Sponsored by:

Midwest Christian Counseling Center (MCCC)


Prepared by Sports Management Associates, L.C.

May 25, 2004

Introduction. In cooperation with the UMKC Henry W. Bloch School of Business and Public Administration, MCCC will introduce the Ethics in Business Awards Program (EBAP) this year. The mission of the program will be to recognize organizations and individuals who promote ethical business conduct for the benefit of the work environment, the business community and the community at large. MCCC believes that the practice of good ethics in business is a worthwhile endeavor to publicly honor and recognize.

Goals. MCCC has identified the following goals for the EBAP to achieve:

·  Heighten awareness of MCCC in greater Kansas City and surrounding areas, which hopefully will lead to additional funding opportunities;

·  Raise funds to support the work of MCCC;

·  Promote a climate of ethical conduct in the business community; and

·  Provide an event that will inspire those in attendance to exhibit behavior of high standards and exemplary practices.

Awards. There will be five awards presented in the inaugural year of the program to those that demonstrate business excellence and the highest standards of ethical conduct, integrity, and civic and social responsibility. There will be three awards presented to for-profit businesses, one for a not-for-profit organization, and one for an individual.

Selection Process. An announcement requesting nominations for the awards will be made in July 2004. Nominations will be reviewed and researched by students from UMKC. A Selection Committee will be appointed by MCCC to review the results of the students’ work and select the award recipients.

It is anticipated a website will be created to promote the awards, inform organizations and individuals about the award, and distribute the nomination form and information.

Banquet. The culminating segment of this program will be a banquet in the spring of 2005, at which time the recipients will receive their awards and a program will be presented that hopefully will inspire those in attendance to integrate ethical conduct and social responsibility into their daily life. It is anticipated that the inaugural event will have approximately 500 people in attendance, will have a keynote speaker and appropriate video presentations to accomplish the goal of inspiring those in attendance.

Financial Expectations. Attached to this prospectus is a projected financial pro forma and an outline of possible corporate sponsor packages. Since this is the inaugural year of the program, the financial projections are preliminary, and represent our best estimates at this time given the information available. It is anticipated that as time progresses, the financial budget estimates will become more firm.

Ethics in Business Award

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Proceeds from the program will benefit MCCC to help fund its continuing work in the community for individuals with limited resources and the UMKC Henry W. Bloch School of Business and Public Administration to support the study of ethical business practices. A small amount of the net proceeds will be retained by the program to assist in start-up costs for the next year.

Program Administration. The MCCC Board of Directors will appoint a Project Committee of five to seven individuals that will oversee the development and administration of this program. A chairman will be identified by the Board as well. MCCC may retain a consultant to assist in the management of the program. Expenses of the consultant will be charged to the event prior to the proceeds being distributed.

Summary. This program has a high degree of probable success in achieving the goals established. It has the opportunity to have a significant impact, over time, on the ethical behavior of the business community in Kansas City and the surrounding area, which in turn can make positive changes to individuals throughout the metro area. That, accompanied with the prospect of being a significant fundraiser for MCCC, makes the project a worthwhile endeavor to pursue.

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Corporate Sponsors (see attached packages) $ 63,000

·  Presenting (1) 25,000

·  Gold (1) 10,000

·  Silver (2) 10,000

·  Bronze (4) 10,000

·  Table (5) 5,000

Individual Banquet Tickets (500 total) 16,000

(est. 320 @ $50; 160 part of sponsor packages)

Miscellaneous Donations $ 1,000

Total Revenue $ 80,000

Advertising/Marketing $ 2,500

Awards 250

Commemorative Gift (500 @ $2.50) 1,250

Committee Expenses 250

Decorations 500

Honorees Tickets (5 tables) 1,500

Insurance 750

Logo Design 1,250

Management Consultant 12,500

Meal/Facility (500 @ $30) 15,000

Postage 350

Printing/Copying 1,000

Selection Administration 500

Signs/Banners 750

Speaker 3,500

Telephone 250

Travel 250

Video Production 5,000

Website 500

Miscellaneous 250

Total Expenses 48,100

Projected Net Revenue $ 31,900


MCCC (75%) 23,925

UMKC School of Business (10%) 3,190

EBAP (15%) 4,785



Level / Benefits / Price Per Sponsor
Presenting / ·  Three tables of 10 with preferred seating
·  Name on tables
·  Program recognition
·  Logo on website and link
·  Company name and logo on all collateral and promotional material
·  Company name and logo on all signage related to event
·  Recognition by master of ceremonies
·  Company name and logo on awards
·  Exclusivity industry representative / $25,000
Gold / ·  Two tables of 10 with preferred seating
·  Name on tables
·  Program recognition
·  Sponsor of multiple specific program segments (e.g., speaker, printed program, the non-profit awards)
·  Logo on website and link
·  Signage at event / $10,000
Silver / ·  One table of 10 with preferred seating
·  Name on table
·  Program recognition
·  Website listing
·  Sponsor of a specific program segment
·  Signage at event / $5,000
Bronze / ·  One table of 10 with preferred seating
·  Name on table
·  Program recognition
·  Website listing
·  Signage at event / $2,500
Table / ·  One table of 10 with preferred seating for award recipients
·  Name on table
·  Program recognition / $1,000



The Samaritan Institute