School Name: Johns Creek Elementary School

Due 9/2/16 to Teaching Learning

Step 1: Review 15-16 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
___ CCRPI Goal
___ Academic/Instructional Goal
___ Climate Goal
Step 4: Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
Step 5: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan
Step 6: 16-17 SIP Reflection due Friday, June 16, 2017
2015-18 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goals / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Maintain or Increase our CCRPI score / X / Purpose & Direction / X / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning
Assessment and Accountability
X / Governance & Leadership / X / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / X / Engage & Contribute
X / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
Academic / Instructional Goal
Increase Mean SGP / X / Purpose & Direction / X / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning
Assessment and Accountability
X / Governance & Leadership / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / X / Engage & Contribute
X / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
Climate Goal
Increase our Climate Star Rating from 4 Stars to 5 Stars / X / Purpose & Direction / Pursue Continuous Learning / Student Support Services
Teaching and Learning
Assessment and Accountability
X / Governance & Leadership / X / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / X / Engage & Contribute
X / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Public Information & Communications, School Safety & Discipline, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
2016-17 School Improvement Plan
Maintain or Increase our CCRPI score
To increase student achievement in grades 4 and 5 of our students scoring typical or high growth, as measured by CCRPI Progress Points in ELA, from 82% to 84%
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
-  Small groups based on F&P reading levels and/or strategy deficits for instruction (Increase from 2-3 days a week to 4-5 days a week).
-  Kindergarten Instructional Assistants support small group guided reading daily in both grades K and 1
-  Incorporating reading/writing journals.
-  Increased focus on vocabulary strategies and intentionally integrating ELA/Grammar standards and Vocabulary in a daily read aloud mini-lesson format.
-  Using itslearning to post resources for student review and reinforcement. / If students will develop the ability to read and write with better accuracy, they will understand what they read as a result, and will have an expanded vocabulary. Grammar building activities will develop a better sense of appropriate grammar use when writing in context. / On-Going / Resources: Interactive Reading/Writing Journals, graphic organizers, and county assessments.
Teachers will gather student data to help form groups based on reading level and/or strategy deficits. They will also model for students how to respond to reading through their writing.
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
-  F&P’s will be done in Dec/Jan for a mid-year check on growth.
-  Through use of an integrated ELA/Grammar format, students will practice ELA (Reading and Writing) standards daily, vs. in isolation.
-  We will track progress via formative checks of understanding and summative assessments.
-  We will utilize interims, common assessments, Data Team Meetings, IST/SST Meetings and classroom observations to monitor goals throughout the year.
Academic / Instructional Goal:
Increase Mean SGP
To increase our School Mean SGP from 67% to 69%, as measured on the Georgia Milestones End of Grade Assessment.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
-  ELA
o  See Actions/Strategies listed above
-  Math:
o  Use pre-assessment and formative data to form small groups for math instruction based on strengths/needs.
o  Continue to utilize Number Talks as part of math lessons.
o  Continued utilization of math journals and modeling explanation of thinking showing number sense mastery
-  All teachers will of Non-SGP Courses will establish connections and tie their lessons to their subject standards, as well grade level ELA or Math standards. This will be documented in their lesson plans. / ELA: See above
Math: If students are formatively pre-assessed on a regular basis, then instructional groups can be tailored to meet the individual needs of students. / On-Going / Resources: County pre/post assessments, Interim results, common formatives, and teacher observation.
Teachers will utilize data on math pre-assessments as well as formative checks to determine student needs. Students who demonstrate mastery of a math concept on pre-assessment/formative check will be given opportunities to delve deeper into the standard, while students who are in need of extra help will have the opportunity for additional small group instruction to help them move toward proficiency.
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
-  K-5 Staff will administer F&P Benchmarks again in Dec/Jan as a Mid-Year data checkpoint to determine mid course corrections and interventions as needed.
-  Staff will analyze interims, common formative and summative math assessments, and classroom observations to determine class/individual student strengths and weaknesses to form small groups for math instruction and to monitor goals throughout the year.
-  Based on summative data as well as formative daily checks, teachers will plan for and note in plans what data was used to drive instructional strategies and groupings (Differentiation in Math and Reading during each week).
-  Administrators will meet with teams during grade level, IST/SST and Data Team Meetings throughout the year to discuss progress and plans on using classroom level data to drive instruction. See PL plan.
Climate Goal:
Increase our climate star rating from 4 stars to 5 stars
To increase our Georgia Student Health Survey score from 75% to 77%.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
-  In addition to monthly 7 Mindsets House meeting, students will have 7 Mindset lessons as part of Guidance Specials.
