RCPS Online Information

Some common questions students have about online classes are outlined below for your reference.

Q: How do I sign up for an online class?

A: Indicate to your Counselor during Registration that you want to sign up for an RCPS Online class.

Q: How much do online classes cost?

A: Every student can take 1 RCPS Online course for FREE when they register during the Registration window (Dec 5 – Feb 2). Additional classes or classes outside of that window are $400 each. AP Psychology is supplemental only and cannot be taken as the 1 Free course, it is $400.

Q: Can I get out early or come in late if I take an RCPS online class?

A: If your schedule has a Study Hall the first or last block of the day, then your parent can sign a form at the beginning of the year allowing you to come in late or leave early. Follow Attendance Office policies.

Q: What would make me a good candidate for an online class?

A: You must be able to work independently, be self-motivated, not procrastinate, have good communication skills, and a desire to do well. We recommend that you have internet and access to a computer outside of school in the event that your school laptop needs to be repaired, so that you do not get behind in your online course. If this happens, you are expected to communicate with your online teacher or your Counselor immediately.

Q: How long do online classes run?

A: All RCPS Online classes run for 12 weeks during either the spring or fall semester (this is determined by Central Office); with the exception ofDE Government,DE/AP English 11, and DE/AP English 12, which run all year to coincide with enrollment at VWCC. Your schedule will indicate either S1 for Semester 1 or S2 for Semester 2.

Q: How does this work in my schedule?

A: You have to sign up for both the RCPS Online class and a Study Hall.

Q: Do I have the take the SOL if my class has one?

A: Students will take the SOL test at their base school during the scheduled testing time.

RCPS Online Courses 2017-18: (classes are subject to change based on enrollment)

CB English 11
AP English 11*
DE English 11*
CB English 12
AP English 12*
DE English 12* / Math & Science
Algebra 2
DE Precalculus
Earth Science
Pre-AP Earth Science
Ecology / Social Studies
US/VA History
US/VA Government
DE US/VA Government*
AP Government & Politics
AP Psychology (Supplemental Only) / Electives
Economics & Personal Finance
DE Economics & Personal Fin.
Health 9 (Special Circumstance)
Health 10 (Special Circumstance)

*Course runs for both fall and spring sessions.