November 18, 2013

Board of County Commissioners

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Board of County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, November 18, 2013 with Chairman Randy Merritt presiding. Present were Commissioners Richard Harden, Howard Kessler, Jerry Moore, and Ralph Thomas. Also, present were County Administrator David Edwards, County Attorney Heather Encinosa and Deputy Clerk Evelyn Evans.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Thomas


(CD6:01) Commissioner Kessler moved to approve the Agenda as presented, second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD6:01) 1. David Damon – Wetlands article by Christian Coalition in Wakulla News

(CD6:05) 2. James Hennessey – Wetlands Protection

(CD6:08) 3. Bruce Ashley – Youth Coalition update on Operation Santa


(CD6:10) 1. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 8 of Wakulla County Code of Ordinances

Commissioner Thomas moved to conduct the public hearing and adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances. Second by Commissioner Moore and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:13) 2. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Relating to Property Abatement Assessments

Commissioner Moore moved to approve to conduct the public hearing and adopt an Ordinance relating to Property Abatement Assessments. Second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD6:19) Mrs. Lottie Roddenberry Recognition by Commissioner Kessler

Plaque presented to Ms. Roddenberry as the oldest registered voter in Wakulla County

(CD6:15) State of Agency Update - Tim Center, Executive Director, Capital Area Community Action Agency


Commissioner Harden moved to approve the Consent Agenda, second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

3. Approval of Minutes from the November 4, 2013 Regular Board Meeting

Approve – Minutes from the November 4, 2013 Regular Board Meeting

4. Approval for Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for October 31, 2013 – November 13, 2013

Approval – Payment of Bills and Vouchers submitted for October 31, 2013 – November 13, 2013

5. Request Board Approval to Dispose of Fixed Asset Items from the Fire Rescue Department

Approve – to dispose of the fixed asset items from the Fire Rescue Department identified in this agenda request

6. Request Board Approval of a Resolution and Budget Amendment for FY2013/2014 Gulf Tourism - Seafood Promo Grant Fund

Approve – the Budget Amendment and Resolution for FY2013/2014 Gulf Tourism – Seafood Promo Grant Fund ($356,000)

7. Request Board Approval to Apply for the 2013 State Grant Program

Approve – to apply for the State Grant Program in the amount of $55,506.34 for 2013-14 for the E911 Viper Server and Windows 7 Upgrade for the E911 System

8. Request Board Approval of a Proclamation Declaring November 2013 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in Wakulla County

Approve – the Proclamation declaring November 2013 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in Wakulla County

9. Request Board Approval of Temporary Road Closure for Panacea Waterfronts Christmas Parade on December 7, 2013

Approve – the temporary road closure for Panacea Waterfronts Christmas Parade on December 7, 2013

10. Request Board Ratification Accepting the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Award for the Purchase of a CCTV Camera System for Video Monitoring at the Wakulla County Courthouse

Approve – to accept the Justice Assistance Grant award for the purchase of a CCTV Camera System for Video Monitoring at the Wakulla County Courthouse in the amount of $12,000

16. Request Board Ratification to Accept the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Award to fund the Persons Crime Unit

Approve – to ratify the Justice Assistance Grant award to fund a Persons Crime Unit in the amount of $34,405

17. Request Board Approval of Two Letters of Support to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for Expansion of the St. Marks Artificial Reef System and Carrabelle 10 Mile Reef System

Approve – the Two Letters of Support to Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission for the St. Marks Artificial Reef System and the Carrabelle 10 Mile Reef System

(CD6:25) 11. Request Board Approval to Purchase a New Chassis and Negotiate Pricing for the Remount of One EMS Unit Vehicle Body

Commissioner Moore moved to approve the purchase of one new ambulance chassis in the amount of $37,534, approve the negotiation to remount the currently owned EMS vehicle body not to exceed $60,000, and authorize the County Administrator to have signing authority for this purchase. Second by Commissioner Harden with Commissioners Merritt, Moore, Kessler, and Harden in favor, Commission Thomas opposed, motion carried, 4/1.

(CD6:32) 12. Request Board Approval of the Fire Services Agreement between Wakulla County and the Volunteer Fire Departments

Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the agreement between Wakulla County and the Volunteer Fire Departments and direct staff to execute the Agreement with the various Volunteer fire Departments. This will replace the existing Agreement. Second by Commissioner Kessler and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:34) 13. Request Board Approval of the Purchase Agreement with Musco Sports, LLC to Provide Lighting for Medart Park, Field #3

Commissioner Harden moved to approve the purchase agreement with Musco Sports Lighting, Inc., LLC,

for the purchase of lighting at Medart Park Field #3. Second by Commissioner Kessler and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:35) 14. Request Board Acceptance of Staff’s Findings Regarding the Status of Bus Stop Signs

Commissioner Harden moved to accept staff findings regarding the status of bus stop signs. Second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.



15. (CD6:37) Request Board Approval to Schedule a Workshop on January 9, 2014 for our Senior Citizens and the Senior Citizens Center

Commissioner Kessler moved to vote to schedule a workshop for our senior citizens on January 9, 2014, motion dies for lack of second.



(CD6:38) a. Representative Southerland’s staff will host a mobile office from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the County Administrative Office on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

(CD6:38) b. Reminder that the deadline is approaching for the Charter Review Committee, currently there are 11 requests and many more are needed. The closing date is Friday, November 22, 2013.

(CD6:39) c. Chairman Merritt was named as CRTPA Chairman today and this is a first for Wakulla County.

(CD6:40) 1. Select and Vote for 2013/2014 Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Commissioner Moore moved to elect Commissioner Harden as Chairman for 2013/2014 and Commissioner Thomas as Vice-Chair. Second by Commissioner Harden with Commissioners Harden, Merritt, Moore, and Thomas in favor, Commissioner Kessler opposed, motion carried, 4/1.


(CD6:44) 1. Chuck Hess – Activity by Board commenting about citizens when the citizens cannot respond


(CD6:46) RICHARD HARDEN – (a) Charter Review Committee and the deadline date. If there are not enough requests received by the deadline, the Board can vote to extend the date. (b) Very supportive of the Senior Citizens and he pledged his salary increase to Meals on Wheels. They are a non-profit organization and they have a Senior Citizens Council to handle any issue.

(CD6:48) COMMISSIONER MERRITT – (a) As outgoing Chair provided a few words of wisdom to the new chair

(CD6:49) COMMISSIONER KESSLER - (a) Workshop regarding Senior Citizens and feels that this was a missed opportunity (b) The Chairman position is a powerful thing in the running of the meeting (c) Wants to know when Commissioner Moore will make an apology to him, staff and the public.

(CD6:58) There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Thomas moved to adjourn; second by Commissioner Kessler and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

The meeting concluded at 6:58 p.m.