Biotech II

Learning about the ELISA Names______

First define the following:

Antigen ____ Antibody ___

Monoclonal antibody

Polyclonal antibody

Reporter enzyme______


Go to the following WEBSITE:

Or google ELISA….it appears as the second selection

1. What are the two forms of an ELISA assay? Place a description in each in the box below the corresponding #.

1. ______2.______

2. Select the STEP-THROUGH option, then select the Direct ELISA Method

a. What is attached to the microtiter plate in this assay? ______

b. The next step says that serum or another fluid is added.

What is present in the serum that is used for this assay? ______

c. The specimen with an antigen is being tested. Where would this have come from? To what does it


d. Why are rinses necessary?

e. How is the second antibody added been modified? Why is this necessary?

f. On step 7/7…How is sample 1 different from sample 2?

Now go back to the Intro and select Indirect ELISA method

3. What is the basis of this test? (What are you testing for?)______

4. What is bound to the walls and floor of the microtiter plate?______

5. What is present in the serum? If present and bound to antigen,how will these be detected (see slide 4)?

Go now to…………….

Follow the: Method (animations) link

6. Does this animation show a direct or indirect ELISA?______.

7. In the final step, what is the difference that allows you to determine whether an ELISA is positive

or negative?

Complete the TEST yourself on this website (Under the Introduction to ELISA activity)





Do you want to do a virtual lab? Click on ELISA on the WEB

GO to

This animation is pretty intense. Aren’t you glad we do REAL labs and not a lot of computer animations?