Introduced (Exotic) Species - Organisms that have either intentionally or accidentally been released into this country. (non-native)

Starling - noisy, messy black birds that were released in Central Park NY in 1890.


- now there are millions

- out compete native birds for food

- damage farm crops


- many are taken illegally from the South American depleting the population there.

- carry virus that attack poultry

(Avian bird flu) – geese from Asia

* Bird imports are now regulated to prevent disease and to protect endangered species.

Ring-necked pheasant - game bird from Asia.

-  population is declining here due to habitat loss (brushy fields and farm land).

Red Fox – not originally found in PA

Multi-flora rose - once planted for erosion control. It has now taken over many native plant species.

Fish - brown trout, carp, goldfish came from Europe or Asia.

Asian carp video

·  The Norway rat, house mouse, house sparrow, and domesticated animals (pets), livestock are common exotic species. Wheat, rice and most food crops are introduced (exotic species)

Invasive species- organism that takes over an environment and disrupts the community by out-competing or destroying native species (Almost always exotic)

Vector –Something that carries another species with it. Vectors can be living thing (humans, birds) or non-living things (ships, barges, firewood)

1)  Which of the above species would be considered invasive and why?

2)  Which of the above species are vectors?

3)  List several characteristics that make species invasive.

4)  What does APHIS stand for and what do they do?

5)  What can you not bring back from foreign countries and why (see page 70 of text)

Control Methods

1)  Physical/mechanical – physically removing the species. EX. Cutting, mowing, burning, trapping

2)  Chemical – using pesticides to kill the species

3)  Biological – Using other organisms to control a species. EX. Disease, insects

Goats and Kudzu

Top predators are BAD control methods. Why?

4) Cultural – Using laws, policies, and education to control a species EX. Regulations for boats and firewood. Quarantines for an area that is invaded