The 40th Stationary Source Sampling and Analysis for Air Pollutants Conference will be held March 20-25, 2016 at the Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Golf Club & Spa in Point Clear, Alabama. This conference series is the premiere technical forum for professionals engaged in all aspects of sampling and analysis of air pollutants as well as those relying on those measurements for regulatory and engineering decisions. Attendees include representatives from industrial facilities, government agencies, research organizations, air testing companies, equipment manufacturers, and analytical laboratories. The agenda is specific to emission measurement technology, procedures, and policy.

Interested presenters should submit a half-page abstract (200-300 words) of your proposed technical presentation or poster session before September 5, 2015. Earlier submittals are encouraged. The conference is organized into ten technical sessions. A brief preliminary description of each session is presented below. Prepare your abstract and submit it by e-mail to the session chair AND to the conference chair David Elam at .

You will find additional conference details and registration information at the Source Evaluation Society website: SES membership is not necessary to attend or speak at the conference, but it is encouraged.

September 5, 2015

Abstract Submission Deadline

March 20-25, 2016

Conference Dates

Emerging Measurement Issues and Technology (3/20/16, 1930-2200)

Session Chair: Dieter Kita,

Session Co-Chair: To Be Determined (TBD)

What will we be covering at the next 40 SSSAAP conferences? This session will provide a forum for to discuss of the emission sources and test methods that are on the horizon.

EPA Highlights (3/21/16, 0830-1200)

Session Chair: Stef Johnson,

Session Co-Chairs: Robin Segall,

Jason DeWees,

Ray Merrill,

Gerri Garwood,

EPA staff will provide a summary of the past year’s key developments in air emissions measurement and monitoring techniques, tools, and policy from EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, as well as papers highlighting new and developing projects.

State and Regional Agency Perspectives (3/21/16, 1930-2200)

Session Chair: Heather Sessing,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

State and Local Agency representatives will provide updates on the challenges faced with implementation of new standards or the oversight and review of test programs

Testing Issues Associated with MATS Implementation (3/22/16, 0830-1000)

Session Chair: Jon Hays,

Session Co-Chair: Laura Kinner,

A discussion of issues related to any testing aspect of MATS implementation.

Testing Issues Associated with PC MACT Implementation (3/22/16, 1030-1200)

Session Chair: Laura Kinner,

Session Co-Chair: Jon Hays,

A discussion of issues related to any testing aspect of PC MACT implementation.

Testing Issues Associated with Boiler MACT/Other MACT Implementation

(3/22/16, 1930-2200)

Session Chair: Kevin Crosby,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

A discussion of issues related to any testing aspect of MACT Implementation.

Instrumental Measurement Issues (3/23/16, 0830-1200)

Session Chair: Erick Mirabella,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

A discussion of challenges, advances, or insights related to any instrumental measurement technology.

Ambient Air Quality Issues (3/23/16, 1630-1830)

Session Chair: Dave Elam,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

A discussion of how evolving ambient air quality limits and risk reviews are driving emission testing requirements.

Particulate Measurement Issues (3/24/16, 0830-1200)

Session Chair: Jim Serne,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

A discussion of challenges, advances, or insights related to particulate measurement.

Legal Implications and Quality Management (3/24/16, 1930-2200)

Session Chair: Troy Burrows,

Session Co-Chair: Tate Strickler,

A discussion of management system audits/assessments, data validation, and data defensibility.

Flash Presentations (3/25/16, 0830-1200)

Session Chair: Tina Sanderson,

Session Co-Chair: Lindsey Wells,

Free range forum providing brief discussions of detection limits, upper measurement limits, difficult sampling sources, test program planning, etc.

Poster Sessions

Session Chair: Sean Warden,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

Poster sessions will be held during the session breaks and afternoon/evening social hours. Poster topics can include late-breaking news and research. We would like to include multimedia or interactive display posters. The poster sessions can be used to expand on some topics presented during other sessions.

Safety Shorts

Session Chair: Pete Pakalnis,

Session Co-Chair: TBD

Each of the 10 sessions will start with a Safety Short soliciting a number of thought-provoking short safety lessons, tips, tricks, reminders, suggestions, experiences, ideas and nightmares. This 10-part session is intended for us to share ways to more conveniently, efficiently and habitually weave safety into our working habits. We are soliciting short presentations (~5 minutes) that demonstrate how companies and individuals are making their lives safer.

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