STVDEGC: DEGREE CODE /Validation Code / Corresponding Benefactor DEGREES: DEGREE.TYPE code / Corresponding Colleague ACAD.CREDENTIALS: ACAD.DEGREEcode / Validation Description / Full Description /
000000 / Undeclared / Undeclared (delivered by SCT)
AA / A.A. / Associate of Arts
AB / A.B. / Artium Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Arts)
AM / A.M. / Artium Magister (Master of Arts)
ARTDIP / Artist Diploma / Artist Diploma
BA / BA / BA / B.A. / Bachelor of Arts
BBA / B.B.A. / Bachelor of Business Administration
BD / BD / B.D. / Bachelor of Divinity
BED / B.Ed. / Bachelor of Education
BFA / B.F.A. / Bachelor of Fine Arts
BM / B.M. / Bachelor of Music
BMUS / B.Mus. / Bachelor of Music
BN / B.N. / Bachelor of Nursing
BS / BS / BS / B.S. / Bachelor of Science
BSC / B.Sc. / Bachelor of Science
BSE / B.S.E. / Bachelor of Science in Education
CERT / CT / CERT / Certificate / Certificate
DB / D.B. / Divinitatis Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Divinity)
DD / D.D / Divinitatis Doctor (Doctor of Divinity)
DDS / DDS / DDS / D.D.S. / Doctor of Dental Surgery
DEA / D.E.A. / Doctorat (French)
DED / D.Ed. / Doctor of Education
DFA / D.F.A. / Doctor of Fine Arts
DIPLOM / Diploma / Diploma
DMA / D.M.A. / Doctor of Musical Arts
DMD / DMD / DMD / D.M.D. / Doctor of Dental Medicine
DMUS / D.Mus. / Doctor of Music
DO / D.O. / Doctor of Osteopathy
DOCTAT / Doctorat / Doctorat (French)
DOCTDO / Doctorado / Doctorado (Spanish)
DPHIL / D.Phil. / Doctor of Philosophy
DVM / D.V.M. / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
EDD / EDD / Ed.D. / Doctor of Education
HONOTH / HON / HON / Other Honorary Degree / Other Honorary Degree (from Benefactor)
JD / JD / JD / J.D. / Juris Doctor (Doctor of Law)
LAUREA / Laurea / Laurea (Italian)
LD / Litt.D. / Litterarum Doctor (Doctor of Letters)
LHD / L.H.D. / Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of Humanities)
LICENC / Licence / Licence (French)
LICNDO / Licenciado / Licenciado (Spanish)
LLB / LLB / LLB / LL.B. / Legum Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Laws)
LLD / LLD / LLD / LL.D. / Legum Doctor (Doctor of Laws)
MA / MA / MA / M.A. / Master of Arts
MAITRS / Maitrise / Maitrise (French)
MAT / M.A.T. / Master of Arts in Teaching
MBA / MBA / MBA / M.B.A. / Master of Business Administration
MD / MD / MD / M.D. / Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)
MDIV / MDV / MDIV / M.Div. / Master of Divinity
MED / MED / MED / M.Ed. / Master of Education
MFA / MFA / M.F.A. / Master of Fine Arts
MLS / MLS / MLS / M.L.S. / Master of Library Science
MM / MIM / MIM / M.M. / Master of Music
MMUS / M.Mus. / Master of Music
MPA / MPA / MPA / M.P.A. / Master of Public Administration
MPH / MPH / MPH / M.P.H. / Master of Public Health
MPHIL / M.Phil. / Master of Philosophy
MPIA / M.P.I.A. / Master of Pacific International Affairs
MPM / M.P.M. / Master of Science in Public Policy and Management
MS / MS / MS / M.S. / Master of Science
MSC / M.Sc. / Master of Science
MSE / M.S.E. / Master of Science in Engineering
MSN / M.S.N. / Master of Science in Nursing
MSW / MSW / 25 / M.S.W. / Master of Social Work
MTS / M.T.S.
OTHBAC / OTB / OTB / Other Bachelor's Degree / Other Bachelor's Degree (from Benefactor)
OTHDOC / OTD / OTD / Other Doctorate / Other Doctorate (from Benefactor and Colleague)
OTHER / OTH / OTH / Other Degree / Other Degree (from Benefactor)
OTHLAW / OTL / OTL / Other Law Degree / Other Law (from Benefactor)
OTHMAS / OMA / OTMA / Other Master's Degree / Other Master's Degree (from Benefactor and Colleague)
OTHMED / OMD / OTMD / Other Medical Degree / Other Medical Degree (from Benefactor)
PEND / Pending
PHB / PHB / PHB / Ph.B. / Philosophiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Philosophy)
PHD / PHD / PHD / Ph.D. / Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)
PHG / Ph.G. / Graduate in Pharmacy
SB / S.B. / Scientiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Science)
SM / S.M. / Scientiae Magister (Master of Science)
STAAT / Staatsexamen / Staatsexamen (German)
STB / S.T.B. / Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Sacred Theology)
THM / Th.M. / Master of Theology
TM / TM / Terminal Masters / Terminal Masters (from Colleague)
UNKNOW / UNK / Unknown / Unknown (from Benefactor)
VMD / VMD / V.M.D. / Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris
Table Owner: ?
Date Last Updated by Data Standards Group: 11/13/08