Jaime Staples King

University of California, Hastings College of the Law

200 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California 94102

415-581-8834 (w), 415-613-0415 (c)


Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2008

PhD in Health Policy, Concentration in Ethics

Dissertation: The Regulation of Individual Medical Decision-Making.

Research focuses on issues at the intersection of law, medicine, ethics and policy including the regulation of reproductive genetics, mental health courts, and the legal and medical implications of shared medical decision-making between patients and physicians.

Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia2001

Juris Doctor, With Honors

Order of the Coif

Articles Editor, Emory Law Journal

Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire1998

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, cum laude

Faculty Appointments and Academic Positions:

University of California, Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, California2008-present

Professor of Law2013-present

Director, Law and Health Sciences Concentration2017-present

Co-Director, Law and Health Sciences Concentration2013-2016

Executive Committee Member2013-2014, 2015-2016

Associate Professor of Law2008-2013

Courses: The U.S. Healthcare System & the Law,Torts, Law and Health Sciences Concentration Seminar

UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Law, Science and Health Policy

Associate Dean & Faculty Director for UC Hastings2015-present

Associate Director for UC Hastings2009-2015

UCSF/UC Hastings Health Policy and Law Master’s Program2014-present

Co-Director and Co-Founder

Inaugural Class Fall 2016

Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, California

Teaching Fellow, Law, Science and Technology LLM Program2007-2008

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Law and the Biosciences2006-2008


UC Hastings Foundation Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship2015


The Source on Healthcare Price and Competition

Co-Founder and Executive Editor2013-present

The Source on Healthcare Price and Competition is a multi-disciplinary, web-based resource for information and analysis about healthcare price and competition.

Health Reform Tracker

Founder and Executive Editor2017-present

Health Reform Tracker is a multi-disciplinary, web-based resource for information and analysis about efforts to modify, repeal, or replace the Affordable Care Act.

Invited Oral and Written Testimony:

Letter to California Department of Insurance regarding Proposed Acquisition of Health Net Life Insurance Company by Centene Corporation, January 22, 2016.

Testimony of Jaime S. King before the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law of the Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives, “Healthy Competition? An Examination of the Proposed Health Insurance Mergers and the Consequent Impact on Competition,” September 29, 2015.

“Legal Issues Surrounding Healthcare Price Transparency,” Presentation at San Francisco Board of Supervisors Hearing, November 6, 2013.

Blog Posts:

States’ Critical Role Overseeing Vertical Health Care Integration, Health Affairs Blog, (March 3, 2016) (with Erin C. Fuse Brown).

The Consequences of Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. for Health Care Cost Control, Health Affairs Blog (March 10, 2016) (with Erin C. Fuse Brown).


Don’t Hate the Player; Hate the Game, Annals of Emergency Medicine (in press2017) (with Renee Y. Hsia and Brendan G. Carr).

The Double-Edged Sword of Health Care Integration: Consolidation and Cost Control, 92 Indiana L. J.55 (2016) (with Erin C. Fuse Brown).

Whole-Genome Screening of Newborns? The Constitutional Boundaries of Newborn Screening Programs, 137 Pediatrics(Supp. 2016) (with Monica Smith).

State Actions to Promote and Restrain Commercial Accountable Care Organizations, Milbank Memorial Fund Report (October 2015) (with Anne S. Hollingshead, Brent Fulton, Joshua Rushakoff, and Richard Scheffler).

Clarifying Costs: Can Increased Price Transparency Reduce Healthcare Spending?, 4William & Mary Pol’y Rev. 319 (2013) (with Morgan Muirand Stephanie Alessi).

Best Ethical Practices for Clinicians and Laboratories in the Provision of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, 33Prenatal Diagnosis656 (2013) (with Megan Allyse, Lauren Sayers, Hank Greely, Mildred Cho, Mary Norton, Kathryn Havard, David Magnus, LouanneHudgens, Joanne Taylor, and Kelly Ormand).

Group Health’s Participation In A Shared Decision-Making Demonstration Yielded Lessons, Such As Role Of Culture Change, 32 Health Affairs 294-302 (2013) (with Benjamin Moulton).

Politics and Fetal Diagnostics Collide, 491 Nature 33-34 (2012).

Not this Child: Constitutional Questions in Regulating Noninvasive Prenatal Genetic Testing and Selective Abortion, 60 U.C.L.A. L. Rev. 2 (2012).

Cell-free fetal DNA testing for fetal aneuploidy and beyond: clinical integration challenges in the U.S. context, Human Reproduction (2012) (with Megan Allyse, Lauren Sayres, Mary Norton, and Mildred Cho).

