SAT After School Critical Reading Course

-According to a College Board SAT Prep book “learning thirty key word parts can help you unlock the meaning of over 10,000 words. Learning fifty key word parts can help you unlock the meaning of over 100,000 words!” Therefore, learningthese word pieces is the fastest way to improve your vocabulary.

-You will be learning 100 word pieces for this course!

-You will be quizzed on 25 word pieces at a time. Therefore, you will learn definitions of the word pieces numbers 1-25 for the first class. (You only need to know that re means again.) By using your knowledge of the word pieces and your logic, you will be able to figure out the meaning of words that you have never seen before.

The following are some examples of how the word pieces will be set up in a quiz. (These are words from 31-40!)

1. John is an audiophile.

a. one who hates being in a car

b. one who loves hearing good sounds

c. one who is obsessed with filing materials

(Clue- aud means hearand phil means love)

2. The scientist won a huge grant for her work in chromolithography.

a. a time recording device that is accurate to the nanosecond

b. an instrument that records blood levels while attached to the patient

c. a process of printing color pictures from a series of stone or zinc plates

(Clue-chrom means color)

3. The man didn’t stay indoors all the time because he disliked the outdoors but

because he was photophobic.

a. abnormally sensitive or afraid of light.

b. in love with having your picture taken but only if you look your very best

c. terrified of large bodies of water

(Clue-photo means lightandphobic means abnormally afraid)

1 / re / again / reread / read again
2 / pre / before / preheat / heat before
3 / over / above, beyond
extra; more / overpay / pay extra
4 / under / below; lesser
in degree / underpay / pay below what is necessary
5 / co / together; jointly; in the same degree / cooperate / operate together
6 / mis / badly; wrongly
incorrectly / misquote / quote incorrectly
7 / theo / gods / theology / study of gods or religion
8 / gen / race; origin / generation / people born in the same time
9 / chron / time / chronic / lasting a long time; constant
10 / nat / born / nature / born of the earth
11 / bio / life / biology / study of life
12 / viv / life / vivid / lively; bright color
13 / zoo / animal / zoology / the study of animals
14 / homo / same; man / homonym / words with the same pronunciation
15 / auto / self / automatic / runs by itself
16 / dem / people / democracy / government of the people
17 / voc / call; voice / vocal / spoken or sung
18 / scope / see / telescope / device that makes object look nearer
19 / spec / see / spectator / one who watches something
20 / vis / see / visible / can be seen
21 / photo / light / photography / picture taken by a camera
22 / lum; lun;
lus / light / illuminate / to light up
23 / chrom / color / chromatic / relating to color; about color
24 / aud / hear / audition / trial hearing
25 / phon / sound / phonograph / record player (writing with sound)
26 / man / hand / manual / done by hand; work done by hand
27 / ped; pod / foot / pedestrian / person walking
28 / tang / touch / tangible / touchable; you can touch it
29 / hemo
(hema) / blood / hemocyte- / a blood cell
30 / psych / mind / psychology / study of the mind
31 / sens; sent / feeling / sensation / feeling; impression
32 / path;
pathy / feeling / sympathy / understanding; compassion
33 / phil / life; love / philosophy / outlook; the pursuit of wisdom
34 / phobia / abnormal fear / hydrophobia / rabies; fear of drinking water
35 / dorm / sleep / dormant / asleep; inactive
36 / cide; cis / kill; cut / homicide / killing of a human being
37 / mort / death / mortal / human; subject to death
38 / bell / war / belligerent / eager to fight
39 / mal / wrong; bad / malfunction / failure to work properly
40 / bene / good; well / benefit / help; act of kindness
41 / nov / new / novice / beginner; one new to something
42 / val / worth; true / valid / true; sound; having legal force
43 / vac / empty / vacancy / an unoccupied room
44 / micro / small / microcosm / a little world or universe
45 / semi;
hemi / half / hemisphere / half of the earth
46 / mono / one / monorail / single-rail railway
47 / uni / one / unique / one of a kind
48 / bi / two / bicycle / vehicle with 2 wheels; no engine
49 / dec / ten / decade / a period of 10 years
50 / poly / many / polygamy / having more than one wife/
51 / multi / many / multilingual / knowing many languages
52 / greg / group / congregation / people meeting for religious
53 / omni / all / omniscient / knowing all things
54 / pan / all / panorama / open view in all directions
55 / trans / across / transport / to carry from place to place
56 / hyper / over / hyperactive / over active
57 / ultra / beyond / ultrasonic / beyond sound you can hear
58 / ambi
(amphi) / both / amphibian / living on land and in the water
59 / prim / first / primitive / ancient; original; first
60 / arch / first / archangel / chief angel; main angel
61 / post / after / postpone / delay; put off until a later time
62 / anti / against / antifreeze / prevents freezing
63 / contra / against / contradict / opposite point of view
64 / sta / stand / stay / to stand still; remain
65 / ten; tain / have; hold / retain / to hold back
66 / kin / movement / kinetic / dynamic; moving
67 / dynam / power / dynamic / forceful; powerful
68 / pend / hang / pendant / a hanging ornament or necklace
69 / tract / pull / tractor / vehicle for pulling
70 / tort / twist / torture / giving extreme physical pain
71 / flex / bend / flexible / can take change; bend easily
72 / mut / change / mutation / thing changed
73 / tend / stretch / extend / to stretch out
74 / ject / throw / reject / to throw back
75 / rupt / break / rupture / to break away
76 / port / carry / portable / able to be carried
77 / graph;
gram / write / biography / writing about a person's life
78 / script;
scribe / write / manuscript / written document
79 / duct / lead / abduct / to carry off by force
80 / reg / rule / regulation / rule; a law
81 / cap
capit / take; head / capture / to take by force
82 / fac / make; do / factory / place where things are made
83 / urb / city / suburban / around the city
84 / geo / earth / geology / study of the earth
85 / astro / star / astronomy / science of the stars/planets
86 / cosm / universe / cosmopolitan / sophisticated; worldly; experienced
87 / ology / study of / musicology / the study of music
88 / tech / skill; art / technology / science used by business
89 / cred / believe / credible / believable
90 / pseudo / false / pseudonym / pen name; mane used to hide identity
91 / non / not / nonsense / not making sense
92 / therm / heat / thermometer / device that measures heat
93 / meter / measure / speedometer / device that measures speed
94 / aqua / water / aquarium / tank that holds water for fish
95 / hydr / water / hydroelectric / produce electricity by water
96 / mer; mar / sea / marina / a dock for mooring
97 / tele / distant / television / device that sends pictures to distant places
98 / fin / end / finish / the end of something
99 / im / not / impatient / not patient
100 / in / not / insecure / not secure

We are sure you’re THRILLED to know that this is NOT the end of our beloved word pieces. There are more to come ......