Daniel 7

I)  Introduction

A)  Review

1)  Daniel 1 – Daniel, Shadrack, Meshak, Abed-nego brought to Babylon

2)  Daniel 2 – Nebu’s Vision of Statue – Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome

3)  Daniel 3 – Nebu sets up image – The Three will not bow – Thrown into furnace

4)  Daniel 4 – Nebu has dream of tree – Daniel Interprets – Nebu is humbled

5)  Daniel 5 – Belshazzar’s final night – the handwriting on the wall

6)  Daniel 6 – Daniel thrown into Lion’s Den

B)  Chapter Divisions

1)  Chapters 1-6 – Focus on interaction with kings

2)  Chapters 7-12 – Focus on Visions of Daniel

3)  Some claim that Chapter 5 was out of order because of King Belshazzar.

(a)  However, it is in perfect order when you consider the focus of its writing

II)  Daniel 7

A)  Verses 1-8

1)  Daniel has a vision, back when belshazzar was king.

(a)  Four beasts appear in this passage.

·  Unique versions of a lion, bear, leopard, and an unknown beast with 10 horns.

2)  Fortunate for us, this vision will be interpreted by Daniel (about kings/Kingdoms vs. 17,23).

(a)  We also have the benefit of having the second chapter of Daniel already interpreted for us as well.

·  It is important because the four parts of the statue there correspond with the four beasts here.

·  We have in order, Babylon, Medo-Persian, Greece, and Rome represented.

·  Rome is also represented in the book of Revelation as the beast with 10 horns.

(b)  The fourth beast is the beast which most intrigues Daniel.

3)  Verse 2

(a)  “great sea” – The people of the earth – As it does in Revelation

(b)  “Four winds”- Those things which happen in the course of time.

4)  Verse 3

(a)  Note the beasts are the creation of the actions of men – In this case, manmade kingdoms.

5)  Verse 4

(a)  Our first kingdom from Chapter 2 was Babylon – here symbolized like a lion with wings.

·  The wings symbolizing the speed of conquering.

·  It is speculated about what is meant by “human mind” given to it.

·  A likely explanation is this is reference to the humbling of Nebu and his subsequent recognition of God.

6)  Verse 5

(a)  The second beast is the kingdom of the Medes and Persians. Symbolized similar to a bear.

·  “Three ribs” – Common interpretation is this is the kingdoms of Egypt, Lydia, and Babylon.

·  A second interpretation mentioned by Keil is this ¾ of the World under control of the Medes.

¾  This being in contrast to the next kingdom which would control the whole world in 4 parts.

·  It indeed “devour[ed] much flesh”.

7)  Verse 6

(a)  The third beast – Greeks – symbolized as a leopard with 4 wings.

·  Alexander the great swiftly took all of the world.

¾  While Babylon had two wings, this Greeks had four symbolizing an even quicker take over.

·  Following his death the kingdom was divided into four parts.

¾  Macedonia and Greece - Cassander.

¾  Thrace and Bithynia - Lysimachus

¾  Egypt – Ptolemy

¾  Syria - Seleucus.

8)  Verse 7-8

(a)  The Fourth beast – Romans – Terrifying, strong, iron teeth, 10 horns

·  The iron corresponds directly to Daniel 2 interpretation.

·  The ten horns represent 10 kingdoms of the fallen Western Roman Empire in 476 AD.

·  Isaac Newton notes this territory was known as the “10 kingdoms” long after they were further divided. This isnt’ a device of scholars to force a 10 kingdom interpretation on those kingdoms.

(b)  The little horn being an entity unto itself - the Roman Catholic Church - Coffman, Campbell, Isaac Newton, Clarke- Most religious entities have all identified her as such prior to recent times.

·  In regard to the three horns that were rooted up by the Roman Catholic Church we have:

¾  The Exarchate of Ravenna

¾  The kingdom of Lombardy

¾  the Duchy of Rome

·  These three kingdoms become the first lands of the Roman Catholic Church known as the “Patrimony of Peter”.

¾  The Popes stated they were head of all Kings of earth by late 700’s.

¾  In 800 AD, Charlemagne was crowned king of the “Holy Roman Empire” by the pope.

¾  The “Patrimony of Peter” was held as the state of the Catholic Church until 1870.

(c)  “Great [things, blasphemies, boasts]” - H7260

·  (Aramaic) – rabrab – meaning power or authority.

¾  [Things, blasphemies, boasts] – are not in the text, but are inserted because of their nature.

¾  This tells us this is an entity of man, but assuming all power and authority.

¾  2Th 2:4 - he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God.

·  For those that establish that it is false to say the Popes see themselves as God, while this may be debated, that they put themselves in a position of God is undeniable. See Rom. 13:1

¾  Rom 13:1 - Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God.

