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QMS, EMS a OHSAS trainings according to ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 - trainings of internal auditors and management

/ Visualisation
(logo, picture, graphic)

Purpose / Goal

(300 characters) / Quality, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety Management System (QMS, EMS a OHSAS) trainings are designed to provide students with a basic knowledge and a degree of comfort with implementing integrated management systems according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

Target groups


Internal auditors, Management representatives, Presidents/CEOs, Individuals

Industry sectors

(Please tick) / Agriculture
Clean-Air Technology
Cleanup Technology
Drinking Water
Information Technology
Motor Vehicles / Noise Reduction
Power Engineering
Pulp and Paper
Sewage Technology
Stones and Soils
Surface Engineering
Textile and Clothing
Waste Technology
Wood and Furniture
Others: ______

Description / Special features

(1500 characters) / The QMS, EMS a OHSAS trainings are designed to provide students with a basic knowledge and a degree of comfort with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and with integration of the management systems. Students gain a working understanding of key integrated management concepts, such as environmental aspect, risks and impact identification, setting objectives and targets, etc. The course structure incorporates presentations and interactive discussions. An experienced instructor explains the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in detail, including auditing the requirements of the standards and explanation of the integration of the management systems. Students learn by participating in group exercises and in-depth discussions.

Supporting tools

(300 characters)

/ Training manuals with reference materials


/ IMS, Quality Management System, Environment Management System, Occupational Health & Safety Management System, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, training

Innovative aspects including: environmental, social, economic

(800 characters)

/ Training of all 3 systems at once with examples of integration of the management systems.


(300 characters)

/ The length of the training can be adapted with regards to specific requirements of the clients.


(300 characters) / Not known

Cost /

Funding source

/ Cost of the training course

Application examples

(400 Characters)

/ Trainings of the Management representatives, Middle and Top management at companies implementing IMS.

National Contact Point

/ Slovak National Contact Point:
Slovak Cleaner Production Centre / PROVENTUS n.o.
Veronika Saul, Semianova 2, 831 03 Bratislava 3, Slovak Republic
Tel.: 02 - 4445 4328, Fax: 02 - 4425 9015

Please tick:

Current stage of development

Development phase – laboratory tested
Available for demonstration – field tested Already on the market
Intellectual Property Rights
Patent applied for* Patents granted
Copyright protected Exclusive rights
Secret know-how Other (registered design, plant variety right, etc)*
Organisation / company submitting technology / tool
Name of the Company: SCPC, s.r.o.
Size of company: < 10
Industry Technical Centre / Technology transfer centre
Research institute /University Services
Other: please specify
Contact details:
SCPC, s.r.o., Semianova 2, 831 03 Bratislava 3, Slovak Republic
Tel.: 02 - 4445 4328, Fax: 02 - 4425 9015, ,