City Council Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2017

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I.  Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Approval of Agenda: Mayor McComber called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Dougherty, Liljegren, Runk, and Swenson. Staff present: City Administrator Johnson, City Attorney Vierling, Finance Director Caruso, Police Chief DeRosier, and City Engineer Mann. Absent: City Planner Richards.

Mayor McComber moved Old Business Item A. to the Visitors/Public Comment section of the Agenda, added “Accept Donation to Police Dept. from Kwik Trip” to the Consent Agenda as Item H., and added “TIF 1-2 Certification” to New Business as Item G.

Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Carried 5-0.

II.  Council/Staff Reports:

A.  Mayor McComber: She reported she attended the Fire Advisory Committee meeting on September 11 and the Kwik Trip Ribbon Cutting on September 12, and she would be attending the Coalition of Utility Cities meeting on September 13. She reported she was asked to join the Metro Cities Housing Policy Committee and would be attending that meeting. She also stated there was a LMC Mayor for a Day contest, and a link was on the City’s website, and the Fall Clean-up was scheduled for Saturday, September 30 from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Andersen parking lot.

B.  Councilmember Dougherty: He reported the next Planning Commission meeting was set for September 14, and they would be discussing the accessory structures ordinance.

C.  Councilmember Liljegren: He reported the next Parks Commission meeting was set for Monday, September 18.

D.  Councilmember Runk: He reported that he would be attending the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau meeting on September 13 and the Middle St. Croix Watershed Management Organization meeting on September 14.

E.  Councilmember Swenson: He reported that the next Cable Commission meeting was set for September 18.

F.  Staff: City Administrator Johnson reported that the mountain bike trail ribbon cutting was set for September 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Valley View Park.

III.  Visitors/Public Comment:

  1. Consider Resolution Recognizing the Contributions of Mr. Terry Zoller: Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the Resolution. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0. Mayor McComber presented Mr. Zoller with a plaque and read the Resolution.

Phil Hoey from Hy-Vee presented the City Council with a concept plan for a proposed Hy-Vee store. He requested feedback from the City Council. Mayor McComber explained the public hearing process.

Roger Tuckner from Century Power was present at the meeting and stated he had concerns with the potential annexation of the land Hy-Vee was purchasing. He also asked about the purchase of the City land by the hotel. City Administrator Johnson stated he would provide him with a copy of the Purchase Agreement.

IV. Consent Agenda:

A.  Approve Bills & Investments

B.  Approve City Council Minutes – August 22, 2017

C.  Approve City Council Worksession Notes – August 22, 2017

D.  Schedule Hearing to Show Cause on October 10, 2017 for Chipotle Alcohol Compliance Violation

E.  Schedule Hearing to Show Cause on October 10, 2017 for Walmart Alcohol Compliance Violation

F.  Schedule Hearing to Show Cause on October 10, 2017 for Eagles Club Alcohol Compliance Violation

G.  Authorize Staff to Renew Contract with Safe Assure

H.  Accept Donation to Police Dept. from Kwik Trip

Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0.

V.  Public Hearings: None

VI.  Old Business:


VII. New Business:

  1. Adopt Resolution Approving 2018 Proposed Budget and Proposed Tax Levies: Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the Resolution. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0.
  1. Schedule Public Comment/Hearing Meeting for Truth in Taxation: Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Swenson, moved to schedule the TNT for December 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Carried 5-0.
  1. Water Main – Osgood Ave – Replacement – CSAH 24 Project 2018: Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the recommendation to replace the water main. Carried 5-0.
  1. Approve Replacement of Weather Siren – City Hall Location: Police Chief DeRosier reported that he received a quote from Federal Signal in the amount of $12,500 for the siren and from Nelcom for the installation labor in the amount of $5,366.12. He recommended replacement using funds from the 2016 general fund balance as recommended by the Finance Director.

Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to replace the siren as recommended. Carried 5-0.

  1. Approve Appointment to Planning Commission: Councilmember Dougherty, seconded by Councilmember Runk, moved to appoint David White to the Planning Commission to fill the rest of Robin Anthony’s term. Carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Council Teambuilding and Goal Setting Meeting: Mayor McComber requested the City Councilmembers check their calendars for January and set a date at the next City Council meeting.
  1. TIF 1-2 Certification: City Administrator Johnson explained the Resolution. Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to approve the Resolution. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0.

VIII.  Other Council Items or Announcements: None

IX.  Adjourn: Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to adjourn at 6:46 p.m. Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted, Approved as to Content and Form,

Jennifer Pinski Mary McComber

City Clerk Mayor