AcED Terms and Conditions

The KeeleSU Academic Enhancement and Development (AcED) Bursary is available to all Keele students undertaking an undergraduate course*. You are permitted to apply for up to £500 to fund activities that are not included within your degree programme. The Bursary is designed to support your academic development and attainment and/or enhance your personal and professional development. It should not replace your research institute or faculty as a source of funding. Applications received for funding in areas that are in breach of these Terms and Conditions will be rejected.

*Postgraduate students should apply for the KPA Bursary.

Please read the following points carefully. In submitting an application for an AcED Bursary you are agreeing to the following conditions:

  1. Any undergraduate student currently registered at Keele University is a full member ofKeeleSU and may apply for a grant, regardless of level of study or mode of attendance.
  1. The activity must be undertaken whilst a registered student at Keele University.
  1. Only one activity may be applied for per application form.
  1. The activity submitted for application must take place within 12 months of the closure of application. Retrospective applications that have occurred in the last 12 months are also acceptable.
  1. Students are allowed to submit a maximum of two applications per academic year.
  1. All applications must be signed by both the applicant and Personal Tutor OR Supervisor (of an independent study project). Signatures can be handwritten or electronically scanned. Typed signatures will NOT be accepted.
  1. All applications must be sent either by email or delivered in person by the stated deadline.
  1. What can I apply for?
  • UK public travel costs (standard class)
  • UK private travel (car travel paid at 45p per mile) – public travel is preferable. Petrol will only be reimbursed if proven to be necessary or cheaper than public travel.
  • Accommodation (standard room)
  • Event fees – for one off events eg. Conferences
  • Small consumables – items which will be used up, such as batteries. This needs to be costed in your application form
  • Anything that will benefit you academically or personally
  • You can apply for a minimum of £20 and a maximum of £500 of funding
  1. What can I NOT apply for?
  • First Class travel – unless proven to be cheaper than standard class
  • Travel discount cards of any sort
  • Travel to countries outside of the UK
  • Air travel – as part of KeeleSU’s sustainability policy, we cannot contribute to air travel
  • Visa costs – as part of KeeleSU’s sustainability policy, we cannot contribute to air travel
  • Expenses related to vaccinations
  • Affiliation fees – activities should be one off events, not lasting memberships
  • Subsistence Costs ie. Food and drink
  • Equipment not directly related to your visit eg. Laptops
  • Costs that are related to a compulsory part of your course
  1. All applications must provide evidence of costs. Estimations will not be accepted.
  1. It is the recipient’s duty to ensure that all expenditure is receipted. Claims for non-receipted expenditure will not be accepted. All receipts must be appropriate and official in manner, easily reproducible written receipts may not be accepted.
  1. Any funds not spent shall be retained by KeeleSU. This will be calculated by the amountgranted minus receipted expenditure.
  1. Receipted expenditure must be submitted within 28 days of the date on which the bursaryis awarded or within 28 days of the work being undertaken unless specified by thecommittee. Failure to do so will result in the Committee retaining the entire awarded sum.
  1. There is a minimum limit per application of £20.
  1. The maximum limit per application is £500.
  1. The Committee shall, at its discretion, award less than the amount applied for.
  1. Successful applicants will be given a deadline by which the funds must be collected. Failureto claim funds by the given deadline will result in funds being forfeited. Successful applicants will be expected to provide their bank details so that funds can be transferred to their account.
  1. Any expenditure over that sanctioned by the Committee will not be reimbursed.
  1. Please beware that expenditure made not in pounds sterling (UK currency) will be subjectto potentially different exchange rates from expenditure to reimbursement.
  1. Failure to adhere to guidelines may result in a successful bursary being forfeited.
  1. Petrol costs will only be paid where it can be proven to be cheaper to drive than taking atrain, unless other justification can be given (to be decided at the discretion of theCommittee).
  1. Petrol usage will be paid based on a 45p per mile flat rate; calculated distances will bedetermined by the disbursement committee.
  1. All train tickets will be calculated at a standard second class rate. There will be noreimbursement for first class tickets (unless proven to be cheaper than second class). Thepurchase of railcards or other discount cards is not covered by the bursary.
  1. Where the AcED bursary represents part of the funding sought for an activity, the providerand amount of additional funds applied for should be clearly detailed on the applicationform, this includes pending sources of funding.
  1. We cannot fund activities or equipment which forms a core part of an UndergraduateCourse (e.g. travelling to compulsory placements or books).
  1. As a condition of your award you will be expected to submit a short report of 500 wordsexplaining how the bursary was used and what you have gained. Failure to produce areport may result in KeeleSU claiming back funds or delaying payments.
  1. Where the application is retrospective, the short report must be submitted as part of theapplication.
  1. Any attempt to fraudulently obtain a bursary from KeeleSU may result in the matter beingreferred to the University and/or the Police.

In completing the application you are expected to have read this document and accepted theabove terms and conditions. Violation of any of the above may result in the award of funds being forfeited. KeeleSU reserves the right to claim back any awards already made if any of the above has been violated. Please note that all awards are made at the discretion of the Committee and may be cancelled at any time. There is no intention on the part of KeeleSU to enter a contract with successful applicants. Should you require any further information please contact the Education Officer at .

Complaints/ Appeals

If you wish to make a complaint or an appeal on the decision on your application then you must email the Education Officer at for further instructions.

Updated: January 2018