-  All homerooms will have Mindset Mondays, where they will have a 30-45 min class meeting around building community and fostering practice of the mindsets in daily life.
-  Continuation of Vertical Houses to celebrate student/staff success and accomplishments. / If we work to build our students soft skills, through focusing on the 7 Mindsets during Guidance Specials and Mindset Monday Class Meetings, this increased focus will make these important social/emotional skills more pervasive positively across our student population and community.
If we celebrate student and staff success/accomplishments with positive reinforcement, then we will build a stronger community and staff productivity and student achievement will increase. / 7 Mindsets in Counseling Special
Mindset Monday Class Meeting Weekly
One meeting per month / Resources: 7Mindsets Lessons
All students will be involved in mindset lessons and discussions through Mindset Monday weekly class meetings.
All student and staff will be involved in monthly house meetings. All teachers will play a role in the house meeting each month through small group activities and discussions with students.
We would like to see an increase in positive perception data as measures by the Georgia Student Health Survey.
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
-  We will utilize classroom observations, class meetings, and Student, Parent and Staff feedback throughout the year to monitor progress.
-  We will also use the Georgia Student Health Survey Data once it is available.
Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
We will use JCE Mean SGP for all teachers of Non-SGP Courses
Implementation Plan
All teachers of Non-SGP Courses will establish connections and tie their lessons to their subject standards, as well grade level ELA or Math standards. This will be documented in their lesson plans.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
To provide staff with professional learning opportunities to grow expertise in the areas of Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or a Book Study: Kids Deserve It!. Teachers will choose their PLC for the year based on their TKES self-assessment, as well as reflection on their areas of strength and areas of growth.
Timeline: Dates/Hours
(Add/Modify as Needed) / Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
NEO/SLO (K-3), 07/25/16 / All New K-3 staff attended F&P Training to learn how to administer F&P Assessment as well as how to utilize this information as a valuable diagnostic tool for instruction. / If we provide staff with quality professional learning opportunities, based on their specific areas of interest and growth needs, student achievement will directly be effected. If staff increase their expertise in the areas of Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or complete the Book Study: Kids Deserve It!, student engagement and achievement will increase. Teachers will choose their PLC for the year based on their TKES self-assessment, as well as reflection on their areas of strength and areas of growth.
If staff uses formative and summative data consistently to drive instruction and to form instructional groups based on student needs, student perception about school will increase and so will student achievement.
If staff increases knowledge in and use of instructional technology resources during daily instruction, student engagement, student perception and student achievement will increase. / All Professional Learning will tie directly to supporting our 2015-2018 Executive Summary School Improvement Plan goal of Increasing CCRPI Score progress points through analyzing student data, increasing School Mean SGP and increasing our school Climate Star Rating.
NEO (K-12), 07/26/16-07/27/16 / New staff participated in New Educator Orientation and Technology Orientation for New Educators (TONE).
07/28/16, 07/29/16, 08/01/16, 08/02/16, 08/03/16 / Staff participated in Back to School Meetings, Mandated Reporter Training, CPR/AED Training and Code of Ethics. Also time was spent collaborating as a grade level or department for the first few weeks of school.
Itslearning Training with Jackie Aurish, 08/29/16 / Planner Expectations and Set-Up
EnVision Training w/ Brian Lack
08/15/16 / Teachers will learn about the resources provided through EnVision, as well as the resources FCS has compiled for their use.
Faculty Meeting, 08/17/16 / 7 Mindsets Portal, House Meeting Topics for 16-17, TKES Calibration, AdvancEd
Faculty Meeting, 08/24/17 / F&P Independent vs. Instructional Levels, Surprise and Delights, TKES Calibration (Classroom Observation Analysis)
Early Release/Prof. Dev.
08/31/16 / TKES Calibration Activity Feedback and AdvancEd Committee Work
Data Team Mtgs
(09/06/16-09/15/16) / Data Teams (K-5)
What data do we use to measure student growth?
How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?
Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.
Faculty Meeting, 09/14/15 / TBD
Committee Meeting, 09/21/16 / TBD
Instructional Technology Training (09/16/16-10/03/16) / Based on specific grade level feedback on areas of need and interests, each team will meet with the Instructional Technology Specialist for support, instruction and professional learning.
Professional Learning Communities (10/04/16-10/13/16) / Teachers choose their PLC for this year based on their interest and personal professional learning needs. The PLC’s are Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or a Book Study: Kids Deserve It!. See Professional Learning Plan Rotation at the end of this document for targets for each PLC.
