Conformity Assessment Section (CAS) Executive Committee Meeting

Held at IEEE-EMC 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Long Beach, CA

August 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Participants:Mike Violette - Chair (Washington Labs): Harry Hodes – Vice Chair (Acme Testing); Mike Buzzard (A2LA); Dean Ghizzone (NW-EMC); Adam Gouker (A2LA); Beth Hackett (NVLAP); Todd Hanneman (Retlif); Greg Kiemel (NW-EMC); Raymond Klouda (Elite); Steve Koster (Washington Labs); Doug Kramer (NCEE); Victor Kuczynski (ICAN); Brad Moore (NVLAP); Dan Sigouin(Industry Canada); Donald Sweeney (DLS); Tony Anderson (ACIL SEO).

Please note:- Any documents not embedded but mentioned in the Minutes as attached can be found at the following link on the ACIL Web Site. This includes all the slide presentations, which were too large to embed.

1.0Call to order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:10 a.m. PDT

2.0Welcome and Acknowledgements:

Mr. Violette welcomed members and guests to the meeting.


Members and Guests introduced themselves

4.0Anti Trust Statement:

Mr. Anderson read the Anti Trust Statement and those present acknowledged they understood their obligations under the statement.

5.0Review and Approval of Minutes of Section Webinar held 08-03-11:

Motion:To approve the minutes of the 08-03-11 Webinar.

Moved by:Mr. Hodes

Seconded:Mr. Koster


6.0China position Statement:

Mr. Violette led a discussion about the inequalities in trade between the USA and China. The attached draft position statement outlines the issue.

There are various groups within the US trade offices who are trying to get a balance between the US regulatory requirements and the Chinese regulatory requirements,particularly for EMC where the Chinese requirements present a barrier to trade for US manufacturers. The long term goal is to get an MRA between the US and China, but in the short term ACIL is getting behind this issue to give it more visibility. In particular, the intent is to put pressure on USTR. After considerable discussion there was consensus that ACIL should remind regulators that the Chinese should live up to their treaty obligations..

Action: Mr. Violette and Mr. Hodes to form a task group to draft the document. It will be shared with the other sections for input and advanced to the Board for promulgation.

7.0ACIL Standards Alert Brief Report:

Mr. Anderson introduced the just published August issue of Standards Alert. He pointed out that this was the last issue sponsored by Don Sweeney of DLS. Thanks were expressed to Mr. Sweeney for his sponsorship. Mr. Anderson thanked Mr. Heirman for writing the copy and Mr. Hodes for his editorial efforts. There is a budget to produce two more issues this year.

8.0ANSI C63® Brief Report

Mr. Hodes gave a brief report on his and Mr. Stumpf’s C63® activities. C63-4-2012 is nearing a vote. The C63®committee has formally petitioned the FCC to revoke C63-4-2003, making C63-4-2009 as the only current normative standard. There will eventually be a new standard moving site validation into its own document. Mr. Sigovin pointed out that Industry Canada had been participating in C63-4 and C63-10 for sometime. Mr. Hodes acknowledged this fact and thanked Mr. Sigouin for their participation.

9.0Smart Grid Task Force:

Mr. Violette presented a report on behalf of Mr. Heirman. The report is attached as a separate document. Mr. Violette explained that recently, Mr. Heirman, as ACIL’s representative, now has a vote on the SGIP..

10.0Accreditation Body Brief Reports:

10.1A2LA (Invited)

Mr. Gouker made a short presentation of recent A2LA activities – attached as a separate document.

10.2NVLAP (Invited)

Mr. Moore presented the NVLAP report attached. As a separate document

10.3L-A-B (Invited)

There was no L-A-B report.

11.TCB Council Brief Report:

Greg Kiemel, immediate Past Chair of the TCB Council made a short presentation(attached separately).

12.USCEL: Report on TDR versus SVSWR 1-18 GHz Site Qualification Results:

Greg Kiemel reported on TDR versus SVSWR 1-18 GHZ Site Qualification Results. (Presentation attached separately).

These methods will become mandatory by various regulating bodies as described in CISPR 16-4-1. It is important that a method is promoted that test labs can use for a simpler solution.

13.EMC PT Program Status and Latest Results (1-18 GHz):

Mr. Hodes provided an update on the ACIL PT program and presented the latest results on the continuation round of the York CNE III (150 kHz to 1 GHz) artifact and the first complete round on the Test Solutions WD EM-18 (1 GHz to 18 GHz0 artifact. (Due to the large size of the file it will be distributed separatelyas a zip file.)

Mr. Hodes was acknowledged by the CAS for his efforts in producing the PT reports. Mr. Hodes thanked Mr. Anderson for his administration of the program.

14.RAC SAC Technical Issues:

There was a discussion about Korea publishing standards on very short notice and expecting immediate compliance. These documents are only issued in Koreanwhich is frustrating to US manufacturers and test laboratories.

15.Topics for the CAS Agenda at the ACIL Annual Meeting:

Mr. Violette asked for suggested topics for the annual meeting CAS meeting to be sent to him.


Mr. Anderson handed out information about the upcoming annual meeting including application forms for sponsorship and delegate registration. He also said he would be on the booth at IEEE-EMC all week and encouraged members to visit the booth and introduce possible prospects for membership in ACIL

17.Next Conference Call: September 22, 2011 11:00 a.m. EDT

18.Adjournment:6:20 p.m. PDT


CAS ExCo Meeting Minutes 080311