North Mor Elementary

Discipline Codes and Procedural Guidelines

Code / Definition / Referral
O= Office
C= Class / Must Expel / On CDE Report / CDE Correlation / (RLE) Police Referral / Key Policy /
ADH / Academic Dishonesty / C/O / No / no / Other Violations / no / 3.3.3 / cheating, forgery, stealing work or tests, etc.
ALD / Alcohol Sale Or Distribution / O / No / yes / Alcohol Violations / required / 2.15 / 3.2.4 / violator is identified source of alcohol (for intended sale, distribution, or sharing) for others
ALP / Alcohol Possession / O / No / yes / Alcohol Violations / required / / possession (not consumption) in campus regardless of intent to consume or distribute
ALU / Alcohol Under Influence / O / No / yes / Alcohol Violations / required / & .3 / under influence, regardless of where consumed, by school standard - no distribution to others
ASP / Felony Assault Physical / O / yes / yes / Assaults / Fights / required / 3.1.4 / physical assault (non-sexual) charged as a first or second degree felony
ATT / Attendance Infraction / C / No / no / See Attendance Procedure Located in Staff Handbook / No / 3.3.7 & 5113 / generic code for attendance violation documentation
BUL / Bullying / C/O / No / no / Other Violations / Administrator discretion / 5145.9 or / written, verbal or physical event(s) - often a pattern - intended to cause distress to victim
BUS / Bus / Transportation Problem / C / No / no / Communicate with Administration Request Reply / administrator discretion / 3.4 / any level of discipline infraction which occurs on school transportation
COV / Computer Violation / C / No / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 6300 or 3.3.7 / violation of district networking agreement or violation originating through use of district computer
DCV / Dress Code Violation / C / no / no / Other Violations / No / 3.3.5 or 5140 / dress code violation (may or may not be a safe schools violation)
DDI / Dangerous Item / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 2.11 or 3.1.1 / items (e.g. small knives) not usually regarded as being a weapon or dangerous to possess
DDW / Deadly (Dangerous) Weapon
*See Gun / O / yes / yes / Weapons Violation
(not GUN) / required / 2.11 or 3.1.1 / use or possession of a dangerous weapon as defined by statute5 (includes bb, pellet, and "look alike" guns)
Code / Definition / Referral
O= Office
C= Class / Must Expel / On CDE Report / CDE Correlation / (RLE) Police Referral / Key Policy /
DFI / Defiance / Insubordination / O / no / yes / Defiance (Other) / No / 3.2.8 / willfully disobedient or defiant interfering with orderly school or class environment
DPP / Drug Paraphernalia Possession / O / no / no / Other Violations / required / / possession of item(s) regarded as having a primary purpose or function related to drug use
DRD / Drug Distribution / O / no / yes / Drug Violation / required / 3.1.2 / distribution or being primary source of drugs/controlled substances provided to others (sale noted in DRS)
DRP / Drug Possession / O / no / yes / Drug Violation / required / / possession of controlled substance (not over counter) without a valid prescription
DRS / Drug Sale / O / yes / yes / Drug Violation / required / 3.1.2 / reserved only for sale of drugs or a controlled substance which mandates expulsion
DRU / Drugs Under Influence / O / no / yes / Drug Violation / required / / judged by administrator to be under influence of drug/controlled substance (without prescription)
DSB / Disruptive Behavior / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / No / 3.3.7 / behavior (not disobedient or defiant) which disrupts the school environment or learning process
DSP / Destruction Of School Property / C/O / no / yes / Destruction of Property (Other) / administrator discretion / 3.2.3 / willful destruction or defacement of school property or property of school employees (not student property)
DSR / Disrespectful / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.2.8 / substantially disrespectful actions or language directed at students or adults
DTB / Detrimental Behavior / C/O / no / yes / Detrimental Behavior (Other) / administrator discretion / 2.6 / behavior on or off campus that is potentially detrimental to safety of self or other students or staff
ECV / Electronic Communication Violation / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / no / 5140.2 / may be coded for first infraction or after student has been warned - is a "safe school" incident
EFA / Encouraging Fighting / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.2.2 / encouraging, arranging or facilitating fights between students or groups of students
EIH / Ethnic Intimidation / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.2.7 / verbal abuse or threatening behavior based on race, culture or color
Code / Definition / Referral
O= Office
C= Class / Must Expel / On CDE Report / CDE Correlation / (RLE) Police Referral / Key Policy /
FAD / Failure To Attend Detention / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / no / 3.3.4 / failure to attend an assigned detention student was aware of previously
FEL / Felony
