LKS2: Topic: Stone Age to Iron Age Britain: Block A: Introduction: Session 1

Set up a soil-less dig in the classroom

  • Use square boxes wherever possible.
  • Pretend they are test-pits that go into the ground under the classroom.
  • Fill them with polystyrene pieces which will represent soil (or scrunched up balls of paper if that's easier).
  • Put a replica object in the bottom of each and give children spoons to clear out the 'soil' into buckets.

You can get hold of replica objects through your school's library service or buy your own from quality suppliers like:

  • Potted History
  • Ancient Craft
  • Schools Prehistory

Suggested collections of objects:

Neolithic / Bronze Age / Iron Age
Pot /
/ Pot / / Pot /
Flint arrowhead / / Weaving comb /
/ Loom weights /
Flint axehead / / Bronze axehead /
/ Iron axehead /
Flint scraper / / 'Gold' ring / / Torc (neck ring) /
Antler hammer / / Amber beads / / Glass beads /

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.

We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

LKS2: Topic: Stone Age to Iron Age Britain: Block A: Introduction: Session 1

Geophysical plot of your school grounds/under the classroom

Is it a house? A circular bank and ditch? And what are those lines? Roads? Fences?

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.

We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

LKS2: Topic: Stone Age to Iron Age Britain: Block A: Introduction: Session 1

Who is recording the object? / Where did you discover it? / What is the object made out of?
Circle one
Wood / Bone
Stone / Metal
Leather / Pottery
Draw the object here / Describe the object
e.g. colour, texture, weight etc...
What do you think it is?
e.g. tool, weapon, jewellery etc...
Who is recording the object? / Where did you discover it? / What is the object made out of?
Circle one
Wood / Bone
Stone / Metal
Leather / Pottery
Draw the object here / Describe the object
e.g. colour, texture, weight etc...
What do you think it is?
e.g. tool, weapon, jewellery etc...
Who is recording the object?
Sophia / Where did you discover it?
Haddenham School, Haddenham / What is the object made out of?
Circle one
Wood / Bone
Stone / Metal
Leather / Pottery
Draw the object here in as much detail as possible

/ Describe the object
e.g. colour, texture, weight etc...
It is black and in an oval shape
It has lots of bumps on it and sharp edges
It's quite heavy
What do you think it is?
e.g. tool, weapon, jewellery etc...
It could be for cutting something
Who is recording the object? / Where did you discover it? / What is the object made out of?
Circle one
Wood / Bone
Stone / Metal
Leather / Pottery
Draw the object here / Describe the object
e.g. colour, texture, weight etc...
What do you think it is?
e.g. tool, weapon, jewellery etc...

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.

We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

LKS2: Topic: Stone Age to Iron Age Britain: Block A: Introduction: Session 1

Archaeological report using geophysical plot of your school grounds/under the classroom

The linear features making a cross in the western corner of the field/classroom are probably the marks or a trackway with ditches on either side. The trackway running towards the south-east ends at the remains of a small stone building. / The circular feature with an internal circular feature both have entrances aligned with each other towards the south-west. This is older than the trackways mentioned above. It is a typical Iron Age banjo enclosure probably used for rounding up animals for counting, milking or shearing.

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.

We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.