working on

detection, prevention, or treatment possibilities. Name the scientists and describe their work.

4. Illustration of some kind.

Side4: About our Staff and How We can Help.

Describe what your office can offer to these patients and their families.

For each professional (there should be at least three) pls. research what

1. Type of degree they must have,

2. Where a good university or college is for this type of degree,(preferably in California) any extra years of schooling needed,

3. What type of internship or “practice” work they needed before working at this office.

4. What is a typical salary one could expect from this kind of full time work?

5. Include some kind of illustration or graphic

6. List at least 3 references for your information from all sections of the brochure.

Example professions: Doctor’s name: (more than one if in group practice with others) Doctor’s Professions


Physical Therapists

Counselors, psychological and /or genetic

Office workers

Speech Pathologists

Social worker

You must complete the Genetic Disease Doctor’s Office Brochure Project Worksheet to hand in with your completed Brochure.

The completed brochure and worksheet are due on ______at the beginning of class.

10% extra credit for any FULLY completed project handed in before this date (Must be complete).

Remember, this brochure is to “catch” the eye of patients and families and give them a feeling of hope and confidence that your office can offer the best, most up to date, loving and compassionate care for them.

You may NOT Plagiarize..No Cutting and Pasting!!!(except for an illustration)

Plagiarizing will earn you a ZERO on the project!!!

Use your own words!!!

You may type or hand write (VERY NEATLY) the worksheet. You may type any or all of the brochure and print out or you may type some and use hand drawn illustrations, whatever makes your brochure the best it can possibly be. If you do not have access to a computer you may hand write VERY NEATLY your brochure.

Genetic Disease Doctor’s Office Brochure and Worksheet Rubric:Name:______

Brochure side 1 Brochure side2Brochure side 3Brochure side 4Worksheet

Item 1 2pts item 1 3ptsitem 1 2 ptsProfession 1 4ptsDNAi complete 23 pts

Item 2 2pts item 2 4ptsitem 2 2 ptsProfession 2 4pts Workspace sheets 8 pts

Item 3 2pts item 3 3 ptsitem 3 4ptsProfession 3 4pts complete

Item 4 2pts item 4 4 ptsitem 4 2ptsItem 5 2 pts

Item 6 3 pts

/8 /14/10 /17 /31

Brochure is beautiful in every way: creative______/1 neat______/1 welcoming______/1

Professional in its staffing______/1 colorful and enticing______/1 /5


Total______/85 pts