Journey Together Conference 2013

Call for Proposals

September 22, 23, 24, 25

The Journey Together Conference 2013 will be held at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, TN. We are calling for workshop proposals that contain current and relevant information addressing addictions, co-occurring disorders, research, counseling techniques, professional issues, adolescent counseling and other addictions topics. We are especially seeking workshops in the areas of gambling addictions and specialty populations. Workshops are 1.5 hours each. If your material requires additional time, two sequential workshops may be considered.

How will presenters be selected?

The Conference Committee will accept Call-for-Proposal applications until March 15, 2013.

Applications will be selected according to the following criteria:

  1. All sections of the application must be completed in full.
  2. Presentation description is clearly written.
  3. Learning objectives are clearly stated.
  4. Session structure and organization are defined.
  5. Presenters have sufficient knowledge and experience with the subject matter.
  6. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted.

What resources will be available to presenters?

The conference committee will consider proposals for 90 minute sessions. Some 3 hour sessions may be considered, if time allows. Because the conference committee will select a limited number of proposals, please assure that you do not have a scheduling conflict if your proposal is selected.

Presentation rooms will hold 25-75 people depending on space configuration.

Invited presenters will be granted complimentary admission to the conference but will be responsible for their own meals, travel and lodging costs. Lunches are included in conference activities.

How will I know if I’ve been selected?

The Program Committee will contact chosen presenters by email by April 30, 2013. It is expressly understood that the presentation may be scheduled at any time on any of the conference dates at the discretion of the conference organizers. Please state if you have a day preference and your request will be honored if possible.

Note: All copies of handouts and materials will be the responsibility of the presenter.

**Presenters will be expected to sign an agreement to participate at the conference**

PROPOSAL DUE DATE: March 15, 2013

Please complete the following form and return via e-mail. Address questions to:

Kimberley Burchett 615-414-6716 E-mail:

Only electronically submitted proposals will be accepted.

**Please share this with others who may be interested in submitting a proposal**

Call for Proposals

Form and Instructions

Application Deadline: March 15, 2013

PART I: Presenter Information

(If more than one presenter, designate one as lead, and provide complete contact information for each presenter. List only those persons who will actually attend and present at the conference.)

Presenter Name: ______

Institution / Company: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State:______Zip code: ______

Daytime Phone: ______Evening Phone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail address: ______

Web site: ______

Biographical information for each presenter: Maximum 50 words. Include institution/company, position/title, and related experience. Please state your qualifications to teach this particular topic.

PART II: Presentation Information

Presentation Title:

Summary of Presentation:The summary may be of any length, in narrative or outline form, and should provide clear explanation of what you will be presenting. This information will be used by the conference committee in the proposal selection process. Please attach planned handouts.

Description of the Presentation:Maximum 50 words. The description you submit will appear in the conference brochure and will aid participants in choosing sessions. Descriptions will be edited if necessary.

Learning Objectives: An explanation of what you want the participants to learn from your session. These need to be written in measurable and observable goals. For example: The participant will be able to…. Please list at least 3 objectives that you will achieve during your session.

PART II: Presentation Information (continued)

Primary topic area presentation addresses: (check only one area. If more than one area is relevant, select the area of primary importance )

Addictions / Specialty Population: ______
Co-occurring Disorders / Administrative/Management
Current Research / Professional Issues
Counseling Techniques / Other: (Please specify) ______

Type of presentation:

networking session / discussion
hands-on workshop


For all audiences ____ Beginner ____ Intermediate ____ Advanced ____

Is there a prerequisite for the workshop? Please specify: ______

Audio Visual Equipment to be used:

Overhead Projector: ____ Flip chart ____ Microphone ____ PPT Projector ____

Other ____ specify: ______

Please respond to the following:

I will be bringing my own equipment. Please List:______

I will need the following equipment: ______

I do not need any AV equipment