Village of Oakfield Board of TrusteesApril 28, 2014Page | 1



April 28, 2014

A special meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor Jason Armbrewster followed by the Pledge to the Flag. The following Trustees were present: Shelly D’Alba, David Boyle, Joan Stevens, Scott Boring

Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Joyce Grazioplene, D.P.W. Supervisor Dave Laney

2014/15 Budget The following changes were made to the Tentative budget.

General Fund AddedRevenue Account A09901.900 Interfund Transfer – Water $15,515.63

AddedRevenue Account A09901.901 Interfund Transfer – Sewer $10,172.43

Increased Expense Account A09060.800 Employee Health Insurance $379.00 to $44,962.00

Water FundAdjusted Revenue Account F02140.000 Metered Water – Rate from to $227,675.00

Added Revenue Account F02140.001 Metered Water – User Fee $152,960.00

Added Revenue Account F05031.000 Interfund Transfer $15,515.63

Increased Expense Account F08340.410 Lines – County Water to $150,720.00

Increased Expense Account F09060.800 Employee Health Insurance $81.00 to $6,903.00

Added Expense Account F09710.602 Principal – 2014 Bond Farnsworth Ave. $10,000.00

Added Expense Account F09710.702 Interest – 2014 Bond Farnsworth Ave. $5,515.63

Deleted Expense Account F09730.601 Principal – BAN Farnsworth Ave. $15,000.00

Deleted Expense Account F09730.701 Interest-BAN Farnsworth Ave. $2,625.00

Sewer FundAdjusted Revenue Account G02122.000 Sewer Collection – Rate to $149,893.00

Added RevenueAccount G02122.001 Sewer Collection – User Fee $73,344.00

Added Revenue Account G05031.000 Interfund Transfer $10,172.43

Increased Expense Account G01990.400 Contingent to $10,000.00

Increased Expense Account G08130.200 Equipment & Capital Improvement to $3,500.00

Increased Expense Account G09060.800 Employee Health Insurance $81.00 to $6,903.00

Increased Expense Account G09511.900 Transfer to Reserve to $14,500.00

Added Expense Account G09710.602 Principal – BOND Farnsworth Ave. $5,000.00

Added Expense Account G09710.702 Interest – BOND Farnsworth Ave. $5,172.43

Deleted Expense Account G09730.601 Principal – BAN Farnsworth Ave. $15,000.00

Deleted Expense Account G09730.701 Interest – BAN Farnsworth Ave. $2,450.00

A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba to approve the General Fund budget with the above changes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Boyle, Stevens, D’Alba, Boring.


A Motion was made by Trustee Scott Boring to approve the Water Fund budget with the above changes. The motion was seconded by Trustee David Boyle.

Ayes: Boyle, Stevens, D’Alba, Boring.


A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba to approve the Sewer Fund budget with the above changes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Boyle, Stevens, D’Alba, Boring.


Mayor Armbrewster reported on the progress meeting on April 23, 2014. Painting is scheduled to begin on May 12, 2014. A site inspection is scheduled for May 28, 2014, and final close-out for June 12, 2014.

Having no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. on motion by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Next Meeting– May 12, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Grazioplene
