/ Group Summary Lessons Report

Group SummaryLessons Report

This report lists all Learners in a group that have ‘all’ lessons complete and the Learners that have incomplete lessons. It identifies the number of lessons assigned, number completed and number due and tallies the percent complete per Learner. The number of lessons in each category is a link to the actual lesson titles. The report includes all lessons assigned to each Learner in the group no matter how it was assigned.

Note: The Group Summary Lessons report is different from the Group Summary Lessons Due Report, because it shows Learners that have completed all lessons and Learners that have not completed all lessons, and the Group Summary Lesson Due report, only shows Learners that have not completed all lessons.

An example displays below for a group of seven Learners, sorts by Learner’s last name in alphabetical order. Two of the Learners have completed all lessons and five of the Learners still have some or all lessons incomplete. For detailed information about any of the Learners completions listed below, click any of the numbered links on the report (e.g., Kelly Nelson’s Lessons Completed: ‘3’.

Tip: If you want to print this report, click the Printer icon on your browser.

Steps to Select a Group Summary Lessons Report
  1. Click Reports – Online Learning

The Report Manager opens.

  1. Click the Group Summary Lessons link. (3rd report from the top)
  2. From the ‘Group Code’ drop-down, select a group.
  1. Click the Select Group button.
    The Lessons Due report opens with the total number of ‘Lessons Due’ listed for each Learner in the selected group as well as lessons assigned and completed. The last column on the report shows the percentage of completed lessons for each Learner.

An example displays below for a group of Learners.

Tip: If you want to print this report, click the Printer icon on your browser.

  1. You can then click on any of the links in the report for detailed information: Lessons Assigned, Lessons Completed, and Lessons Due.

The example below shows the Lessons Completed report for one Learner.

Tip: If you want to print this report, click the Printer icon on your browser.

Notice in the upper right of the report, you can click the other two reports for this Learner from this page.

Tip: If you want to print this report, click the Printer icon on your browser.

Note: From this page, you can change the group from ‘Select Group’ continue looking at other group completions.

Tip: To close an open report and keep the Report Manager open, click the Back button on your browser as many times as needed to return to the Report Manager menu.

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September 11, 2008