PE and Sport Premium Funding

Oliver Tomkins Vision for PE and School Sport
A measurable and sustained improvement in school PE and sport, underpinned by high quality teaching that increases participation levels in physical activity and leads to healthier pupils who are motivated and more engaged across the whole curriculum.

“Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this” (DfE, June 2013)

Extra PE funding was introduced by the Government in September 2013. It is allocated to schools on the basis that:

·  There is an increase in participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics.

·  There is an increase and greater success in competitive school sports.

·  That the PE curriculum becomes more inclusive.

·  There is a growth in the range of provisional and alternative sporting activities.

·  There is an improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and local partners.

·  That there are links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills.

·  That there is a greater awareness amongst pupils about dangers of obesity, smoking and other such activities that undermine pupil’s health.

At Oliver Tomkins teaching PE and healthy living is a high priority. We see keeping active as an essential part of life and a habit that needs to be encouraged and celebrated. We wish to provide opportunities for children at school to develop a love of active lifestyles so they will continue to pursue this when they leave school. Competition is seen as an important element of life and as a result we regularly hold a wide variety of competitions for all children, both within the school day and as part of the wider community. We encourage healthy living and our commitment to this is reflected in the cooking interventions, our introduction of JIGSAW, a scheme that promotes a healthy attitude to life skills and the Change for Life Project.

Our Objective is :

To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in school by:-

·  The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

·  The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

·  Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

·  Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

·  Increased participation in competitive sport

2014-15 Allocated Government Funds = Oliver Tomkins Infants £8,500 Oliver Tomkins Juniors £8,800 total of £1
In 2014 – 2015 Oliver Tomkins :

·  Increased the funding that has been allocated by the government.

·  Provided specialist support and CPD for P.E co-ordinator to ensure P.E is being driven forward for all pupils with a clear action plan.

·  Trained the PE co-ordinator to coaching standard to ensure quality coaching and specialist support can take place in school and is sustainable.

·  Have a sports specialist to Team Teach with class teachers and to provide high quality lessons.

·  Teach quality PE lessons to all classes.

·  Facilitate swimming for Year 4 and Year5 children.

·  Enter tournaments and competitions in the wider community linked to feeder Secondary school and through PE schools partnership.

·  Provide CPD for all staff but on top of that, specific training for relevant staff.

·  Introduce Sports Leaders.

·  Have days that introduce children to new sports, eg wheelchair basketball, tag rugby.

·  Have a variety of active after school clubs.

·  Continue to provide a variety of organised activities at lunchtimes using Play Leaders, MDSAs and the school’s Sports Coordinator.

·  Purchase extra sports kit so there is minimal non-participants.

·  Continue to develop resources.

·  Purchase the BRONZE package from SSSP, allowing for access to CPD and competitions in Swindon.

·  Continue with the CHANGE FOR LIFE programme promoting activity for all.

Funding for 2014 – 2015

2014-15 Allocated Government Funds = Oliver Tomkins Infants £8,500 Oliver Tomkins Juniors £8,800 total of £1
In 2014 – 2015 Oliver Tomkins :

·  Increased the funding that has been allocated by the government.

·  Provided specialist support and CPD for P.E co-ordinator to ensure P.E is being driven forward for all pupils with a clear action plan.

·  Trained the PE co-ordinator to coaching standard to ensure quality coaching and specialist support can take place in school and is sustainable.

·  Have a sports specialist to Team Teach with class teachers and to provide high quality lessons.

·  Teach quality PE lessons to all classes.

·  Facilitate swimming for Year 4 and Year5 children.

·  Enter tournaments and competitions in the wider community linked to feeder Secondary school and through PE schools partnership.

·  Provide CPD for all staff but on top of that, specific training for relevant staff.

·  Introduce Sports Leaders.

·  Have days that introduce children to new sports, eg wheelchair basketball, tag rugby.

·  Have a variety of active after school clubs.

·  Continue to provide a variety of organised activities at lunchtimes using Play Leaders, MDSAs and the school’s Sports Coordinator.

·  Purchase extra sports kit so there is minimal non-participants.

·  Continue to develop resources.

·  Purchase the BRONZE package from SSSP, allowing for access to CPD and competitions in Swindon.

·  Continue with the CHANGE FOR LIFE programme promoting activity for all.

What the School Implemented / Impact / Cost /
The school employed specialist sport coaches / ·  Children in KS2 benefited from a year of focused swimming.
·  Children across both schools received quality specialised gymnastic, athletics and dance sessions.
·  Specialised coaching wasbeen placed where teachers’ expertise lies elsewhere.
·  Specialised sports days.
·  Fun runs ie. Sports Relief / £6,000 per school = £12,000
A wide range of sports/active clubs available daily / ·  After school clubs available every night to cover a range of sporting activities / £2,000 per school = £4,000
Specialist training for staff / ·  X 4 staff meetings over year and all staff received two focussed team teach sessions / £2,000
PE co-ordinator training / ·  PE co-ordinator received focussed specialist training to enable in house support and training to highlight PE within school / £1,500
Resources / ·  New sports playground equipment was purchased for both playgrounds / £2,500
An increase in the number of competitions entered / ·  Children in KS1 and KS2 had more opportunities to experience greater competition / £100
Play leaders were introduced at lunch times and an increased number of activities are now provided for children during this time / ·  Children now have choice and are more active with dance, netball, football and summer sports as options at lunchtime. / £400
Change for life club / ·  Creative Kids examined ways of changing their lifestyle to make it as healthy as possible / N/A
Attendance at a PE Conference / ·  This informed the PE coordinator who then disseminated to team leader and staff. This has been instrumental in the implementation of the SPORTS FUNDING. / £300
After school healthy eating cooking club / ·  Children made food from ingredients provided by the school and been made aware of healthy eating. / £1,000
Healthy School Week / ·  Children experienced many different activities that made the connection between healthy eating and the importance of fitness. / £180
Cycling Proficiency / ·  With the support of the Local Authority a teaching children to ride bikes safely in small groups. / N/A
Total Spent / 23,700

Funding for 2013 – 2014

2013-2014- Allocated Government Funds = Oliver Tomkins Infants £8535 Oliver Tomkins Juniors £8810

In 2013-2014 Oliver Tomkins provided:

·  Swimming for children in Year 3 and 4 .

·  Sports Coaches to teach quality lessons for one and half days per week.

·  Professional Development for staff in PE.

·  Specialised sessions for talented pupils in Years 5 and 6.

·  Quality PE lessons to all classes.

·  Sports events that encourage competition.

·  Days that introduce children to new sports.

·  A variety of active after school clubs.

·  Active lunchtimes that provide a variety of organised activities using play leaders and MDSAs.