Generic & Trade name,
Dosage & Route / Classification and Concept / Why is your patient taking this drug? / What do you need to know to give this drug safely?
(include lab values, if applicable) / What do you need to teach about this drug? / How will you know the drug is effective? / What adverse effects should you look for and what will you do about them?
enoxaparin (Lovenox)
Dosing is based on patient’s weight or prophylaxis fixed dose, one to two times daily
Deep Sub-Q into abdominal fatty tissue or above the iliac crest. Insert entire length of the needle.
1-1.5 mg/kg up to twice a day, Q12 hours / Anticoagulant
Suppresses coagulation by helping antithrombin inactivate clotting factors, primarily thrombin and factor Xa / For prevention and treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
Prevention of ischemic complications in patients with unstable angina. / Normal Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is 25-35 seconds.
Do not aspirate.
Do not expel air bubble before administering.
Rotate injection sites.
Hold skinfold during injection but release before removing needle. / Do not rub injection site.
Report any bleeding.
Avoid trauma or injury.
Avoid aspirin, vitamin K, fish oil supplements, garlic supplements, ginkgo biloba, nonsteroidal drugs, and certain antibiotics (e.g. sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim).
Limit alcohol intake.
Use electric razor,
Use soft-bristle toothbrush. / No DVT or ischemic complications / Bleeding
Hemorrhage can be controlled with protamine
Furosemide (Lasix)
Oral The initial dosage for adults is 20 to 80mg/day as a single dose. The maximum daily dosage is 600mg. Twice-daily dosing. For IV and IM administration (10mg/mL) / Loop Diuretic
Fluid and Electrolyte balance
As a diuretic, Lasix works by increasing the amount of salt and water the kidneys remove from the blood. This extra salt and water is then passed out through the urine. By increasing the amount of water removed from the blood, Lasix causes a decrease in blood volume. Because of this effect, the medication can lower blood pressure and help with water retention. / CHF, Edema, Hypertension / Collect baseline values for weight, blood pressure, pulse, respirations and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride). Monitor B/P, pulse, potassium (3.5-5mEq / Take medication in am. If taking twice a day then take second dose by 2:00 pm to minimize nocturia. Teach symptoms of hypotension
(dizziness and lightheadedness) and hypokalemia (irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness, cramping, flaccid paralysis, leg discomfort, extreme thirst, confusion) / Decrease in edema.
Lower B/P.
Clear lung sounds. / Dehydration, Hypotension, Hypokalemia.
Increase fluids and/ or give potassium supplement per physician orders.

Reviewed 03/17