Welcome to Worship at

Grace Fellowship

Having a passion for the Supremacy of God through Christ in all things.

December 28, 2008

Announcements: Steve Schlangen

A Call to Worship

Worship Through Song
Elder Fred Rausch and the Worship Team
Worship Through Giving
Peter Armstrong

Dismissal for Children’s Church – Ages 3 through Kindergarten

Junior Worship - 1st – 2nd Grades

Worship Through the Word

Glory to God in the Highest

Luke 2:12

Pastor Tom Mortenson


We gather to praise the One who has been “our help in ages past” and is “our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home.” Welcome to all who have come to rejoice before the loving Creator of us all. It is the most fitting way possible to begin

the New Year.

Please join us for refreshments downstairs after the service.

Grace in Service:

Greeter and Offertory Prayer

December 28 - the Armstrong Family

Children Helpers: Robert Armstrong, Mo Ndaiye

January 4 – the Bobea Family

January 11 – the Bontrager Family

Monthly Greeter:

December - Scott & Nancy Reichert

January - Steve and Deymiss Bobea

Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry

December 28– Bob Ewbanks

January 4 – Budd Smith

January 11 – Scott Reichert

Outside Monitor

Dec. 28 – Peter Armstrong

Jan. 4 – Alex Yost

Jan. 11 – Luke Mortenson

Children’s Ch. Teacher: Ara Rausch

Children’s Ch. Helpers: the Rausch Family

Jr. Worship Teacher: Michael and Alexis Foss

December Coffee Hour: Alex Yost

January Coffee Hour: Benee Schlangen

December Announcer: Scott Reichert

January Announcer: Alex Yost

Bread Ministry:

Dec. 25 & Jan 1: TBA

Today is the last Sunday

to meet 2008’s Year-end Budget.

Remember, there was no service last Sunday and we fell even further behind. Please make one last donation to Grace to help her meet her ministry needs for 2008 and look confidently at 2009.

Christmas Eve Gifts

General Fund $4,120.00 General Fund $117,443.35

General Fund Budget $124,327.00

Difference ($5,763.65)

We have talked about doing this for years….it was thwarted by last Sunday’s storm….today is the day we will do it!

Grace Fellowship’s Worship Team is

In an effort to give the Worship Team and our tech people the day off during this busy season, today will be an old-fashioned worship service – singing carols to our newborn Savior without microphones, monitors, wires, overheads, etc. Let us raise our voices in song to praise our King!

Wednesday, Dec. 31st at 6:30 p.m.

Prayer, Potluck Dinner and Party Game Night! Bring your favorite dish and a dessert or salad and board game.

Focus on the Fellowship

We express our deepest sympathy to Bonnie Henry for the loss of her beloved mother, Shirley, on Christmas Eve. To better express our sympathy the Women of Grace are hosting the family’s reception after the funeral this Tuesday. Would you be so kind as to help provide a food dish for the serving table?

Please see Norma Ewbank or Janice Mortenson right away.

Funeral services for Bonnie’s mother are Tuesday at 12 noon at Knight- Auchmoody in Port Jervis.

This week’s prayer focus is on: the Anderson Family, the Armstrong Family and the Berry Family. Please include Donna Tetter who contracted the flu this week.

Pray for Laura Samson as she prepares for a short-term missionary trip with YWAM next month to Hawaii and for Scott Armstrong as he prepares to leave for the Navy Reserve training, January 7.

Need a resolution for 2009?

Here are a few that will pay off for you eternally…

q  How ‘bout reading through the One Year Bible?

They are available on “Grace’s Bookshelf” our book store in

the back of the sanctuary. Pick one up at wholesale cost,

no tax or shipping cost. $14.50

q  Resolve to pray for Grace Fellowship’s ministries once a week?

q  Attend Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evenings, 7 p.m.?

q  Increase your Bible study and come to Wednesday

Night’s study in Hebrews, 8 p.m.

Or attend Sunday School classes, 9:30 a.m.?

q  How ‘bout tithing faithfully?

q  Invest yourself in Grace by serving in one or more new

areas of ministry here at Grace, i.e., Work Days, Children’s Church, Missions Committee, Mercy Meals, etc.

q  Reach out and greet new people who visit Grace and

befriend them or make a coffee date with a

person from Grace once a month?


You may download sermons, the current bulletin, even check out pictures of the recent children’s Christmas musical – all on website!

If there is a service cancellation question due to inclement weather, check the website for the latest information! (Those without internet access may call the Church office if not notified personally.)

Grace Fellowship This Week

Today, December 28, 2008

9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Wednesday, December 31

6:30 p.m. New Year’s Eve Prayer, Potluck and Party Game Night

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Next Sunday, January 4

9:30 a.m. Sunday School classes

10:30 a.m. Communion Sunday

Next Wednesday, January 7

7 p.m. Prayer Meeting

8 p.m. Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews

Keep your eye out for the dates of a Grace Talent Show early in 2009 and begin brainstorming what you or your family could do!


January 5 Leah Yost

January 11 Gideon Yost


December 26 Bob and Norma Ewbank

January 10 Alex & Elisa Yost


Needed: Someone who would like to be secretary for the Missions Committee ministry, organizing files, minutes, agendas, etc. Meetings are once a month. Two more missionary liaisons are needed as well – one for the Noars and one for the Christensens. Please see Jan Schools.

Grace Fellowship is a member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals.