Olathe Northwest High School

Student Council

Class Representative Application

2016-2017 School Year

What is a Class Representative?

From the ONW STUCO Constitution:

Representative Duties and qualifications

1.  Members of the Olathe Northwest Student Body.

2.  Maintain good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 2.5

3.  Maintain good behavioral standing with no major disciplinary referrals

4.  Sign and adhere to the STUCO substance abuse policy.

5.  Able to attend 90% STUCO meeting and functions.

6.  Accurately express views and opinions of the student body.

7.  Participate in committees or subcommittees.

8.  Volunteer outside of regularly scheduled meetings for Student Council activities.

9.  Attend and participate in Student Council meetings and activities

10. Express views and opinions of the student body

11. Provide leadership by accepting committee chair or assistant chair positions.

If you have any questions about what a representative is or does, please email STUCO Officer Bessie Bauman at .

Three teacher recommendations are required. Please email the link http://bit.ly/1XjmcRJ to your three teachers so they can fill out the form. Responses will be directly received.


Thursday, April 14th – Applications available from Ms. Ingles’ room (1223) or online at: http://www.onwravens.net/stuco/applications Please forward the following link to teachers you would like to recommend you: http://bit.ly/1XjmcRJ

Wednesday, April 27th – Final deadline for all applications. Paper applications need to be turned into Ms. Ingles’ room by 3:00pm.

Monday, May 2nd - Friday, May 6th – Interviews held before and after school. Sign-up for a time slot at


Monday, May 9th – All candidates notified of status.

SELECTED REPRESENTATIVES: Friday, May 13th –STUCO Meet and Greet. Time and place: TBD.

Olathe Northwest High School
Student Council

Representative Application—2016-2017

First & Last Name: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Grade (2016-2017 School Year): 9 10 11 12

GPA: ______

Please answer the following questions (written or typed) in 75-100 words (unless otherwise specified). Feel free to attach additional papers if you need more space to write/type. Remember; treat this as if you were applying for a job. All information needs to be neat, legible, and treated with care. Make answers genuine!

1.) I believe I will add to the value of Student Council by... (Be Specific)


2.) Skills I have that will improve Student Council are... (Be Specific)


3.) List/Explain any past experience you can bring to Student Council:


4.) Explain why your personality will enhance Student Council.


5.) Student Council requires 5-10 hours per week of involvement. What other commitments do you have? (i.e. other organizations, church, sports, activities)


6.) Student Council is involved in many events each year. Do you have an idea for a new activity or event you or other students would like to see implemented?


7.) What goals do you have for Student Council? What would you like to accomplish?


8.) Student Council runs various activities throughout the school year. Which are you most interested in? (Circle up to three.)

Publicity Elections Mr. Raven Blood Drives Posters - ART Winter Dance

Communication Recycling Service Activities Week of Giving Winter Wishes

Event Coordinating WPA Homecoming Raven Week Faculty Conference Feast

Other: ______

Your signature below indicates you have completed this application truthfully and understand if anything is incorrect you could risk the possibility of disqualification.

Applicant Signature: ______ID Number______