B)  Verses 9-12

1)  We have a prolepsis of the judgment upon the Roman Catholic Church/Apostate Religion.

(a)  Prolepsis is carrying a point of something to its end and returning to the point where you were.

·  Why is this done here? The topic touched on was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church.

¾  This entity being far more important than the physical kingdoms of the earth.

¾  The prolepsis is important to know that this Apostate religious kingdom would end.

(b)  The scene Daniel sees is before the throne of God.

·  The Ancient of Days here is God upon His throne (Oriental thrones).

·  The Entity of the Roman Catholic Church (and its apostates) is destroyed

·  It is noted that the other beasts, earthly kingdoms, were given a period of time to continue.

¾  That is not at the end, but while they were on earth

¾  Their influence continued

¾  When the RCC ends, all will be done

¾  They are going to continue to the end.

¨  As discussed in 2 Thessalonians, this lawless one will be Slayed in Judgment.

¨  This is also born out in vs. 21-22 of our text.

C)  Verse 13-14

1)  This is a discussion of the ascension of Christ to heaven

(a)  This seems out of order if we are talking about it following the judgment of apostate religion.

(b)  This is not Chronological.

·  Rather, the point has been made about a false Spiritual kingdom.

2)  Now it is made clear a true spiritual and eternal kingdom will be established.

(a)  This would be following his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.

(b)  He ascends to heaven to receive His kingdom.

(c)  The kingdom is eternal and cannot be destroyed.

3)  I think it is important here the words “That all men of every language might serve Him.”

(a)  This again serves to show the kingdom of Christ is open to all and that it is a choice that they serve.

D)  Verses 15-18

1)  Now the interpretation of the vision by Daniel.

(a)  In a nutshell, Daniel is told what everything means.

(b)  Four earthly kingdoms arise, but Christians will receive a kingdom which cannot be broken.

E)  Vs. 19-22 – Daniel Questions about the Fourth Kingdom.

1)  Additional information given about the Fourth Kingdom.

(a)  Daniel notes the the 4th beast had bronze claws.

(b)  Daniel notes the 11th horn which was little, has now become larger than the others.

(c)  An important thing to note about that horn is it will last until judgment day.

·  They will be a destroyer of men’s souls to the end

·  There is no other entity, but the RCC that has had its “kingdom” arising from Rome…

¾  That exists today!

2)  Ultimately, the saints take possession of the True Spiritual Kingdom, the false being gone.

F)  Verses 23-28 – Answer is given to him in his vision.

1)  Fourth Kingdom very unique and powerful.

2)  10 horns – ten kings or kingdoms out of it

(a)  Isaac Newton’s List.

3)  Another will arise, different from all the others.

(a)  It will take out 3 other kings.

(b)  “Speaks out against God” – Many false teachings of the RCC that are in direct conflict with God

·  Clarke states: They have assumed infallibility, which belongs only to God. They profess to forgive sins, which belongs only to God. They profess to open and shut heaven, which belongs only to God. They profess to be higher than all the kings of the earth, which belongs only to God. And they go beyond God in pretending to loose whole nations from their oath of allegiance to their kings, when such kings do not please them! And they go against God when they give indulgences for sin. This is the worst of all blasphemies!

·  “And shall wear out the saints” - By wars, crusades, massacres, inquisitions, and persecutions of all kinds. What in this way have they not done against all those who have protested against their innovations, and refused to submit to their idolatrous worship? Witness the exterminating crusades published against the Waldenses and Albinenses. Witness John Huss, and Jerome of Prague. Witness the Smithfield fires in England! Witness God and man against this bloody, persecuting, ruthless, and impure Church!

·  “And think to change times and laws” - Appointing fasts and feasts; canonizing persons whom he chooses to call saints; granting pardons and indulgences for sins; instituting new modes of worship utterly unknown to the Christian Church; new articles of faith; new rules of practice; and reversing, with pleasure, the laws both of God and man. - Dodd.

4)  Vs. 25 – “Time, times, and a half a time” = The Christian Dispensation = Rev. 6:10 “a little time” = Rev. 12:12 “a short time” = Rev. 12:14 = Rev. 12:6 “1,260 days” = Rev. 13:5 “42 months” = Rev. 20:4-6 “Thousand years” = Dan. 2:44. These all refer to time between ascension and future return. (Coffman)

5)  V. 26-27 – Vs. 11, 22, 26-27 are one in the same. Three descriptions of God’s Victory and End of Oppression.

II)  Closing Thoughts: Ultimately, is seen an established kingdom during the timeframe of the Romans. It is an eternal kingdom and it will see the avenging of the saints over all earthly kingdoms.