(Use For Robbery And Arson Too) / O / no / yes / Other Felonies (Other) / required / varies / felonies (charged) not including substance abuse, assault, dangerous weapons
FIG / Fighting Offense / O / no / yes (our choice) / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.2.1 / fighting or physical confrontations which do not rise to the level of felony assault
GRA / Gang Activities / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 2.14 / activities and actions reasonably considered to promote or reflect gang activity
GUN / "Real" Gun Possession Or Use / O / yes / yes / Weapons & Gun Free Act Report / required / 2.11 / reserved strictly for use or possession or actual firearms (not facsimiles, bb guns or pellet guns)
HAR / Harassment / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.2.5 / harassing or minor threatening behavior meant to annoy or disturb victim
HZS / Hazing / C/O / no / no / Contact Parents & Administration/ School Social to assist with strategies / administrator discretion / / endangering health or safety for admission/affiliation with a group or rite of passage
IBS / Inappropriate Behavior Sexual / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.3.7 / willful behavior of a sexual nature which is inappropriate for school
LCP / Left Class W/O Permission / C/O / no / no / Contact Parents & Office, Keep Antecedent & Previous Interventions / no / 5113 / leaving class without permission or purposefully avoiding supervision for part or all of class
LSP / Left School W/O Permission / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 5113 / leaving campus without permission
MVV / Motor Vehicle Violation / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 2.6 / dangerous operation of vehicle (usually legal violation) on campus or when leaving/arriving7
Code / Definition / Referral
O= Office
C= Class / Must Expel / On CDE Report / CDE Correlation / (RLE) Police Referral / Key Policy /
OCB / Off-Campus Behavior / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.4 / off-campus behavior reasonably considered a potential danger or disruption to students or staff
OTV / Other Violation / C / no / no / Contact Office Prior to Completing / administrator discretion / 3.3.7 or varies / any offense not addressed by other codes - should include a description in comments section
PAS / Pass Violation / C/O / no / no / Other Violations / no / 5113 or 3.3.3 / misuse of a pass or unable to provide a pass when appropriately requested
PRO / Profanity / Obscenities / C / no / no / Other Violations / no / 3.3.2 / inappropriate language, usually directed at others, which is not threatening or otherwise noted
PSP / Possession Of Stolen Property / C / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.3.1 (possibly) / being in possession but not proven to have committed the theft of stolen property
RIN / Repeated Interference / C/O / no / yes / See Habitual Disruptive Plan / no / 3.2.8 or 3.3.7 / repeat interference (often during habitually disruptive process) with school environment or safety
ROB / Felony Robbery / O / yes / yes / Other Violations / yes / 3.1.3 / felony robbery as per policy
SEE / See Files – Confidential / VARIES / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / varies / use only for confidential disciplinary violations - non-disciplinary should be in "conference" codes
SXA / Sexual Assault / O / yes (felony I,II) / yes / Assaults / Fights / required / 2.4 or 3.1.4 / sexual assault charged as a class first or second degree felony
SXH / Sexual Harassment / O / no / no / Other Violations / recommended / 3.2.6 or 8400.1 / behavior intended to annoy or disturb victim based specifically on gender or sexual orientation
TBP / Tobacco Possession (Offense) / O / no / yes / Tobacco (Other) / administrator discretion / 2.16 / may be used for individual or repeat violations
TBU / Tobacco Use / O / no / yes / Tobacco (Other) / administrator discretion / 2.16 / use of tobacco
Code / Definition / Referral
O= Office
C= Class / Must Expel / On CDE Report / CDE Correlation / (RLE) Police Referral / Key Policy /
THF / Theft / C/O / no / no / Consult w/Administration for Clarification / administrator discretion / 3.3.1 / theft or possession of stolen property
TRD / Tardy / C / no / no / See Attendance Procedure Located in Handbook / no / 5113 / late but not yet absent to school or class without approved excuse or express permission of staff
TRE / Trespassing / O / no / no / Other Violations / administrator discretion / 3.2.8 / willfully being in a prohibited school location or school activity without permission
TRU / Truancy / O / no / no / See Attendance Procedure Located in Handbook / no / 5113 / out of class or off school grounds without permission or knowledge of school or parent
UPC / Unprepared For Class / C / no / no / Other Violations / no / 3.3.7 / lacking appropriate materials to participate appropriately or complete class assignments
VAN / Vandalism Other Than School Property / O / no / no / Other Violations / no / 2.3 or 3.2.3 / vandalism of personal or private property (other than school property or property of school employees)

