European Regional Committee,

International Council for

Laboratory Animal Science


(ICLAS ERCtraining fellowship award in laboratory animal science, 2013)

From: / Irina V. Belozertseva, PhD, Head of Lab. of Experimental Pre-clinical Studies with Vivarium, Dept. of Psychopharmacology, Valdman Institute of Pharmacology, First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Russia.
Host institution: / Animal Facilities of the Center for Experimental Surgery of the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Greece
Period: / November 4th – November 18th,2013
Training objectives / -strengthening subject knowledgein the science oflaboratory animals;
-establish new contactsfor theexchange of experience and collaboration in future.

This scientific training gave me a unique opportunity to be on-the-job for two weeks and observe working moments in the modern European research center. The Laboratory Animal Facilities (LAF) of the Center for Experimental Surgery is located in the basement of one of the buildings of the BRFAA campus and has an area of 1.800 m2. The space of LAF is rationally designed and has fully equipped blocks of premises for breeding SPF and conventional rodents (mice and rats) as well asfor keeping rabbits and swine.

The training was very well organized andcombined theoretical and practical activities. In particular, the training programincluded:

visiting of Laboratory Animal Facilities to obtain an overall view on its design and the general principles of functioning;

I got some practical ideas from Dr. Nikos Kostomitsopouloshow to solve some problems occurring in maintenance of animal facilities.

familiarisation with special equipment for animal care (individually ventilated cage, station for changing the bedding material, etc.);

Conversations withanimal technologistEfthimios C. Paronis helped me to get acquainted with the use ofthe equipment that will soon be available in my laboratory. This gave me the opportunity to be ready to emerging problems and avoid possible mistakes.

acquaintancewith transgenic mice colony management(veterinarian Paul Alexakos) and Animal Colony Management Database(veterinarian Zacharias Kakazanis);

participation in the following 5 hours’ practical courses organized by the Division of Laboratory Animal Facilitieswith the involvement of their own instructors and trainers from other Greek and foreign institutions:

-Course on laboratory animal handling (Vangelis Balfas, LAT);

-Course on laboratory animal anesthesia and analgesia (Anastssia Papasteranou);

-Course on laboratory animal necropsy & sample collection (IDEXX Laboratories Ltd.).

Organization of practical seminars and quality of teaching were at a high level. I think such system of short-term training courses for continuing education is the best example to follow. I will try to introduce it to the professional training at our University, because effective training is an invaluable investment in the human resources of any institution.

participation in some experimental procedures (as an observer)performed by technicians, veterinarians and researchers.

It provided me to refresh memory about some manipulations with laboratory animals and to gain skills and knowledge that I will need in the future work. In addition, I was fortunate enough to get acquainted with someunique methods of experimental work with laboratory animals.

discussions to exchange experiencein the design of experimentsin laboratory animal science.

The following topics were discussed: influence of environment on different types of animal behavior;the benefits of ethological approach to recording of animal behaviors, etc.

In the course of my training I had the opportunity to visit another BRFAA units to familiarize with the selected methods and consult with the experts – Dr. Michalis Katsimpoulas (Research Divisions: Surgical Operating Suites, Center: Experimental Surgery) and Dr. Spiros Georgopoulos (Research Divisions: Cell Biology, Center: Basic Research I).

The training has fulfilled all my expectations. It was very useful cross functional training increased my self-confidence in design of animal facilities, helped me become more versatile and increased my understanding of some tools for vivariummanagement. I got a lot of helpful advices. Two weeksof trainingwerefilled only withpositive emotions! I am very thankful for everyone of the teamfor a warm welcome and a full hearted help during my stay at Athens. They have always been open to any my question. Distinctive features of this team are a high level of professional skill and motivation, creative approach to problem solving, friendly and respectful communication. I would like to thank Dr. Nikos Kostomitsopoulos for his guidance and support throughout the training.I would like to acknowledge Altromin, Tecniplast and SDS for their support of this training. Finally, I am grateful to ICLAS ERC for providing me a training fellowship award.This training is a versatile tool to improve knowledge and skills, clarification of professional and life goals, and establish of useful contacts for collaboration in future.

I hope that this short training stay marks the beginning offruitful collaboration between the research group of Dr. Nikos Kostomitsopoulosand the research group of Department of Psychopharmacology of Valdman Institute of Pharmacology.