Living A.R.T., 23 Hastings Womens’ L. J. 73 (2012).

And Genetic Testing for All. . . The Coming Revolution in Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing, 42 Rutgers L.J. 599 (2011).

The Potential of Shared Decision-Making to Reduce Health Disparities, 39 J. L. Med. & Ethics Supp. 30 (2011) (with Mark Eckman and Benjamin Moulton).

The Coming Revolution in Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing, 23 Prof. Ethics Rep. 1 (2010) (with Henry T. Greely).

Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice, 38 J.L., Med. & Ethics 85 (2010) (with Benjamin Moulton).

Duty to the Unborn: A Response to Smolensky, 60 Hastings L.J. 377 (2008).

Predicting Probability: Regulating the Future of Preimplantation Genetic Screening, 8 Yale J. Health Policy, Law & Ethics 283 (2008).

Towards the Tipping Point: Decision Aids and Informed Patient Choice, 26 Health Affairs 716 (2007) (with Annette O’Connor John E.Wennberg, FranceLegare, Hillary A.Llewellyn-Thomas, Bejamin Moulton, Karen Sepucha, & Andrea Sodano)

Rethinking Informed Consent: The Case for Shared Medical Decision-Making, 32 Am. J. L. & Med. 429 (2006) (with Benjamin Moulton).

White Papers

All Payer Claims Databases: The Balance Between Big Healthcare Data Utility and Individual Health Privacy, The Source on Healthcare Price and Competition, October 2017 (with Andrew Kelly).

Works in Progress

The Anticompetitive Potential of Cross-Market Acquisitions, (with Erin C. Fuse Brown) (for St. Louis University Annual Health Law SymposiumApril 2017).

Health Care Transparency’s ERISA Problem (with Erin C. Fuse Brown)(for Petrie Flom Center at Harvard Law School’s Health Care Transparency Conference April 2017).

Academic Fellowships:

Informed Medical Decision Making Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts2011-2012

John E. “Jack” Wennberg Fellow. Conducting research on policy implications of implementing shared medical decision-making into clinical practice.

American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, Boston, Massachusetts 2005-2006

Research Fellow. Performed research on practice guidelines, shared decision-making, medical malpractice and the standard of care.

Bar Admissions:

United States Patent and Trademark Office Bar, (Patent Attorney) 2001.

State Bar of Georgia, 2001.

Grant-Funded Research Participation:

Helping California Stakeholders Weigh the Benefits of Patient Data Aggregation

versus the Risks to Patient Privacy, Investigator

Researchers from UCSF and UC Hastings collaborate to discover the appropriate balance between the use of aggregated patient data for research and policymaking and patient privacy protection. We will explore the privacy and use restrictions from five states that have all payer claims data bases, meet with a wide range of stakeholders, and draft model legislation based on our findings. (2017).

The Source onHealthcare Price and Competition, Principle Investigator, Co-Founder, and Executive Editor

The Source provides up-to-date and easily accessible information about healthcare price and competition in the United States by posting news articles, policy papers, academic articles, litigation documents, and legislative/regulatory materials, as well as both legal and policy-based analysis of those materials and other relevant events. The Source aims not only to bridge the gaps between health policy, health services research, and legal experts working on issues surrounding healthcare costs and competition, but also seeks to serve as a resource for journalists, state attorneys general, potential litigants, and others seeking to understand and/or promote cost control and competition in healthcare. We launched the website June 5, 2014. The Source now also has an advisory committee of national experts and a presence on Twitter and Facebook. (2013-2020).

Sequencing Newborn Blood Spot DNA to Improve and Expand Newborn Screening, Investigator

Direct legal research on the constitutional, statutory, and regulatory constraints on expanding existing newborn screening programs to include pharmacogenomics variants, and assist in the development of new policy recommendations. Collaborate with researchers from UCSF and the Hastings Center in New York to create a framework for determining the legal and ethical boundaries for mandatory and voluntary newborn genetic testing. The goal is for this framework to serve as a model for California and then expand into other states. (2013-2017).

Legal Barriers to Transparency in Healthcare Prices, Principal Investigator

Collaborated with researchers from UCSF and UC Hastings to examine the implications of improving price transparency on the overall cost of healthcare. Supervised two legal fellows in conducting research on the legal, economic, and systemic barriers to price transparency. Drafted a significant white paper outlining a range of legal and non-legal solutions to implementing price transparency initiatives in a manner that will reduce overall healthcare prices. (2012-2013).