Faculty Meeting, 10/12/15 / TBD
Power Planning
(10/14/16-10/25/16) / Collaboration time (including special ed, gifted, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and assessments.
Itslearning/Math Training w/ Jackie Aurish and Brian Lack
10/24/16 / Incorporating technology into math instruction
Prof. Dev., 10/21/16 / TBD
Committee Meeting, 10/26/16 / TBD
Data Team Mtgs
(10/27/16-11/04/16) / Data Teams (K-5)
What data do we use to measure student growth?
How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?
Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.
Instructional Technology Training (11/07/16-11/15/16) / Based on specific grade level feedback on areas of need and interests, each team will meet with the Instructional Technology Specialist for support, instruction and professional learning.
Faculty Meeting, 11/09/16 / TBD
Committee Meeting, 11/30/16 / TBD
Professional Learning Communities (11/18/16-12/05/16) / Teachers choose their PLC for this year based on their interest and personal professional learning needs. The PLC’s are Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or a Book Study: Kids Deserve It!. See Professional Learning Plan Rotation at the end of this document for targets for each PLC.
Power Planning
(12/06/16-12/15/16) / Collaboration time (including special ed, gifted, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and assessments.
Faculty Meeting, 12/14/16 / TBD
Data Team Mtgs
(12/19/16-01/10/17) / Data Teams (K-5)
What data do we use to measure student growth?
How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?
Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.
Prof Dev., 01/04/17 / TBD
Instructional Technology Training (01/12/17-01/20/17) / Based on specific grade level feedback on areas of need and interests, each team will meet with the Instructional Technology Specialist for support, instruction and professional learning.
Faculty Meeting, 01/11/17 / TBD
Itslearning Training with Jackie Aurish, 01/13/17 / TBD
Committee Meeting, 01/18/17 / TBD
Professional Learning Communities (01/23/17-01/31/17) / Teachers choose their PLC for this year based on their interest and personal professional learning needs. The PLC’s are Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or a Book Study: Kids Deserve It!. See Professional Learning Plan Rotation at the end of this document for targets for each PLC.
Power Planning
(02/02/17-02/10/17) / Collaboration time (including special ed, gifted, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and assessments.
Faculty Meeting, 02/08/17 / TBD
Committee Meeting, 02/15/17 / TBD
Itslearning Training with Jackie Aurish, 02/13/17 / TBD
Data Team Mtgs
(02/13/17-02/27/17) / Data Teams (K-5)
What data do we use to measure student growth?
How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?
Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.
Prof. Dev., 02/21/17 / TBD
Instructional Technology Training (02/28/17-03/10/17) / Based on specific grade level feedback on areas of need and interests, each team will meet with the Instructional Technology Specialist for support, instruction and professional learning.
Faculty Meeting, 03/08/17 / TBD
Committee Meeting, 03/15/17 / TBD
Professional Learning Communities (03/13/17-03/21/17) / Teachers choose their PLC for this year based on their interest and personal professional learning needs. The PLC’s are Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or a Book Study: Kids Deserve It!. See Professional Learning Plan Rotation at the end of this document for targets for each PLC.
Faculty Meeting, 03/29/17 / GA Milestone Testing Training
Power Planning
(03/23/17-03/31/17) / Collaboration time (including special ed, gifted, and special areas teachers who serve each grade) where team will plan for upcoming units of instruction and assessments.
Itslearning Training with Jackie Aurish, 03/27/17 / TBD
Data Team Mtgs
(04/10/17-05/05/17) / Data Teams (K-5)
What data do we use to measure student growth?
How do we use this data to determine student growth and meet individual instructional needs?
Analysis of formative/summative data to determine instructional plans.
Faculty Meeting, 04/19/17 / TBD
Faculty Meeting, 05/10/17 / TBD
Instructional Technology Training (05/08/17-05/16/17) / Based on specific grade level feedback on areas of need and interests, each team will meet with the Instructional Technology Specialist for support, instruction and professional learning.
Committee Meeting, 05/17/17 / TBD
Professional Learning Communities (05/18/17-05/26/17) / Teachers choose their PLC for this year based on their interest and personal professional learning needs. The PLC’s are Math Instruction (utilization of our new resources), Cross Curricular Inquiry Based Teaching, Effective Teaching Strategies, or a Book Study: Kids Deserve It!. See Professional Learning Plan Rotation at the end of this document for targets for each PLC.
Post Planning
05/30/17-05/31/17 / TBD

2016-2017 Professional Learning Rotation and Coverage