Consultation on Adult Day Services

Response Form

We want to know what you think about Adult Day Services in Cumbria

Please fill in this form and return it to us by the 23rd September 2011

1 What do you like best about day services?

- Please tick as many boxes as you want

/ a. Meeting people
/ b. Gaining skills
/ c. Building confidence
d. Accessing work
/ e. Getting other important services
/ f. Reassurance
/ g. A break for carers
h. Other – please tell us in the box below

2 Day services are usually in one building. What stops you going to activities in your local community?

/ a. Lack of choice
/ b. Poor transport
/ c. Lack of support
/ d. Poor health
/ e. Poor range of services
f. Other – please tell us in the box below

3a What support would you like or need to go to activities in your local community?

3b What type of activities would you like to do?

- Please tick as many boxes as you want

/ a. Go to the Library
/ b. Go to the theatre / concerts
/ c. Go to church
/ d. Go to the gym / swimming
/ e. Go to the pub
/ f. Watch live sports
/ g. Go to lunch clubs
/ h. Go to the shops
/ i. Go to galleries / museums
/ j. craft / painting
/ k. Attend training courses
/ l. Join a choir /
music group
/ m. See friends
/ n. Interest / community groups
/ p. Visit historic houses / gardens
/ q. Get a job
/ r. Volunteer
s. Other - – please tell us in the box below

4 What type of day services or day opportunities do you think you might like?

5 Would you like support to help you get to local activities or to help you meet up with friends?


Don’t Know

Thank you for filling in this response from

Please return completed forms by

23rd September to

Day Services Consultation,

Julian Legat, Development Manager,

Adult Social Care,

County Offices,

Busher Walk,



Or by email to

You can also respond by telephone to Julian Legat on 01539 713072

Disability Association Carlisle and Eden are offering help for people, who want to contribute to the consultation but cannot do so in any other way due to disability or illness. Please call them on 08451249300 if you would like them to help you

If you require this document in another format, (e.g. CD, audio cassette, Braille or large type) or in another language, please telephone 01228 606060.