Recording Medical Visits of People with Breast Cancer, Legal Consultant

Named as a Key Partner/Legal Consultant on a grant run by researchers at UCSF. The grant focused on community-based improvements on patient education for breast cancer patients. Analyzed the legal issues associated with patient privacy and use of these recordings for a variety of purposes (2011-2013).

Select Lectures and Presentations:

“AnticompetitiveCross-MarketHealth Care Acquisitions:The Continuing Importance of Antitrust Law in Restoring Competition in Health Care Markets”, New York University, April 14, 2017

“The Anticompetitive Potential of Cross-Market Mergers in Healthcare”

-AALS Annual Meeting, January 7, 2017

-Annual Health Law Symposium, St. Louis University, April 7, 2017

-ASLME Health Law Professors Conference, Georgia State University, June 9, 2017

“State Oversight of Vertical Integration in Health Care,” Law and Biosciences Workshop, Stanford Law School, January 12, 2016.

“State Options for Regulating Vertical Integration in Health Care,” Yale Law School Conference, The New Health Care Industry: Integration, Consolidation, Competition in the Wake of the Affordable Care Act, November 13, 2015.

“NGS for Newborn Screening: State Regulation, Informed Consent, and Constitutional Boundaries,” UCSF-Hastings Center Newborn Sequencing Meeting, The Hastings Center on Bioethics, November 10, 2015.

“State Enforcement Options for Vertical Health Care Integration,” Health Law Workshop, Harvard Law School, November 2, 2015.

“Transparency in Health Care Cost and Quality” Expert Roundtable, San Francisco Board of Supervisors, October 1, 2015.

“Price Transparency in the Health Care Market,” Health Services Research Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health, September 22, 2015.

“Annual Supreme Court Review – King v. Burwell, NC State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC and Armstrong v. Exceptional Child Center,” UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Law, Science and Health Policy, UCSF School of Medicine, July 8, 2015.

“Addressing Soaring Health Care Prices,” American Society for Law, Medicine & Ethics, Annual Health Law Professors Conference, June 5, 2015.

“Regulating Competition in Accountable Care Organizations: Present and Future,” Spring 2015 Berkeley ACO Workshop, May 8, 2015.

“WGS/WES for Newborn Screening: State Regulation, Informed Consent, and the Constitutional Bounds of Testing,” Pediatric Genomic Medicine Conference: Genomes of Newborns: Medicine, Pharmacogenomics, and Ethics, April 9, 2015.

“Health Benefit Cost Trends, Causes and Solutions,” Panelist, San Francisco Bay Area Health Care Costs: A Public Sector Symposium Examining Consequences, Causes, and Solutions, April 2, 2015.

“Prenatal Genetic Testing: Family Rights and Abortion Politics,” Families Matter: Legally, Ethically, Clinically Conference. Harvard Medical School, March 19, 2015.

“The Role of Transparency in a Well-Functioning Market,” The Pay for Performance Summit, San Francisco, CA March 3, 2015.

“What Healthcare Costs: Price Transparency and the Market for Medical Care,” 37th Annual American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics Health Law Professors Conference, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, June 7, 2014.

“The Implications of Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing,” The Third National Conference on Genetics, Ethics and Law, University of Virginia, May 22, 2013.

“The Right to Die (On Your Own Terms): The Role of Law in End of Life Care,” UCSF Medical School, April 12, 2013.

“Should NIPT augment or replace current prenatal screening and diagnosis programs? Legal and Ethical Implications” American Society of Human Genetics, Annual Conference, San Francisco, November 10, 2012.

“Talking Law: Informed Consent and Shared Medical Decision-Making,” UCSF Graduate Medical Education Lecture, October 12, 2012.

“What Now? Health Reform in the Aftermath of the Supreme Court Decision” University of California, San Francisco, Medical School, June 29, 2012.

“Not This Child: Constitutional Questions Regulating Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis and Selective Abortion,” Health Law Professors Conference, American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, June 7-9, 2012.

“Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing and Selective Abortion Legislation,” Advances in Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing Conference and Workshop, Stanford Law School, May 29-30, 2012.

“Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis and Reproductive Choice,” Law and Medicine Symposium: New Technologies, New Challenges: Women and Prenatal Genetic Testing in the 21st Century cohosted by the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University School of Law, April 12, 2012.

“Exploring the Iron Triangle: Will the ACA improve Cost, Quality, and Access?”, Moderator, Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal Symposium If Access is the Problem, Is the Affordable Care Act the Solution?, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, February 24, 2012.

