Application number (Office use only):

Unicorn Theatre, 147 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2HZ

Application for the post of: Events Assistant

Please complete this form in type or black ink.Please do not staple your application pages together, and do not attach your CV. Page 1 will be removed and will not be read as part of your application.

Personal Details


First (or preferred) Name


Home phone:

Mobile phone:

Email address:

Please provide details of any Access arrangements that you would require us to make if you are invited to interview:

References Please give names and addresses of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer. If you have not been in paid employment please give the Head of Education or training establishment, and/or manager of a voluntary group for whom you have worked.

Referee 1



Phone number:

Please tick this box if you do not wish this referee to be approached until a firm offer of employment has been made. 

Referee 2



Phone number:

Please tick this box if you do not wish this referee to be approached until a firm offer of employment has been made. 

References will only be taken up for candidates who are short listed.

In accordance with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996, we are required to see proof of your right to work in the UK. We will request this once an offer of employment has been made. However, if you require a work permit in order to work in the UK please indicate by ticking this box. 

Please give details of any criminal convictions you have had, excluding any considered ‘spent’ under The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, or minor motoring offences.

Most recent employment (paid or unpaid)

Name of organisation:


Position held:

Basic salary:

Date started:Until:

Notice required:

Brief description of duties:

Reason for leaving (or seeking other employment):

Education, training, professional qualifications
School, university, etc / Qualification obtained / Date from / Date to

Previous employment/experience (paid or unpaid) Please put the most recent first, and continue on one additional A4 sheet if you need more space to summarise your work history.

Name of organisation:


Position held:

Reason for leaving:

Date started:Until:

Final salary (if any):

Name of organisation:


Position held:

Reason for leaving:

Date started:Until:

Final salary (if any):

Name of organisation:



Position held:

Reason for leaving:

Date started:Until:

Final salary (if any):

Experience, skills and further information With specific reference to the job description and person specification, please outline how your skills and experience make you a suitable candidate for the post. You may continue on one A4 sheet.


I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information on this form is true and correct

and can be treated as part of any subsequent Contract of Employment.


Please do not staple your application pages together, and do not attach your CV.

Please return your completed application to:

Deadline for applications:Monday 3rd August 5pm

Date of 1st interview:Friday7th August 2015

Thank you for your interest in the Unicorn Theatre.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
The Unicorn Theatre is an Equal Opportunities employer. Any information provided in this form is entirely confidential and will not form part of the selection process. This questionnaire is not obligatory but by completing it you will help us monitor the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policy and allow for the collation and reporting of sensitive data for monitoring purposes.
Gender / Notes/Please Specify
Male / Female
16 - 25 / 45 - 55
25 - 35 / 55 - 65
35 - 45 / 65 +
Ethnic Origin
English / Irish
Welsh / British
Scottish / Other
Caribbean / British
African / Other
Indian / Chinese
Pakistani / Other
Dual Heritage
Black African & White
Black Caribbean & White
Chinese & White
Do you consider yourself Disabled?
Yes / No
Please tell us where you heard about the position
Guardian / The Stage
Guardian Online / Unicorn Website
Arts Online / Other (specify)
Dependants / Yes / No
Children or/other


Unicorn Theatre Application Form