The 401 Artisans Marketplace is hosted and organized by Urbanspace Property Group as part of 401 Holiday Open House with the assistance of a core group of long-time participants. It takes place at 401 Richmond Street West in the lounge, main hallways, and Urbanspace Gallery.



Acceptance Criteria

·  Your application package will be assessed for the quality, uniqueness, and salability of your product; your display presentation; and how your work will fit in the show taking other participants into consideration

·  You must be the designer and creator of your art or craft (with few exceptions)

·  You must be a local artisan and your art or craft must be made in Canada

·  participation requires that your display is open for the full 4 day event during the hours advertised

Vendors will be assigned a location taking display requirements and the overall show design into consideration. With few exceptions, changing locations is not an option but if necessary must be done with the approval of the show Coordinator.

Vendors will be assigned their location at set-up night (the night before opening day) from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Main display items can be left in place over night during the show. There will be some storage provided for product, or you can take it with you (it can’t be left at your display area for security reasons).

Vendors are responsible for providing their own lights, display materials, and any individual signage. Exhibitors are expected to provide a safe environment – you may be asked to remove or alter something if it is deemed unsafe by the show Coordinator. The Artisans Marketplace will not provide tables. Exhibitors are encouraged to think outside the box with their displays and utilize vertical space and unique display items.

A cheque made payable to 401 Richmond Ltd will be required no later than two weeks after you are informed of acceptance and secures your spot in the show. You are not officially a participant until payment is received.

Vendors are asked to make a product or gift certificate donation for baskets that are raffled at the end of the show. The raffle provides us with attendee contact information to add to our promotions list.

Application Support Material

Your application must include the following items. If the form doesn’t allow enough space, separate pages can be attached.

Application Form: your completed form sent via email or regular mail (contact information below)

q  Photos: representing the kind of work you will be selling at the show (samples may be requested if photos don’t provide a clear representation for the jury)

q  Display Design: a detailed drawing, description, or digital photo of your proposed display

q  Biography: tell us about yourself, your education and training, and where you have shown and/or sold your work


q  I am applying for the 401 Artisans Marketplace at 401 Richmond Street West and agree to abide by all the rules, policies, and regulations indicated in the Acceptance Criteria section.

Contact Information (all fields required)






Promotional Information (This is how you will be listed on all promotions)


DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PRODUCT (this may be edited for space)


Display Space Rates:

Your participation fee is based on the size of display area selected. Please choose carefully as these dimensions are adhered to closely.

q  8 feet x 3 feet: $275

q  6 feet x 3 feet: $225

q  4 feet x 3 feet: $175

Please indicate if you have any electrical or special requirements that we should know about:

How did you hear about the show?

Product Description – a list of products with price ranges:


You can submit your application form and supporting materials via email to:

Cynthia Mykytyshyn, Events and Exhibitions Manager

By mail or drop-off to:


401 Richmond Street West

Studio 111

Toronto, Ontario

M5V 3A8