“Not This Child: Constitutional Questions Regulating Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis and Selective Abortion,” Law and Biosciences Workshop, Stanford Law School, February 7, 2012.

“The Legal and Regulatory Issues Raised by Developments in NIPD – A U.S. Perspective,” New Developments in Prenatal Genetic Testing: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Symposium, Brocher Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland, November 10, 2011.

"The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of the Convergence of Cell-Free Fetal DNA with Genomic Sequencing" Joint meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics and the International Congress of Human Genetics, Montreal, Canada, October, 14 2011.

“The Legal and Ethical Frameworks of Informed Consent” Graduate Medical Education Lecture, UCSF, October 5, 2011.

“And Genetic Testing For All – The Coming Revolution in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing”

-American Association of Law Schools National Conference, January 6, 2011

-UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium Lecture Series, January 11, 2011

-Law and the Biosciences Seminar, Stanford Law School, March 13, 2011

-Baby Markets Roundtable, Rutgers University, April 1, 2011

-The Tarrytown Meetings, Center for Genetics and Society, July 26, 2011

-Duke Legal Theory Colloquium, September 9, 2011

"Conceiving future generations: Ethical, legal and social issues surrounding non-invasive prenatal genetic testing” 2011 ELSI Congress, National Human Genome Research Institutes, April 14, 2011

“The Legal and Policy Implications of Universal Carrier Screening,” American Society of Bioethics and the Humanities Annual Conference, October 22, 2010.

“Using Shared Decision-Making to Improve Health Disparities” Graduate Medical Education Lecture, UCSF-San Francisco General Hospital, October 8, 2010.

“Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing: Regulatory Challenges” Law and Biosciences Conference, Stanford Law School, May 7, 2010.

“Aligning Ethics and Medical Decision-Making: Hope for Healthcare Reform,” Law and Biosciences Conference, Vanderbilt Law School, March 25-26, 2010.

“Regulating Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing: Constitutional and Ethical Questions,” Law and Biosciences Conference, Vanderbilt Law School, March 25-26, 2010.

“Putting Science into ART,” Future of Family Law Education Conference, William Mitchell College of Law, June 26, 2009.

“Tort Liability in Preimplantation Genetic Selection,” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, May 28-30, 2009.

“Not this Child: Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing in the First Few Weeks of Pregnancy,” Health Law Professors Conference, Case Western Law School, June 5, 2009.

“Maternal Fetal Serum Genetic Testing: Advances and Implications,” Center for Law and the Biosciences Speaker Series, Stanford Law School, February 18, 2009.

“Duty to the Unborn” Hastings Law Journal Symposium on Creating Children with Disabilities, January 22, 2009.

“A Picture of Mental Health: Using Neuroimages in Sexually Violent Predator Hearings” Law and Neuroscience, Junior Scholars Workshop, Stanford Law School, April 5, 2008

“The Evolution of Mental Health Courts” Guest Lecturer in Psychiatry and Law, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, April 2, 2008.

“Predicting Probability: Regulating the Future of Preimplantation Genetic Screening” Poster Presentation, Stanford Genetics Department Annual Conference, September 20, 2007. Awarded 3rd Prize of Post-Doctoral Fellow Presentations by the Genetics Department Faculty.

“The Ethical and Legal Implications of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: An International Perspective” Guest Lecturer in the Law, Science and Technology Colloquium, Stanford Law School. March 9, 2007.

Testified before the Washington State Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee regarding S.B. 5619 on Shared Decision Making and Informed Patient Choice. February 7, 2007.

“Informed Consent in Washington State: The Case for Shared Decision-Making” Washington State Legislature. February 6, 2007.

“The Regulation of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis” Guest Lecturer in Law and Public Policy, Stanford University. November 9, 2006.

“The Regulation of Reproductive Genetic Testing” Stanford Health, Law and Policy Society, Stanford Law School. November 6, 2006.

“Drugs, Monsters and Patents” Guest Lecturer in Public Health Law, Harvard University Public Health School. February 24th, 2005.

Health System Adoption of Biotechnological Innovation - Expert Roundtable Discussion Member. Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee. April 26, 2004.

“Ethics in Biosystems Policy: Finding a Place for Morality in Public Policy,” Science and Technology Symposium. Defense Research and Development Canada. April 21-22, 2004.

“Genetics, Ethics and the Law” Guest Lecturer in Human and Molecular Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine. April 2002.