/ <Project Name> Framework Manager Design

Framework Manager Design

Bureau of Information Systems

Project Name

EIM Cognos Framework Manager Design_Template.docx Page 4 of 7

/ <Project Name> Framework Manager Design
Revision History
Date / Version / Description / Author
dd/mm/yy / x.x / <details> / <name>

EIM Cognos Framework Manager Design_Template.docx Page 4 of 7

/ <Project Name> Framework Manager Design

Table of Contents

EIM Cognos Framework Manager Design_Template.docx Page 4 of 7

/ <Project Name> Framework Manager Design

1. Introduction 4

1.1 Document Overview 4

1.2 Package Overview 4

2. Package Presentation Layer (High Level) 5

3. Package Presentation Layer (Details) 6

4. Joins 7

1.  Introduction

1.1  Document Overview

[The purpose of this document is to provide both a high level and detailed overview of the package for this initiative.]

1.2  Package Overview

[The purpose of this section is to provide basic information about the package described by this document.]

Package Name: / <Package Name>
Location within Cognos Connection: / <Folder Location Path
Type of Package (Ad hoc, apps only, etc.): / <Package Type>
Detail Level Security Requirements: / <Override or row level security permissions if necessary>

2.  Package Presentation Layer (High Level)

[This section describes the high level folder structure of the package for this initiative].

This may best be represented through a picture.>

3.  Package Presentation Layer (Details)

[This section describes the field level details with sub-folders of the package for this initiative].

This may best be represented through a picture.>

4.  Joins

[This section describes the joins within the package model for this initiative if such joins are not already spelled out in the physical database model].

Left Table Name / Join Key(s) for Left Table / Cardinality (Lower and Upper e.g. 0..1, 1..n) for Left Table / Join Logic / Right Table Name / Join Key(s) for Right Table / Cardinality (Lower and Upper e.g. 0..1, 1..n) for Right Table
Left Table 1 Name / Column(s) from Left Table 1 involved in join to Right Table 1 / <Join cardinality on Left Table 1 side of join to Right Table 1 / <Join logic if more than an unfiltered equijoin from Left Table 1 to Right Table 1> / < Right Table 1 Name / <Column(s) from Right Table 1 involved in join to Left Table 1> / <Join cardinality on Right Table 1 side of join to Left Table 1
<Column(s) from Left Table 1 involved in join to Right Table N> / <Join cardinality on Left Table 1 side of join to Right Table N> / Join logic if more than an unfiltered equijoin from Left Table 1 to Right Table N> / < Right Table N Name / <Column(s) from Right Table N involved in join to Left Table 1> / <Join cardinality on Right Table N side of join to Left Table 1>
<Left Table N Name / <Column(s) from Left Table N involved in join to Right Table 1> / <Join cardinality on Left Table N side of join to Right Table 1> / Join logic if more than an unfiltered equijoin from Left Table N to Right Table 1> / < Right Table 1 Name / <Column(s) from Right Table 1 involved in join to Left Table N> / <Join cardinality on Right Table 1 side of join to Left Table N>
<Column(s) from Left Table N involved in join to Right Table N> / <Join cardinality on Left Table N side of join to Right Table N> / Join logic if more than an unfiltered equijoin from Left Table N to Right Table N> / < Right Table N Name / <Column(s) from Right Table N involved in join to Left Table N> / <Join cardinality on Right Table N side of join to Left Table N>

EIM Cognos Framework Manager Design_Template.docx Page 4 of 7