Disposition Codesrevised 7/1/03

Code /
On CDE Report
/ Details
100 / Class Teacher Removal / yes / Removal ONLY after formal documentation of all procedures specified in Policy 5145.2
120 / In School Suspension / yes / As determined by the building administrator
130 / 5 Or Less Days Out of School Suspension / yes / As determined by the building administrator
140 / 6 Or More Days Out of School Suspension / yes / Extended suspension-must be authorized by designated district administrator(s)
150 / Expulsion / yes / Expulsion- must be authorized by designated district administrator(s)
155 / Expelled-Habitually Disruptive / yes / Expulsion- must be authorized by designated district administrator(s)
160 / Referred to Law Enforcement / yes / As determined by the discipline code and/or building administrator
APR / Apology Required / no / Self explanatory
CAT / Contract/Attendance / no / Self explanatory
CBE / Contract/Behavior / no / Self explanatory
CPA / Conference/Parent / no / Self explanatory
CST / Conference/Student / no / Self explanatory
CTE / Conference/Teacher / no / Self explanatory
DET / Detention Assigned / no / Self explanatory
HRA / Hearing/Attendance/District / no / Self explanatory
HRB / Hearing/Building / no / Self explanatory
HRD / Hearing/Discipline/District / no / Self explanatory
HRE / Hearing/Expulsion/District / no / Self explanatory
Code /
On CDE Report
/ Details
LSC / Letter/Certified / no / Self explanatory
MED / Mediation / no / Self explanatory
MLP / Message left for Parent / no / Self explanatory
OTH / Other / no / Self explanatory
PAR / Parent Contact / no / Self explanatory
PCA / Parent Contact/Attempted / no / Self explanatory
PLV / Privileges Lost / no / Self explanatory
PSR / Parent Signature Required / no / Self explanatory
RAD / Referred to Administrator / no / Self explanatory
RAS / Referred to ATS Program / no / Self explanatory
RDP / Remedial Discipline Plan / no / Self explanatory
RES / Restitution / no / Self explanatory
SEE / See file / no / Self explanatory
SSC / Saturday School / no / Self explanatory
TOT / Time Out / no / Self explanatory
WAR / Warning / no / Self explanatory
WRA / Written Assignment / no / Self explanatory

C = Classroom Referral: Complete Write-up for Student File, Provide Consequences, Contact Parents.

O = Office Referral: Complete Referral and Refer Student to the Office – Office will Administer Consequences – Possible Conference with Parent & Student (Follow-up Regarding Results.

C/O = Classroom Referral: With Increase Frequency and Previous Documentation of Interventions, Refer to the Office– Office will Administer Consequences – Possible Conference with Parent & Student

(Follow-up Regarding Results.