Digital Solutions I – new course 9/2016
Topic(s) / Est. Time / RequirementsSetting up of accounts: District, Google, and Office 365
Demonstrate Keyboarding Skills / 4-5 days / Students will make certain they can log on to their district folder, Google Document or Google Classroom, and Office 365. If needed, accounts will be created at this time.
Students will take a pre-assessment to determine the keyboarding skills in which they are weak.
Students will practice improving those particular keystrokes and/or increasing their keyboarding speed.
Students will utilize MicroType Pro and Online Keyboarding such as:
Students will take a post-assessment to determine the keyboarding skills to determine improvement level.
Microsoft Word 2013 (windows) 2011 (Mac)
Office 365 Word Processor
Google Docs Word Processor
Letter writing, Resumes, Reports, Journaling / 5 weeks / Students will complete various tutorials and projects for skills that are necessary for current and continued post-secondary education, the business environment, the military, and for basic personal use.
Collaborative work will be accomplished using online tools such as Office 365 and Google Docs to analyze and make comparisons on which tools to utilize & when.
Research Skills
Internet Safety – CIPA guidelines / 1-1½ weeks / Proper scholarly research skills will be implemented through student readings and the CIPA research indicated below.
CIPA Guidelines for grades 9 – 12 will be determined and presented by the students. Topics should include items such as: Self-Image & Identity; Digital Footprint; Information Literacy; Privacy & Security; Creative Credit & Copyright; Internet Safety; Cyberbulling; Relationships & Communication. The final results will be presented to the Technology Coordinator.
QR Codes & various Web 2.0 Tools / 2 weeks / Depending on the classroom size, students will team up to make an oral presentation on two popular or useful Web tools for high school and college students.
Students will discover clever and innovative ways to use QR Codes in grades K-12 and share that collaboration with SASD staff or teachers. This will be a compilation of several classes being instructed at during the semester.
Microsoft Excel 2013 or 2011
Office 365 Spreadsheet
Google Docs Spreadsheet
Google Docs Survey Form / 4 weeks / Students will complete various tutorials and projects for skills that are necessary for current and continued post-secondary education, the business environment, the military, and for basic personal use.
Collaborative work will be accomplished using online tools such as Office 365 and Google Docs to analyze and make comparisons on which tools to utilize & when.
Microsoft Publisher 2013 (windows only) / 1 week / Microsoft Publisheris an entry-leveldesktop publishingapplication fromMicrosoft, differing fromMicrosoft Wordin that the emphasis is placed on page layout and design rather than text composition and proofing.
Students will complete various tutorials and projects for skills that are necessary for current and continued post-secondary education, the business environment, the military, and for basic personal use.
This course is a two-part series of 21st century computer technology, designed to help prepare the student for the technology they need for high school and beyond. The first nine weeks in this course consists of applications such as word processing, Internet safety, research skills, reports, QR codes, letter writing, and journaling as part of this fast moving curriculum.
The second nine weeks will involve spreadsheets, database, conducting a survey -- to analyze and recommend a solution, publication software, and students will employ various Web 2.0 tools. Google Docs and Office 365 will be used in both quarters, so the student will be able to use them interchangeably along with the full-blown MS Office 2013 and 2011 suites. Collaborative projects will be developed within the class structure. Mac OSX and Windows 7 will be used.
CIPA Guidelines – Common Sense