A caucus meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon was convened in the Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM.

Mayor Teague requested all stand for the flag salute

Mayor Teague announced that Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided specifying time, place and agenda. This was done by placing Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Present

Commissioner Foley Present

Commissioner Dougherty Present

Stuart Platt, Esq., Greg Fusco, P.E., Kate Burns, Mark Cavallo, Jim Stevenson, Martin Blaskey, and Lee Palo were present.

Commissioner Dougherty moved, seconded by Mayor Teague that the Amended Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on June 26, 2012 be approved, with both members voting in the affirmative.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on July 24, 2012 be approved, with all members voting in the affirmative.

ORDINANCE(S): (for consideration August 28, 2012)

#1297 Salary Ordinance for 2012 2nd Reading/Public Hearing

#1300 Abandoned Properties 2nd Reading/Public Hearing

#1301 Pawn Shop Ordinance 1st Reading/Introduction

RESOLUTIONS (for consideration August 28, 2012)

#2012-137- Bill Resolution

#2012-138 - Authorizing the Tax/Utility Collector to Process Posting Corrections and

Various Other Adjustments and Deductions


The following item was presented and approved with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative:

·  Raffle License #RA:16-2012 Ministry with Deaf of South Jersey

For Consideration on August 28, 2012:

·  Raffle License #RA:17-2012 Strawbridge School PTA

·  Raffle License #RA:18-2012 Strawbridge School PTA

·  Bingo License #BA:02-2012 St. Rose of Lima

·  Raffle License #RA:19-2012 St. Rose of Lima


Greg Fusco, PE reviewed the Engineer’s Report for August 21, 2012.

Public Works, Water/Sewer Department: Jim Stevenson reported Township put money into capital for the purchase of a trash truck and we should authorize to go out to bid for the trash truck due to the fact that it will take 6 months. The swing set for West Collingswood Heights was delivered today and should be installed by this week or next week. Public Works did another repair on Toledo Avenue and will be doing road maintenance out there next week. Mayor Teague inquired as to whether Toledo will get done next year. Jimmy reported by the time we received NJDOT money it was too late to get Toledo done this year. Public Works also removed the concrete at the Public Works Garage and that went well with no issues. Police Department wants to put cameras on Haddon Avenue and Mt. Ephraim Avenue. The Township must sign a contract with PSE&G.

Tax Assessor: Martin Blaskey reported that the Assessor’s Office is working on nonusable usable sales that will be used to generate the Township’s ratio. Mr. Blaskey also reported that the Assessor’s Office is compiling information for added assessments.

BID/Town Events: Kate Burns reported that the Township had their last move night on August 9th. There were three movies during the summer and they were well attended. The community enjoyed them and we had tons of kids out. The Tony Run is scheduled for next Wednesday August 29th at the Tap Room & Grill. The Third Annual Luau is scheduled for Friday, September 7th and tickets are available at the Municipal Building and other area businesses within Haddon Township. So far ticket sales are going really well. Ms. Burns reported that she has the final draft of the Haddon Press and it should be mailed to the residents next week. The Block Party is September 29th, 9 Am to 6 PM and this event will feature the Dare Car Show. 60% of booths will be returning from last year. Westmont Farmers Market Fall Festival is coming on October 10th. B.I.D. completed the streetscape project in front of the Keg and Kitchen. New businesses are opening up in Haddon Township such as All Star Kids Karate Academy next to Primo, a women’s foot fitness center behind Gina’s on French Avenue, on White Horse Pike the Soha Building is adding 15 new artists spaces and installed state of the art photography studio for any area photographers, and also on White Horse Pike we are continuing with paint the flower pots.


·  Imposing Lien on 277 Bewley Avenue for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 101 Washington Avenue for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 451 Melrose Avenue for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 31 E. Greenwood Avenue for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 9 Cooper Street for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 120 Delaware Avenue for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 26 E. Oakland Avenue for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Imposing Lien on 1309 Walnut Street for July 2012 for Lawncare

·  Refund Swim Team Fees of $150.00

·  Renewal of Membership in the Camden County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund

·  Chapter 159 EDA Grants for 2012


·  Rent Control Board Vacancy – Mayor Teague reported that he is recommending Alma Zwick for the seat and Commissioner Dougherty and Commissioner Foley concurred with the Mayor.

·  Billboard Ordinance

·  Authorization to go out to bid for a trash truck

·  Shared Services with Oaklyn for Public Works

There being no further agenda business, Commissioner Foley moved to open the meeting to the public, seconded by Mayor Teague, with all members voting in the affirmative.

Larry Gasperone, 201 Penn Avenue - Mr. Gasperone thanked the Mayor and Commissioners, as Chairman of the Rent Control Board, for passing the new rent control ordinance. I appreciate Stuart Platt and CherylLynn Walters.

Alma Zwick, Haddonview Apartments – Ms. Zwick thanked the Mayor and Commissioners for reappointing her to the rent control board and she hopes to do a good job for everyone.

John Kendall, 120 Washington Avenue – Mr. Kendall reported that the abandoned property of What-a-Weiner on Route 130 needs their grass cut. He also inquired as to whether the bushes could be trimmed at the West Collingswood Heights Walking Track around the Gazebos and why the white barrel is still around the area where the dip was repaired on Wilson and New Jersey Avenue. Jim Stevenson responded that more construction needed to be done due to a storm pipe that needs to be replaced.

Michael Esterson, 25 Lindisfarne Avenue – Mr. Esterson reported that the Westmont Theatre Building has outlived its time; it doesn’t fit with the future of Haddon Township. Parking is an issue. Taking it down and replacing it could be a positive thing to give us a fresh vision. Mr. Esterson inquired as to what made it historic. Mayor Teague and Commissioner Foley explained that the state made a decision to make it historic not the Commissioners of Haddon Township. Mayor Teague also explained that it is virtually impossible to have the Historic designation removed. Mr. Esterson reported that he would like to contact the state regarding this issue.

There being no further comments from the public, Commissioner Foley made a motion to close the meeting to the public, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative.

There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the meeting be adjourned at 7:23 PM with all members voting in the affirmative.






Randall W. Teague, Mayor


John C. Foley, Commissioner


Paul Dougherty, Commissioner