The True Cost of Doing Business in Arizona as a REALTOR®

One of the most important services organized real estate provides is representation in the halls of government. Your RAPAC contribution goes to support local, state and federal candidates who represent YOUR rights and towards supporting your industry's positions on state and local issues, such as:

v  At a minimum, 15% of all proposed legislation introduced at the Capitol each year impacts REALTORS® -- that amounts to several hundred bills each year! Most of which would increase REALTOR® liability and decrease REALTOR® profits as well as infringe on private property rights. Supporting RAPAC is the only way to ensure that your right to do business is protected.

v  The Arizona Association of REALTORS® and RAPAC want to help you: (1) make more money; (2) keep more of what you make; (3) reduce your liability and bring balance back to the judicial system; (4) lower your E.O. insurance rates; and (5) avoid unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy in the real estate profession.

v  In order to affect legislation, we must be pro-active, bipartisan, and support the best pro-business/pro-real estate lawmakers. With your minimum contribution of $30.00, we can raise thousands of dollars to be stronger than ever!

v  We have a proven track record in candidate and issue campaigns, but we need more funds to take advantage of the opportunities -- we challenge all of us in organized real estate to contribute now for a 100% member participation rate for 2010! We need your help to take this message out to all of the other AAR members who are not involved or who have never even supported their own real estate political action committee.

v  REALTORS® are continually targeted by partisan, special interest groups because they think we are easy targets. Most of the 42,000 plus members of AAR have adopted and maintained an independent contractor status. In the meantime, other special interest groups have organized and educated their members about the benefits, protections and effectiveness of political contributions. As a result, many of these much smaller groups regularly raise at least 5 times the money REALTORS® raise. The true cost of doing business in Arizona as a REALTOR® is a minimum of $30 for 2010 - a minimal commitment for the entire year. It only takes two minutes to write a check or sign a credit card authorization for at least $30.00 to protect your professional rights!

© The Arizona Association of REALTORS®