US History

Fort Burrows

Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Year / Case / Description
1803 / Marbury
v. Madison / Judicial Review – Supreme Court has power to determine if a law is Constitutional or Unconstitutional
1819 / McCulloch v. Maryland / Banker sued to not pay taxes;
States have no right to interfere with Federal Institutions within their borders
1824 / Gibbons
v. Ogden / upheld the power of the federal government to regulate interstate commerce, (not intrastate)
Business between States} E = Every State, A = A State
1832 / Worcester
v. Georgia / Georgia stated ALL Indians must follow ‘state-laws’. Cherokees argued that their Peace Treaties w/ Federal Gov’t protected their ‘rights’. Court found Georgia’s action unconstitutional stating that Native Americans were protected by the US Constitution
1857 / Dred Scott
v. Sanford / Slave sued for his freedom. Court decided;
1st – an enslaved person was not a United States citizen, therefore he could not file a lawsuit
2nd – slaves were to be considered as property
3rd– Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in any territory
4th– The Court’s ruling meant that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
-1 = 92 / -2 = 85 / -3 = 77 / -4 = 70
-5 = 62 / -6 = 54 / -7 = 46 / -8 = 39
-9 = 31 / -10 = 23 / -11 = 15 / -12 = 8

QUIZ - Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Year / Case / Description
1803 / 1) / 2)
3) / 4) / Banker sued to not pay taxes;
States have no right to interfere with Federal Institutions within their borders
5) / Gibbons
v. Ogden / E = Every State, A = A State –
1832 / 7) / Georgia stated …
9) / 10) / Slave sued for his freedom. Court decided;
1st – 11)
2nd – 12)
3rd– Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in any
4th– 13)

QUIZ - Landmark Supreme Court Cases II

Year / Case / Description
1803 / 1) / 2)
1819 / 3) / 4)
1824 / 5) / 6)
1832 / 7) / 8)
1857 / 9) / Slave sued for his freedom. Court decided;
1st – 10)
2nd – 11)
3rd– 12)
4th– 13)

Chapter 16 - Landmark Supreme Court Cases 1803 - 1857